I had an idea for a Lilo and Stitch ride replacement for Sounds Dangerous. I could be sort of a cross between Alien Encounter, and Sounds Dangerous. It will be that you're at the alien space station and they're presenting their acheivements to earthinlgs. They show Stitch in a small glass tube ( this takes place in the current theater ). The aliens presenting the show say to put on your headsets. You hear Stitch on the microphones from the glass tube because Stitch has a microphone on and a camera ( which you see what he sees on the movie screen ). The aliens are boasting that they've taught Stitch to talk. They want you to hear him on the microphones. Stitch says a few things, and the aliens put his glass tube away to bring on the next thing to present, but you see on the Stitch cam. on the screen, and hes breaks out. The aliens tell you to stay seated, and they run off. But you still have the head sets on, and you hear stitch, and what he's doing. ( the lights go out ). After a few fun 3-D hearing effects, the aliens come back and say that they've got him, but you see stitch in his space ship zoom through the wall of the romm, and stitch says "Bye Bye!" before zooming into space. The sound works can be moved to the new animation tour.