Disney or the rest of the world?


New Member
Original Poster
Okay-I have a what if question. Somebody (knowing that I am a HUGE fan of Dinsey and of travelling in general) asked me this once

"If you had to choose between travelling to Walt Disney World, but couldn't travel, outside of the US, or could travel all over the world, but never go to a Disney park again, what would you choose?"

I never came up with an answer-What would you all choose


New Member
Hmm...that's a tough one for me. I love Disney World...but I really want to see different parts of the world.

I'd probably choose Disney.:)


New Member
Wow. What pathetic answers I'm reading.

You mean to tell me that if you had the choice of traveling and seeing the world- eating gelato in Italy, swimming in Greece, shopping in Hong Kong- you'd choose to go to DISNEY PARKS instead?

Snap back to reality people. I adore Disney, but trading it for REALITY is not going to happen in my books. From Italy to Bolivia- there are many things that you can see in other countries that are way more valuable to your whole essance than a Disney theme park. I'd much rather be able to build houses in Costa Rica and see relatives in Spain than spend a week at an playful city built to entertain you - life lessons do not come to you in Disney.


Well-Known Member
Are you kiddin'? I'd trade Reality for Disney ANY DAY!
Disney parks. Nothing in the outside world interests me THAT much. At best, I'd like to go to England, but i'd rather be in Disney World.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Christina said:
Wow. What pathetic answers I'm reading.

You certainly know how to make friends, don't you? :)

Now...if I read the question correctly: Choosing Disney would still allow you to see the rest of the U.S., no? That being the case, I'd take that one. There's enough to see in this country to keep me happy.

If it's Disney and Disney only, then screw it, I'm taking the world. (with a lower-case "w") :animwink:

Peter Parker

New Member
Christina said:
Wow. What pathetic answers I'm reading.

You mean to tell me that if you had the choice of traveling and seeing the world- eating gelato in Italy, swimming in Greece, shopping in Hong Kong- you'd choose to go to DISNEY PARKS instead?

Snap back to reality people. I adore Disney, but trading it for REALITY is not going to happen in my books. From Italy to Bolivia- there are many things that you can see in other countries that are way more valuable to your whole essance than a Disney theme park. I'd much rather be able to build houses in Costa Rica and see relatives in Spain than spend a week at an playful city built to entertain you - life lessons do not come to you in Disney.
Well, I do agree with everything you said. We should expand our horizons and explore. HOwever, Disney is a joyful and meditating place for me. Most people don't travel outside the U.S. in their lifetime except maybe to go on a cruise. Explore the beautiful places in the U.S. and definitely treat yourself to Disney World every year. The thought of never going to disney world is unimaginable. The thought of never going to Italy or Greece: " Oh well, bummer". Life lessons do not come to you in Disney, BUT the smile on my kids' faces and the memories are with me for life.


Active Member
Christina said:
Wow. What pathetic answers I'm reading.

I think you're reading more into it than what was intended by the OP, people aren't picking reality vs. fantasy. They are picking a vacation they really enjoy. I'd equate it to asking a question of someone who really enjoys Vegas, or someone who really enjoys skiing, pretend you could go skiing/gambling but no where else in the world. If someone really enjoys Vegas, or going to Colorado to ski, they'd likely pick to continue to do what they really enjoy. I've never gone overseas but most definitely hope to someday soon. But if I never get to, there's plenty of things this side of the ocean to keep me busy, great natural places, Broadway in NYC, history in Philly, DC and Boston, the mountains in Colorado, North Carolina or New Mexico, the beautiful cities of California and while we're at it, the awesome parks of Orlando. It's just a thought excercise, not something to get judgemental on people over.


Well-Known Member
Tough question. Let's examine the key factors of each of the options:

1. WDW only.
Advantage: Fun
Disadvantage: No life lessons
Mitigating factor: With a family and a job, I get life lessons all the time.

2. WDW and U.S. travel only.
Advantage: Plenty of sites to see
Disadvantage: No longer eligible to be on The Amazing Race.
Mitigating factor: The Family Edition of the race has been almost exclusively in the U.S., so if they decided to do another one, I'd have a shot.

3. World Travel, No WDW.
Advantage: Exotic, inspirational, historical.
Disadvantage: Lack of Buzz Lightyear smooshed penny machines.
Mitigating factor: I already have a great deal of Buzz Lightyear smooshed pennies.

Final decision: 2. I could live with that.


Disney. No doubt.
Due to the phrasing of the question, by picking Disney, I also get to live in the U.S., and as such, I would pick Florida or California to live in (near the Disney Parks).

I've been to England (liked it), I've been to Scotland (liked it a lot), I've been to Ireland (family there. Loved it).

I don't like to travel. I find airports annoying. I don't like to fly. I find plane travel really, really boring.

Places I'd like to go...Greace, Italy (Rome), More of the UK, Japan, Australia.
Would I go if to any of those places if the trip was free tomorrow?
Nope. I hate flying and airports that much.

Thus.....Disney all the way.
(unless they invent instant teleporters, and eliminate anything similar to airports with the teleporters.)

(Wow. Long winded. Huh. )

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