make my eyes all glisten-y, too! Thank you a million times over...:kiss:
Yeah, I make stuff the way I do everything. When I'm in the middle of something and the urge to just "get it done" comes I refuse to do that. I want to give it every ounce of effort all the way thru. I always tell myself, "I'm not a half-a$$ person and I won't half-a$$ my work." And I don't. Sounds tacky in contrast to your eloquent Irish blessing but it's the plain truth of it. That is the exact words I tell myself. It's like a mantra. The week I spent on my knees with a toothbrush de-gumming my entire downstairs hardwood floor...running when my body is screaming to stop...sewing or crafting...frustrated/tired days with the homeschooling.... it always applies. "Kelly, you are not a half-a$$ girl. Do it right. Push thru." And I do.
Which brings me to your Irish blessing. I think you just passed your mother's phrase on to another person. It's one of those things you hear and it really sticks with you. You can tell in the moment that it's a rare gem. Is your mother Irish? My dad's father was born in Ireland as well. My maiden name is O'Brien. :wave:
Good thing the pollen is so bad here, the lawn crews are out cutting the neighborhood....
Oh yes! Coloring is the most theraputic thing in the world! Well, mostly. I have very distinct memories of being 4 years old and crying in frustration because I colored outside the lines. LOL! I have a Tom & Jerry coloring book my Dad's 3rd wife bought me when I was 10 that I still color in. It's almost totally full. I have a Cabbage Patch coloring book that I loooove, and 2 or 3 Disney coloring books I got a few years ago when some friends of the family crashed with us for a couple months. Me and my friend would sit here coloring for hours and chit-chat with our coffee. It was so fun!
Yeah, I make stuff the way I do everything. When I'm in the middle of something and the urge to just "get it done" comes I refuse to do that. I want to give it every ounce of effort all the way thru. I always tell myself, "I'm not a half-a$$ person and I won't half-a$$ my work." And I don't. Sounds tacky in contrast to your eloquent Irish blessing but it's the plain truth of it. That is the exact words I tell myself. It's like a mantra. The week I spent on my knees with a toothbrush de-gumming my entire downstairs hardwood floor...running when my body is screaming to stop...sewing or crafting...frustrated/tired days with the homeschooling.... it always applies. "Kelly, you are not a half-a$$ girl. Do it right. Push thru." And I do.

Which brings me to your Irish blessing. I think you just passed your mother's phrase on to another person. It's one of those things you hear and it really sticks with you. You can tell in the moment that it's a rare gem. Is your mother Irish? My dad's father was born in Ireland as well. My maiden name is O'Brien. :wave:
Good thing the pollen is so bad here, the lawn crews are out cutting the neighborhood....

Oh yes! Coloring is the most theraputic thing in the world! Well, mostly. I have very distinct memories of being 4 years old and crying in frustration because I colored outside the lines. LOL! I have a Tom & Jerry coloring book my Dad's 3rd wife bought me when I was 10 that I still color in. It's almost totally full. I have a Cabbage Patch coloring book that I loooove, and 2 or 3 Disney coloring books I got a few years ago when some friends of the family crashed with us for a couple months. Me and my friend would sit here coloring for hours and chit-chat with our coffee. It was so fun!