Premium Member
I get what you are saying. While you can’t do anything to stop everyone I do think it’s possible to reduce the number of people who would call 911 with more instructions on what to do and better communication. Listening to some of the 911 calls released at least some of the people were calling due to a lack of communication with Disney.If your takeway from my post was that I was advocating the banning of cellphones, then you misunderstood.
I am saying that due to the nature of countless people not caring about the correct use of 911, the Skyliner will always be at risk (during even what may have been a relatively brief stoppage) of quickly cascading into mayhem through one person's careless 911 call claiming some sort of emergency, medical or otherwise, because they think it will get them off faster (or get the line moving again) than using the in-cab callbox. People are that way, and they are going to be that way, whether a layperson wishes to give people the benefit of the doubt or not. (For anyone who doesn't want to believe that, I would recommend requesting a tour of your local 911 center and asking if they will allow you to plug in with an operator and listen for maybe a half shift or even a full shift, possibly contingent on a background check and completing a "confidentiality agreement". Depending on the agency, they may or may not allow that...Our local police "explorers", who had already passed background checks, were the only non-agency "outsiders" who were allowed to plug in to listen at my particular site.)
I am saying that there isn't anything that Disney can reasonably do to outright prevent that. They can attempt to decrease the likelyhood through information signs and frequent callbox updates, but only takes one.
The only thing they can do, since they obviously cannot control the use of cellphones (and I don't believe anyone else is advocating that here either) is to attempt to keep the line moving...or at least maintain continuous signs of forward progress. Period.
If they cannot do that (no matter the reason), especially on a hot day, then they will quickly have a serious problem on their hands.
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