On the one hand, my thought on this is...
"She is not accused of any wrongdoing."
So what, exactly, is the story here?
The story is that she's not accused of any wrongdoing...
But, we've got a low level TDA executive in Carrie Nocella who works closely with upper-level executives and who was personally orchestrating secret and smarmy meetings in conference rooms at the JW Marriott to grease the wheels of a sleazy stadium sale for sleazy politicans.
The question to ask now is...
What did Ken Potrock, Josh D'Amaro and Bob Chapek know and when did they know it?
Well, color me shocked that the largest business in a city tries to influence legislation in that city!
I'm in Seattle; you don't suppose Amazon and Boeing lobby local governments here? Where's my fainting couch?
That's the flip side of this, which I also thought of and agree with you about.
What moderately succesful machine shop in a two-bit town doesn't get some extras and a little side hustle thrown their way by the part-time mayor? Or, what giant corporation like Apple doesn't have a direct phone line to the mayor's office in Cupertino?
We all know that Disneyland is the biggest game in town for Anaheim, even if that angers Socialist Councilmen like Dr. Jose Moreno. Back in Walt's day, the Anaheim city council and the Disneyland execs all vacationed and partied together at out-of-town resorts, sometimes with their wives and sometimes without the wives.
So of course, even in this enlightened age of the 21st century, the TDA executive ranks would be closely intertwined with Anaheim politics. Even if the bar carts have all been retired and the cocktail waitresses are older and wiser now. There's still plenty of greased palms and winks-n-nods among the Disneyland brass and Anaheim city hall.
Just like in any company town in America, from Detroit to San Francisco to New York City to Dayton, Ohio.
But... if a TDA exec like Carrie Nocella gets dragged in to a serious FBI investigation, that could get messy and embarassing very quickly. Good thing popcorn is so easy to make now with microwaves!