Disney People


Well-Known Member
I`m a Disney person!! Must think about Disney every day!!:sohappy:

I will give you my vote. My family and I have just gotten back less than a week now and my autistic son (turned 16 yesterday) is still looking at videos and pictures we took for him on our trip. It won't be long when he'll ask me in his own way if we are going next year. With children with autism, Disney is a wonderful "therapeutic" place for them. The rides like Soarin', Thunder Mountain, Test Track, etc. help his nervous system and he seems to speak (voluntarily) more as before his trips, he was not speaking as much. I see the progress in my son each time we get back and I'm sure I'm not the only parent with an autistic child who will say this. And to agree with everyone in this post, if you don't "get" Disney, that's fine. Just don't criticize the ones who love Disney because that's something that will always be in their hearts and minds. :wave::wave:


Active Member
Ha! Perfect timing for this thread because I just had this type of an encounter yesterday with a school Mom as we waited for our kids. She was really judgmental but now that I think about it, she almost seemed a little defensive about the whole conversation, which went something like this:
Me "I can't wait for school to be over next week. I'm so ready for summer vacation."
Her "Ugh, I can't even begin to tell you how NOT excited for summer I'am. I have 3 kids, you just have one....it's going to be a long summer but we do have a vaca planned."
Me "where you headed?"
Her "New Hampshire we are going to do Story Land and Santa's Village."
Me "How fun, we love going there. My daughter calls it her Disney practice!'
Her "What? How can you compare?"
Me, now getting excited to "talk" Disney while we wait for our kids to get out of school. "I know right, it's hard to compare anything like that with WDW, we love it so much."
Her "Well, that's not what I meant. I have no desire to brainwash (she said brainwash) my kids with that place. Have you taken your daugher there before?"
Me "Umm, yeah, 4 times. But I don't consider any Disney lover to be "brainwashed" I think it's just in our D.N.A." Trying to keep things light.
Her "She's only 5....she's been 4 times, wow I'd say your obsessed. You do realize this is a big world we live in, I hope you teach her that!"
Then the conversation quickly went down hill from there and thankfully school was dismissed.
I will defend my love for Walt Disney World as long as I have air in my lungs and a thought in my head! Lol!


Well-Known Member
Ha! Perfect timing for this thread because I just had this type of an encounter yesterday with a school Mom as we waited for our kids. She was really judgmental but now that I think about it, she almost seemed a little defensive about the whole conversation, which went something like this:
Me "I can't wait for school to be over next week. I'm so ready for summer vacation."
Her "Ugh, I can't even begin to tell you how NOT excited for summer I'am. I have 3 kids, you just have one....it's going to be a long summer but we do have a vaca planned."
Me "where you headed?"
Her "New Hampshire we are going to do Story Land and Santa's Village."
Me "How fun, we love going there. My daughter calls it her Disney practice!'
Her "What? How can you compare?"
Me, now getting excited to "talk" Disney while we wait for our kids to get out of school. "I know right, it's hard to compare anything like that with WDW, we love it so much."
Her "Well, that's not what I meant. I have no desire to brainwash (she said brainwash) my kids with that place. Have you taken your daugher there before?"
Me "Umm, yeah, 4 times. But I don't consider any Disney lover to be "brainwashed" I think it's just in our D.N.A." Trying to keep things light.
Her "She's only 5....she's been 4 times, wow I'd say your obsessed. You do realize this is a big world we live in, I hope you teach her that!"
Then the conversation quickly went down hill from there and thankfully school was dismissed.
I will defend my love for Walt Disney World as long as I have air in my lungs and a thought in my head! Lol!


really? I loved Santas Village, Story Land and Six Gun City but honestly... thats the place you go when your family isnt in the financial position to fly everyone down to Orlando.

I mean even Canobie Lake is a better option, if the kids are older.

This lady sounds like a moron, just my .02 cents


Well-Known Member
I have to agree. Disney People and non-Disney people. Prior to 1996, I was a non-Disney person. My ex (wife at the time) always tried to talk me into going to Disney. I would say how is it better than (living in Ohio) than Cedar Point and Kings Island and the other amusement parks that I have been too? Well in 1996 she finally convinced me (us) to go. I fell in LOVE with Disney and became a truly a HUGE Disney Person. Since 1996 to the present, I have not missed a year and even have adventured to Disney twice in 1 year.

I have had friends who have said how do you go back there every year and even some of them have gone and said they would never go back. You are either a Disney Person or not. It's just a happy joyful feeling you get inside of you when you are there or just thinking about being there.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Her "She's only 5....she's been 4 times, wow I'd say your obsessed. You do realize this is a big world we live in, I hope you teach her that!"

This sounds like my mom. Every time I plan a WDW trip she asks me if I'm ever going to go anywhere else. To which I reply (of course), "Disneyland Paris..." She constantly tells me that there are a lot of other things to see and I could spend my Disney money going to see other things. What she doesn't seem to understand is that every year that I choose to do something non-Disney, it's a year of Disney I'll never get back! :shrug:

I've just decided to spend all of my other vacations at other Disney parks. I'll get to see Paris, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and California! I'd say that's getting around! :lol:


We need time for things to happen.
I don't think it's real simple.

There are definitely people who will NEVER get it.

But I know a few converts...My best friend for one - he's not a WDW geek like me or anything but he does "get it" at least.
He went back 2 years in a row and is considering a 3rd.

I also understand why people say "you should visit other places"
Not that I do...but I get it!

One poster mentioned something about nostalgia and I think that definitely has a bit to do with it.
Growing up I visited a few different parts of the country and I've been to Italy many times, But the one place that I feel the most nostalgic about, the place I knew I had to take my wife for her first visit and the place I knew I would have to take my kids too, was WDW.

I would love to take my kids to Italy and they want to go...but every year we talk about it.....
it's "next year we'll go just one more year at WDW"...:D


Active Member

really? I loved Santas Village, Story Land and Six Gun City but honestly... thats the place you go when your family isnt in the financial position to fly everyone down to Orlando.

I mean even Canobie Lake is a better option, if the kids are older.

This lady sounds like a moron, just my .02 cents

Hey your a Boston boy! Good to meet you! Your right, we have a ton of family memories going to all of those places but they are weekend or 3 day visits over the summer. We did Canobie Lake Park Memorial Day weekend and it was great, super clean, well landscaped new rides but not WDW! People like her won't get it.

This sounds like my mom. Every time I plan a WDW trip she asks me if I'm ever going to go anywhere else. To which I reply (of course), "Disneyland Paris..." She constantly tells me that there are a lot of other things to see and I could spend my Disney money going to see other things. What she doesn't seem to understand is that every year that I choose to do something non-Disney, it's a year of Disney I'll never get back! :shrug:

I've just decided to spend all of my other vacations at other Disney parks. I'll get to see Paris, Hong Kong, Tokyo, and California! I'd say that's getting around! :lol:

I'd say that's getting around! Sounds perfect! :)


Well-Known Member
I'm a Disney Person myself! The reason being is the fact that we go to Walt Disney World every year since I was little during the summer (We have an annual 4 day, 3 night trip each year during June; there were a few instances where we went in the fall and/or for my birthday and when I was younger we went more often), and let me say something I don't think we missed a year! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I also understand why people say "you should visit other places"
Not that I do...but I get it!

One poster mentioned something about nostalgia and I think that definitely has a bit to do with it.
Growing up I visited a few different parts of the country and I've been to Italy many times, But the one place that I feel the most nostalgic about, the place I knew I had to take my wife for her first visit and the place I knew I would have to take my kids too, was WDW.

I would love to take my kids to Italy and they want to go...but every year we talk about it.....
it's "next year we'll go just one more year at WDW"...:D

I understand what they're saying also, but I don't know that it will happen anytime soon for us.

As far as nostalgia, it may be the case for some people, but I first visited as an adult, so for me it isn't about bringing back childhood memories. In fact, I first visited with my (ex)husband on what became a HORRIBLE vacation in the middle of July! I didn't even know that World Showcase, Captain EO, or Imagination even existed at Epcot! He was determined to get out of there as quickly as possible! So for me, at least, it isn't about memories, just about the magic!


Well-Known Member
I get it... ALL the time.

As a 27 year old male , with no children, people are really dumbfounded when they find out where I love to vacation.

Even more so when they found out I was Disneymooning.... see, to the masses spending thousands to fly to some hot patch of sand and just drinking as much alcohol as humanly possible is completely normal, but... travel somewhere that reminds me of my childhood, where I can make memories with my soon to be wife, and revisit those same places year after year, all in a family friendly (well, most of the times) atmosphere... wow, we're the losers?

You put it perfectly. I myself am 26 with no kids and recently married. We disneymooned as well. Disney has been a passion of ours for a long time and I need to go once a year or I slip into a depression. :lol: Most people are the same way with us, always talking about needing a beach and they plan to drink themselves silly. (Extended family, friends, co-workers etc.) Beach is nice but no thanks. I prefer the most magical place in the world. The place that truly makes me the happiest and I can't get enough of. Either you get it or you don't. I have learned to tune nay-sayers out and that wasn't easy. I know how I feel and that's all I need. :wave:


New Member
Well said SyracuseOrange. I am very proud to be one of Walt's chosen people! I actually feel sorry for those people who don't get it. :p


Well-Known Member
To me, Disney is an oasis in the chaotic demands of life. It's an exhale of Mickey air from the rest of the 365 days. We all need somewhere to have fun, relax and act "like a kid again". It's exciting from the planning stage to the last day when you can start planning the next trip.

And it's our hard earned money that is paying for it and we can use our expendable income how we please. Let the other folks go to the islands-we'll have Disney.

Well Put!!


New Member
I agree! Spot-on! It's kind of funny on my end. Anyone who knows me, knows me as lazy, sarcastic, uncaring, miserable, etc. But when it comes to Disney I am a little kid. I mean, I was telling a friend who is going for the first time about some of the rides and shows and I started getting all choked up. We were on the phone and she was like "Are you crying??" I said "No! I took a sip of my drink and it went the wrong way." LOL

But my Non-Disney friends are always like "I don't know how you can go there so much! I mean, you have been there a million times! Go somewhere new!" I told my one friend that I can't explain it. When I get to MK and the second my feet land on Main Street I always say to myself, "You're home!" It's the one place that it's ok to be a kid. You can act like a complete fool and nobody cares! I can wear a stupid hat, do a horrifically bad dance in the middle of the street and people clap and laugh with you. I just finally started saying "You'll never get it so drop it and move on."

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
I agree! Spot-on! It's kind of funny on my end. Anyone who knows me, knows me as lazy, sarcastic, uncaring, miserable, etc. But when it comes to Disney I am a little kid. I mean, I was telling a friend who is going for the first time about some of the rides and shows and I started getting all choked up. We were on the phone and she was like "Are you crying??" I said "No! I took a sip of my drink and it went the wrong way." LOL

But my Non-Disney friends are always like "I don't know how you can go there so much! I mean, you have been there a million times! Go somewhere new!" I told my one friend that I can't explain it. When I get to MK and the second my feet land on Main Street I always say to myself, "You're home!" It's the one place that it's ok to be a kid. You can act like a complete fool and nobody cares! I can wear a stupid hat, do a horrifically bad dance in the middle of the street and people clap and laugh with you. I just finally started saying "You'll never get it so drop it and move on."
Hold the phone.Are you not the same person who's just been complaining about WDW ?


Well-Known Member
Today my friend at work (who is leaving on Saturday for a week at the World) was telling me about one of her mom's friends (or maybe her aunt) criticizing her because of her Disney love. She kept demanding an explanation for why she loves Disney so much. "Does it make you feel magical? Does it make you feel like a kid?" etc.

Her response was, "There are two types of people in the world: Disney people and non-Disney people. You're the second kind and there is no way to explain it to someone who is not a Disney person."

I thought this was an interesting thing to say, but I think it's true. What do you think?
My goodness yes! My sister in law HATES Disney ( she is a complainer- nothing is ever good enough for her), and my parents, family, and friends think I'm nuts and made out of $$$ (or seriously in debt). I would love to go EVERY year, but my hubby may not tolerate that ( he's not quite the Disney lover that I am).;)


Well-Known Member
I'm a Disney Person myself! The reason being is the fact that we go to Walt Disney World every year since I was little during the summer (We have an annual 4 day, 3 night trip each year during June; there were a few instances where we went in the fall and/or for my birthday and when I was younger we went more often), and let me say something I don't think we missed a year! :sohappy:
We missed 2008. I don't remember why.:eek:

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