@LittleBuford - My definition of "racism" is simple. It's treating people differently than you otherwise would, based on their ethnicity or the color of their skin. I believe this is a terrible and immoral way to deal with people. I'm 100% sincere about this and I'm sure all of us agree.
However, there seems to be "two" types of "racism" in this world today:
1.) "Bad racism" = Treating people negatively with bad intention based on race.
2.) "Good racism" = Promoting and favoring people "specifically" because of their race.
#1 is bad,...we ALL agree! No question. #2 is debatable because "THAT" racism is based on "good intentions". In other words, "good racism" is designed to correct and compensate for the bad racism that has existed on Earth for thousands of years.
The fallacy is...
you cannot correct and fix racist thinking....by using MORE racist thinking! We are teaching ourselves NOT to use race as a factor in dealing with each other,...then turn right around again and say that we SHOULD use race as a factor as long as our intentions are good.
Which is it? Are we NOT supposed to look at skin color...or are we SUPPOSED to look at it?
You can't fix bad racism by trying to reverse it with good racism. Racism needs to be eradicated from ALL of our thinking. Negative AND positive!
Only THEN will we achieve the social equality goals we are all looking for.