I know, and unfortunately because of comments like that one, newbies or less educated people on this site turn broad statements like that into Eisner = bad, instead of Eisner did a lot of amazing things during his history with the company and it was unfortunately that without Frank Wells he went through a power trip, god complex, ultimate authority identity crisis that lead to his cheapening the brand and his eventual demise. lol, how was that?
Also, the issue with DLP was that Eisner tried to cloan what we had in the US instead of ignoring cultural and regional differences...it didn't necessary have to do with being "cheap".
But anway, I completely agree with you on the cruise line comparisons. Though I didn't want to make a distinct theme park comparision because I figured someone would say something along the lines of (but people don't plan vacations around Six Flags, etc!) But it is definitely true to say the experience of RCI or Carnival or Noregien is definitely going to be different than that of DCL. Just like if you were to take a week long Carnival cruise or a week long Holland America cruise, you would get a distinctly difference experience for a distinctly different price, even though the two are of the same company. Also, has anyone has ever taken a 3 or 4 day Carnival Cruise, compare the (majority) of that clientele with a similar length DCL trip. Just Sayin...