Well-Known Member
Fascinating how lawyer-bashing is always tolerated and frequently encouraged. A very small minority lie, cheat, and steal to try to get ahead (just like every profession). But 99.9% of us are in the profession to make a living like anyone else, and many of us chose this profession because of the enhanced ability to help others and make a positive difference. And very, very few of them are rolling in money, especially given how you pay an extra $100k for your degree.
Are there attorneys that think the way you stated in your post? Absolutely. But they are in a very small minority. I live in a metro area with around 250 attorneys and know most all of them, at least by reputation. I can count on one hand the number who would even talk to someone wanting to file a lawsuit like this. That's probably proven in the fact that she is representing herself in this case.
I wonder how people would react if one were to suggest that every police officer abuses their authority, or that every administrative assistant embezzles money from their employer, or that every high school teacher has inappropriate contact with their students. My guess is that they would (appropriately) be shunned by others for such views. But for some reason, people seem to welcome lawyer-bashing.
Sadly.... this is the state of our society due to preconceived notions driven by our 24/7 media machine. I didn't mean to suggest that the majority or even a plurality of those in your profession are crooked. But usually one bad apple will ruin the reputation for the rest of the bushel, and thus came the term 'ambulance chasers' etc. I sincerely hope that no one from the law profession steps forward to litigate this case for her.... but if someone does, well...