Despite the hyperbolic speak that happens a lot around here, Disney will have a future, that is clear. The only question is what that future will entail. No one knows for sure, but after almost 100 years in business its clear Disney will be here.
As outlined in that video Chapek is a good conventional CEO. The question is whether he is good for Disney long term, and well there are many opinions on that very subject that has been made even right here on this site. So opinions vary on that subject.
Personally I feel, and continue to feel, that Chapek was the right CEO at the time for the pandemic. I consider him a "war time" CEO, someone who can "batten down the hatches" during the storm to save the ship so to speak. Longer term he probably isn't the right CEO to lead the company in this transitional period that Hollywood is going through. Who that CEO should be, I don't know. But I feel that Chapek is probably going to step down as his current contract ends in 2025.
Ultimately I think what Disney needs, and Jack touched upon it in that video, is a CCO, a Chief Creative Officer. Someone who will oversee the creative decisions while the CEO deals with the operational aspect day-to-day. This is becoming a common split of roles in many companies around the world. And in Disney's case I think they tried to do that with multiple chair people of the different divisions, but I think its time to have a single person to oversee everything. And in today's complex business world that person can't also be the CEO, its too tough to manage both sides of the business.
So overall again Disney has a future, it just remains to be seen what the future will entail. Only time will tell.