Disney Location-Based Entertaiment


New Member
For instance if I were going to NY and the hotel I was staying at would be a choice between contemporary (in NY) or 20-40 bucks cheaper at a Hilton I would chose Hilton, because it's 20-40 bucks cheaper and the contemporary style dosen't offer as much to me (* edit there is not going to be a full disney park experince attached to this including a downtown diseny). Now with and if they had a "themed" resturant at the NY contemp we would be able to make reservations for anyways and just go in and see the hotel that eveneing and dine with characters and head back to the Hilton. That is what I am saying that I might not spend 195 a night and it most likely will be some where within the 200-295 range if they are to have all those amenities. I live in Miami and a nice hotel in Miami The Lowes would run like 300 a night. So a Disney Hotel on S. Beach if they could find space would be a bit more (close to 400) because of the extra amenities. and for what 1 e-ticket ride. A water park maybe, but just one ride and themeing. I don't know? I have nothing to compare it too. What I don't want happening is a chain of hotels across the US and cheaping of the Disney brand kinda what started to happen with the disney store until they consolidated locations. I can see it being profitable in the short run, but maybe not in the long run. If the theme parks are an example of anything is of how disney needs to stay at the forfront of enginering and maintence to maintain attendence levels and we do know that from time to time either the budget falls short or maybe management for that matter. Then imagine a hotel with an e-ticket ride, lets pretend it's Soarin' the e-ticket found at a disney destination NY hotel. How long will the life span (synergy wise) of that ride and it's ability to draw audeinces be? They can't just do a SSE and neglect it for a while till they find a budget/sponsor because there is so much more to do at the park. That is what as a shareholder I am afraid of. I know that it will be short term success, but I am tring to see how that effects stocks as a long term investor. I don't know if you get what I am tring to say, but I am worried of those outcomes now if and when they decide to persue this buisness then maybe when they present to us custoemrs/sharholders maybe there ideas would be more appealing because we will know more of there buisness plan.

*edit agian: sorry: but maybe I am not the target cosumer for this we are a middle class family with an average income of about 100,000 maybe this is luxary resort idea in which case money would not be the major issue

I tried to trudge through that wall of text, but I think I got the jist of it.

First, you can't say it will be themed like the Contemporary. Contemp is an OLD hotel. If you want to think top of the line Disney hotel theming, think Animal Kingdom Lodge. It would be equivalent theming of that level, not theming that is 35+ years old. Thats without the changes being done to Contemp, which are making it much more up to date and impressive.

If you don't stay onsite at WDW or DLR, the planned hotels won't be targeted to you. But if you DO stay onsite, you are already paying the premium for the Disney experience, and they ARE targeted to you. Disney knows that demographic already exists, so they are going to take advantage of it.

As far as numbers go, you won't see Disney overshooting the competition by $100 a night. Thats just not the plan.

Umm...what will separate this from most of the hotels on the Vegas Strip?

New York New York: Hotel, Casino, Restaurants, Shopping, E-ticket
Stratosphere: Hotel, Casino, Restaurant, Shopping, E-ticket
Caesar's Palace: Hotel, Casino, Restaurants, Shopping, E-ticket

Not really "breaking the idea mold" with this one.

Maybe the fact that it won't be anywhere near Las Vegas? There aren't any 'resort' hotels in cities like NYC, LA, Boston, Chicago.

No, it isn't breaking the mold. But it is taking that idea and expanding it nation (possibly world) wide and bringing it to families.


Well-Known Member
Kind of a tangent, but has anybody here stayed at a Great Wolf Lodge? We were thinking of going to the new on in the Poconos, PA this summer. It looks nice. Not cheap, but it it is a great experience it would be worth it. Any input?

I live about 30 miles from the Great Wolf Lodge, and although I've never been there myself I have heard good things about it, even though everyone that has stayed there thinks it is overpriced. I defenitely think it's at least worth one visit.


Well-Known Member
Umm...what will separate this from most of the hotels on the Vegas Strip?

New York New York: Hotel, Casino, Restaurants, Shopping, E-ticket
Stratosphere: Hotel, Casino, Restaurant, Shopping, E-ticket
Caesar's Palace: Hotel, Casino, Restaurants, Shopping, E-ticket


Not really "breaking the idea mold" with this one.

Exactly. Or Circus, Circus (is that what it's called?)....it has a theme park inside of it.....

If Disney were to do this I'm thinking they would go with established tourist destinations.


Active Member
Would I stay at one of these? Absolutely

However, I just don't know if that's where the money should be spent. Especially with the parks aging every year, the maintenance can only increase from here on out. I don't think they would necessarily cannibalize WDW or DLR in terms of people choosing the resorts-only option over the bigger places, but I would think it would affect money that will be available to the main parks.
My thoughts....

I wanted to post my thoughts on this topic.

When I first heard about this idea a few months ago when Disney announced their blue sky projects [I think that's what the term was], which included LBE, I thought it would be a good idea and I felt it'd work much better than something like DisneyQuest. Personally, I still think it's a great idea.

Personally, I'd hope they'd have a way for locals to enjoy some of the things they might offer like whatever E-Ticket attraction or mini-park they place in it. I think it'd be a great way for us Disney fanatics to get our "Disney Park Fix" without having to fork over the $200+ for airfare (I'm not including park ticket and hotel, since you'd probably be paying for that anyway to go to the LBE to stay at a hotel) just to fly over to Orlando or Florida on the spur of the moment to go to the park for a few days when I could fork over mabey the same amount for some form of annual pass to go any time during the year.

One of the things I hope they could add to it would be mabey a dining venue, especially if it were one that you wouldn't need an "admission ticket" to get to. In Dallas, we have a great little resturaunt called "Magic Time Machine" and any time my roommate or I have someone visit from out of town, we *always* take them there, because it's a great and unique place to go to. (Not going to go into details here....). It'd be nice to be able to take a visiting friend, instead (or as well as) the Magic Time Machine, to the Disney owned resturaunt that was part of the LBE building.

Another thing I like about the parks which I hope they'd be able to do in the LBE is the theme park atmosphere. It's always fun when you're at WDW to just sit down and enjoy the background music, and just people and scenery watch.

That's just my two cents on the topic. I'm honestly hoping this goes out of blue sky and actually is created.....and I personally hope they build one in Dallas!

C. Jackson
Dallas, TX


Well-Known Member
I think the chances of anything like this getting past blue sky are pretty slim.

They have had these types of ideas since Walt's time (the ski resort), and none of them have ever proven viable, and the branding outside of the theme park resorts hasn't done well either (i.e. the troubles "Adventures by Disney" or whatever they are called are having).

Disney eventually always realizes that it's bread and butter is the existing resorts, and every time there is a management change someone on the team gets the bright idea to "franchise" the magic like no one has ever thought of it before. It doesn't work out. Ask the DisneyQuest folks.



Well-Known Member
What exactly are the problems I keep hearing about with AbD? I'm weighting a trip next year to one or on the DCL.



New Member
I can see Disney putting them between groups of large cities, just say Disney put one near Columbus, Ohio they would draw people from not only Columbus but Cleveland, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Detroit, and Pittsburgh since all are only a few hours drive away. There would be no reason for that place to be packed all summer long and every weekend during the rest of the year, I bet Disney's main concern is if they make enough during those times to offset the weeknight's during the school year when it will be empty.

Zummi Gummi

Pioneering the Universe Within!
Yes, because it would be Disney's first entry into the hotel business. :dazzle:

What would it 'really depend' on?

Don't forget, besides the on site resort hotels at WDW and DLR, Vero Beach and Hilton Head Island already do decently well despite not having any of the extra amenities which are discussed here.

One more question since you basically ignored the three I asked.

Would you rather stay at a Hilton for, say, $180 a night, or a Disney resort for $195 a night that includes experiencing a couple of attractions with your room rate.

$180 a night for a Hilton in Manhattan? When was the last time you were in NY? You're not getting a hotel anywhere NEAR the quality of a Hilton for less than $250 a night. In fact, I just did a quick check on their website, and for mid-week, the standard rooms at the Times Square Hilton start at $279.00 a night. It only goes up from there. If the Disney resorts in these cities are going to charge what you say they are, they're going to be a huge bargain, compared to the going rate. I somehow doubt Disney is going to price themselves below the current average rate.
It is already WELL passed blue sky.

Two questions on your post:

First, from which direction did it go when it went out of blue sky? (Did it go to a more "it's going to happen" state or did it go to a "throw the idea in the trash can" state)

Second, Do you have any source for this information? (Not to be disbeliving, but I would REALLY love to hear that is truely is on it's way to becoming a reality (presuming that's the way it went after getting out of blue sky.)


New Member
$180 a night for a Hilton in Manhattan? When was the last time you were in NY? You're not getting a hotel anywhere NEAR the quality of a Hilton for less than $250 a night. In fact, I just did a quick check on their website, and for mid-week, the standard rooms at the Times Square Hilton start at $279.00 a night. It only goes up from there. If the Disney resorts in these cities are going to charge what you say they are, they're going to be a huge bargain, compared to the going rate. I somehow doubt Disney is going to price themselves below the current average rate.

The prices were just numbers to compare. It doesn't matter what they actually are, I didn't realize that wasn't clear.

Edit: This is what I said in an earlier thread on the subject, I would have said the same here, but I wanted him to answer the question and its easier to do that with actual numbers then estimates.

Charge a little bit more than the going rate for local hotel rooms at the medium price range. Don't overprice it, but don't let the competition kill you either. I would put numbers but this changes in each city.

Two questions on your post:

First, from which direction did it go when it went out of blue sky? (Did it go to a more "it's going to happen" state or did it go to a "throw the idea in the trash can" state)

Second, Do you have any source for this information? (Not to be disbeliving, but I would REALLY love to hear that is truely is on it's way to becoming a reality (presuming that's the way it went after getting out of blue sky.)

I can say, with absolute certainty, that it went in the good direction rather than the bad.

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