Disney slowly losing some of what made it special.


Well-Known Member
Technically, it's this: The WDW experience, for a long after inception, was a product driven by and modeled after a dream. Eisner came in and was able to mold the dream with the realities of the economic environment. Now, the short term forecasts dominate strategic decision-making. As a rule, the path to meeting or exceeding expectations is to maximize revenue through consumer driven marketing concepts. With WDW, the herds of cattle are the customers, and are evidently more than happy to pay handsomely for that er, privilege. This is quite a contrast with the original model. To be honest, I'm not sure the original model would even be financial viable anymore. That doesn't mean I don't recognize what happens when average cow essentially determines the customer experience should be versus the what the visionary has in mind.

I think Roy Disney did a great job of trying to bring his brother's dream of WDW to life. I also think Eisner did a great job interpreting that dream in the parks and resorts. Until Roy Disney the son, and others on the Board, got tired of Eisner. A lot of people complained about the job that Eisner was doing and his focus on the bottom line. I think Iger has done a good job for what he was hired to do. When I'm at WDW, I still see Walt's vision for the parks in action every time I'm there. A place for families to have fun together and where an adult can be a kid again and escape reality for a little while.


Premium Member
You don't need to break down my own thoughts for me in my original sentence but thanks for the unneeded clarification. You just assumed that I would know which part of my sentence you were responding to. I purposely focused on the costs in my response because that is what I mostly hear people complaining about in terms of Disney

Spare me the passive aggression. Cost wasn't even what my response addressed pro or con.. yet you went back there.. (now multiple times). Look past the $$ and look at the 'behavior' and you'll see the more disturbing changes.


Well-Known Member
Spare me the passive aggression. Cost wasn't even what my response addressed pro or con.. yet you went back there.. (now multiple times). Look past the $$ and look at the 'behavior' and you'll see the more disturbing changes.

There was nothing passive aggressive about my response LOL. I was quite direct. You felt it necessary to comment on my opinions and telling me how I should feel. I can talk about the cost if I want because that is MY opinion. You don't like it then move on! It's fine if you don't agree but you can't negate my thoughts about it just because you disagree. I've already mentioned a few things beyond the cost and that I'm not that disturbed by them! As I said, I'm more concerned about the selfish, negative, entitled behavior of other people. That is the problem I find more disturbing! If the problems with Disney start to interfere with my enjoyment of the parks then I will move on to other things. Everything changes in life, Disney included, and if I don't like the changes that Disney continues to make then I can change my plans.


Well-Known Member
How about if someone does not want to be bullied out of the forums, then do not come in chiming negative rhetoric towards a product we all love? The OP came in asking for a smackdown.

Nonsense. You won't find a bigger bunch of fans than on a WDW forum. That doesn't mean they [Disney] do no wrong, or that these same fans shouldn't or cannot voice their opinions as such.


Well-Known Member
Do I join your neighborhood and start spouting out everything I hate about it?

I'd like to think of it is "our neighborhood". :)

While I've already expressed I'd personally like to see these opinions consolidated for the purposes of having a better, ongoing conversation, I'm not going to get my panties in a wad when someone creates a post. Don't click.


Premium Member
That does not mean it has to pop up every few weeks

Are they coming from the same people over and over? No. Maybe consider there is a reason multiple people are coming to the same ideas...

Do I join your neighborhood and start spouting out everything I hate about it?

I don't think you understand how open communities work... you don't get to dictate that only certain views should be allowed. Well you can... but your place will suck.

Ninja Mom

Well-Known Member
Everyone on here has their pinch point, even the righteous true believers that have swallowed the Kool-Aid and will defend Disney until their sacrificial lamb has been slaughtered. If you don't like the thread it's best to save your breath and just keep scrolling. That's where the problem starts with these threads, not the fact that someone has an opinion and chooses to post about it. The arguing and complaining about someone posting a topic is ridiculous.



Premium Member
WDW is different than it used to be. They have moved in a direction that doesn't really appeal to me and I have been convince of it's imminent collapse for about 13 years.

Attendance has increased about 20% in that time.
Just curious what has changed about WDW so that it doesn't appeal to you anymore? For you, do a change in personal tastes play any role, or purely a change in park direction?


Well-Known Member
WDW is different than it used to be. They have moved in a direction that doesn't really appeal to me and I have been convince of it's imminent collapse for about 13 years.

Attendance has increased about 20% in that time.


Well-Known Member
Spare me the passive aggression. Cost wasn't even what my response addressed pro or con.. yet you went back there.. (now multiple times). Look past the $$ and look at the 'behavior' and you'll see the more disturbing changes.

"costs" and businesses philosophy/values/morals/behavior are tied so closely together in business that separating them is really tough. I understand why some simply cannot.


New Member
Our vacation money went much further during 2000-2010. I think some people were spoiled by recession pricing and promotions. Now that demand and prices are up, some people are less satisfied because of the cost/value. Magic is still there, but the crowds and cost diminish that for some.

All things being equal- A $15 steak tastes much better than a $50 steak.


Our vacation money went much further during 2000-2010. I think some people were spoiled by recession pricing and promotions. Now that demand and prices are up, some people are less satisfied because of the cost/value. Magic is still there, but the crowds and cost diminish that for some.

All things being equal- A $15 steak tastes much better than a $50 steak.
Prices have been going up from the day Iger took over if you want to call that after the recession

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