News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

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Chip Chipperson

Well-Known Member
WRONG! They could have a mask requirement with an opt out if you show proof of vaccination and it would be perfectly legal in FL.

It may be legal, but how could they possibly enforce it? The only real way to enforce it would be to require proof of vaccination to enter the parks/shops/dining locations and that's not allowed in FL. I have no idea what Disney's appetite for such a mandate would have been, but I think they would have at least considered it if it would have allowed them to open to 100% capacity in the parks and dining locations sooner than they did.


Well-Known Member
You guys, I get it, I'm tired of masks too. I was sweating my face off in Target today with the heat on...

But honestly, you have your mask off waaaaaay more than you have it on when at Disney. It's really, really not an issue. We barely noticed them on the rides. Put them on in stores, how long do you spend in there anyway?
Yes we needed them in the hotel, but the second you sat down to eat or drink, you could take them off.

If you already have a trip planned, there is absolutely no reason the masks should cause you to cancel or regret your trip. Truly.


Well-Known Member
That would be a disaster. There's no good way you could "identify" people not to mention even more cast involvement needed. It has to be all or nothing. Either you're going to require vaccines to enter, or you're not.

I'm going on a cruise in two weeks and if you're over the age of 12 you have to be vaccinated. End of story.
I mean.... Also, Hawaii is an island state separated from the mainland by 2,500 miles and they were able to outsource their entire verification process to the TSA.


Well-Known Member
You guys, I get it, I'm tired of masks too. I was sweating my face off in Target today with the heat on...

But honestly, you have your mask off waaaaaay more than you have it on when at Disney. It's really, really not an issue. We barely noticed them on the rides. Put them on in stores, how long do you spend in there anyway?
Yes we needed them in the hotel, but the second you sat down to eat or drink, you could take them off.

If you already have a trip planned, there is absolutely no reason the masks should cause you to cancel or regret your trip. Truly.
Do you have kids and if so, how old are they?


Well-Known Member
Just wait…


Well-Known Member
I’m with you on this! We were hoping they would be gone by this weekend because we arrive tomorrow. If I could cancel today I would.

I'd call and give them all levels of crap if I were you. Not that it would do any good but it'd at least get it off your chest and let somebody there know it's past time to move forward.


Well-Known Member
Do you have kids and if so, how old are they?
Kids are often better than the adults at it though. Like totally seriously too - kind of we
Hey! Much appreciated! I can't possibly imagine that you were one of my attackers, with the above decent & respectful post...and I don't think its worth my time to go back and take notes on who it was - Im really kinda over it!. But I appreciate it regardless. Thank you!

Sadly, I think people here (and anywhere else where you can semi-anonymously discuss this on social media) have turned masks/vaccines into a religious cult. I used to post here all of the time. We were all brothers and sisters with a common love of something/someplace magical. Yeah, we complain and argue about whether Norway needs Frozen or if the price of after hours events has gotten out of hand....but never have I seen the vitriolic and evil nastiness from some people here who approach the covid topic with near religious lunacy from behind battle lines drawn by people they don't know and who don't care about them (politicians). It's sad to watch play out. It really is. Every time I come here thinking Im going to enjoy my time reading posts....I regret it, because I always see the band of usual suspects beating up on someone else for having a different point of view. The respectfulness and decency is long gone in every one of these covid posts.

Also, I do agree that everyone's making a blanket statement like "We're all going to get sick because we masked up for so long" wasn't the best statement to make. But that being said, here on Long Island, for 15 long months I literally didn't see anyone outside of my family except for the guy at my beer distributor or the kid babysitting the check-out machine at the grocery store. To say my employer and people in my area reacted strongly to covid would be an understatement. So depending on which part of the country you were standing in, some of us effectively lived in bubbles for 12-15 months. That's not healthy. Immune systems didn't get what they needed during that time. Yes - these measures were likely effective in some part in protecting us from covid,. But some of us are indeed going to get sick from living in that bubble for so long. Some of us already have. Is it the masks? not entirely. Is it the distancing? not entirely. Is it the constant antibacterials? Not entirely. All of those things combined, along with not going out and getting our hands a little dirty, eating too much contactlessly delivered take-out food, drinking a bit more than we all should while sitting on zoom calls with friends.....all of those factors contributed to us being less prepared to deal with the non-covid threats we will all face in the coming months/years. Heck, maybe it was just a damn nasty bug that would have taken a bunch of us out regardless of the lost covid year. But seriously speaking, its almost always the sum of all these moving parts.

Regardless, there's nothing wrong with us all taking a long hard look at what we've been putting our bodies through for 18 months...and do all we can to support a healthy immune system moving forward. So when the next bug hits, maybe we don't have to resort to such drastic measures, and we can all get back to arguing about how long it's taking Bob and Josh to finish Tron. :p
absolutely nothing wrong with looking and talking about things. I think outside of me not having patience for anti-vax stuff I really do listen to more. We can talk and discuss. Sounds like you were pretty recluse which I know can mess with things.

I just spent all morning around a bunch of kids and veterans (early celebration so they can do whatever on the actual day next week). Lots of stuff always around there. Oddly the most annoying person with masks was a vet. Erm, okay - when we hand you a mask because it is district policy, please just put it on your face? Thanks. Ugh.

Yeah I hate masks. My lips are chapped and my one ear is bugging me. I should be mask-free until Sunday at least.

The Disney announcement irks me if nothing else is done.... last time guests were first for no masks.


Well-Known Member
What the hell? Where did you get that from what I said? I wasn't criticizing you, I was genuinely asking. Parents have different concerns and considerations than non-parents. That's a statement of fact, not a criticism, accusation, or insult.
And parenting is on a spectrum as they age, too. I understand parents of young ones not wanting to wrestle with masks from airport to parks and all in between. With a tween and teen in my household, it’s much easier to navigate.

I probably wouldn’t hassle right now with a 2-8 (or so) year old either. From characters to plane tantrums to them just wanting to enjoy Splash sans mask, it wouldn’t be enjoyable.

Mstr Gra-c

Active Member
Do you have kids and if so, how old are they?

oh god, sorry, I'm not a mom. The shame.
How dare I speak to others who may be traveling without children.

What the hell? Where did you get that from what I said? I wasn't criticizing you, I was genuinely asking. Parents have different concerns and considerations than non-parents. That's a statement of fact, not a criticism, accusation, or insult.

Eh, okay.
Ixnay on the arguing-ay.


Well-Known Member
And parenting is on a spectrum as they age, too. I understand parents of young ones not wanting to wrestle with masks from airport to parks and all in between. With a tween and teen in my household, it’s much easier to navigate.

I probably wouldn’t hassle right now with a 2-8 (or so) year old either. From characters to plane tantrums to them just wanting to enjoy Splash sans mask, it wouldn’t be enjoyable.

Actually, everything in my post could be applied to both children and adults. So, I'm fine with it. :D


Well-Known Member
It may be legal, but how could they possibly enforce it? The only real way to enforce it would be to require proof of vaccination to enter the parks/shops/dining locations and that's not allowed in FL. I have no idea what Disney's appetite for such a mandate would have been, but I think they would have at least considered it if it would have allowed them to open to 100% capacity in the parks and dining locations sooner than they did.
I think so long as they allow the unvaccinated in all those places with a mask, they’d be in the clear legally in FL. Whether they WANT to bother is another story. Especially this late in the game and so close to the end.


Well-Known Member
So a vaxed CM working inside can be maskless but they have to tell guests they all have to wear a mask? Did I read that right or is it only backstage they can unmask?

edit: so its backstage only....


Well-Known Member
Actually, everything in my post could be applied to both children and adults. So, I'm fine with it. :D
I don’t disagree with the sentiment expressed. When my boys were younger, though, it wouldn’t have been worth it. It has been for us with masks three times now, though.


Well-Known Member
I don’t disagree with the sentiment expressed. When my boys were younger, though, it wouldn’t have been worth it. It has been for us with masks three times now, though.

My two-cents is only for those who feel it applies to their situation, otherwise ignore it. 😂

For the record, we wouldn't have gone if masks were still required while outdoors too.
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