Hey! Much appreciated! I can't possibly imagine that you were one of my attackers, with the above decent & respectful post...and I don't think its worth my time to go back and take notes on who it was - Im really kinda over it!. But I appreciate it regardless. Thank you!
Sadly, I think people here (and anywhere else where you can semi-anonymously discuss this on social media) have turned masks/vaccines into a religious cult. I used to post here all of the time. We were all brothers and sisters with a common love of something/someplace magical. Yeah, we complain and argue about whether Norway needs Frozen or if the price of after hours events has gotten out of hand....but never have I seen the vitriolic and evil nastiness from some people here who approach the covid topic with near religious lunacy from behind battle lines drawn by people they don't know and who don't care about them (politicians). It's sad to watch play out. It really is. Every time I come here thinking Im going to enjoy my time reading posts....I regret it, because I always see the band of usual suspects beating up on someone else for having a different point of view. The respectfulness and decency is long gone in every one of these covid posts.
Also, I do agree that everyone's different....so making a blanket statement like "We're all going to get sick because we masked up for so long" wasn't the best statement to make. But that being said, here on Long Island, for 15 long months I literally didn't see anyone outside of my family except for the guy at my beer distributor or the kid babysitting the check-out machine at the grocery store. To say my employer and people in my area reacted strongly to covid would be an understatement. So depending on which part of the country you were standing in, some of us effectively lived in bubbles for 12-15 months. That's not healthy. Immune systems didn't get what they needed during that time. Yes - these measures were likely effective in some part in protecting us from covid,. But some of us are indeed going to get sick from living in that bubble for so long. Some of us already have. Is it the masks? not entirely. Is it the distancing? not entirely. Is it the constant antibacterials? Not entirely. All of those things combined, along with not going out and getting our hands a little dirty, eating too much contactlessly delivered take-out food, drinking a bit more than we all should while sitting on zoom calls with friends.....all of those factors contributed to us being less prepared to deal with the non-covid threats we will all face in the coming months/years. Heck, maybe it was just a damn nasty bug that would have taken a bunch of us out regardless of the lost covid year. But seriously speaking, its almost always the sum of all these moving parts.
Regardless, there's nothing wrong with us all taking a long hard look at what we've been putting our bodies through for 18 months...and do all we can to support a healthy immune system moving forward. So when the next bug hits, maybe we don't have to resort to such drastic measures, and we can all get back to arguing about how long it's taking Bob and Josh to finish Tron.