This has nothing to do with Orlando. Check.
First of all, I clearly stated that my response was copy/pasted from a separate thread. That thread happened to deal with the teacher job market and quality of public schooling for children in Orlando. That aside, Orange County Public Schools has EVERYTHING to do with Orlando. OCPS is the second-largest employer in Central Florida and services millions of students yearly. Their gross mismanagement affects the entirety of the area and perpetuates a culture of resentment toward education and work.
Uhh, no. Traffic is bad here, sure. It's not DC bad by any stretch except for a few hours a day on i4. You lived in East Orlando, and worked in Winter Park so you never saw any of that.
I grew up in the MD/DC area. The infrastructure of their roads is much better than that of Orlando and there are multiple routes available to circumvent major traffic clusters. In Orlando, you sit. It doesn't matter if you're on I-4, a toll road, or a local road, you sit. My daily commute took me down 408 and up I-4, so I'm baffled as to why you would imply that I saw no traffic. Additionally it is not simply the lack of infrastructure but the unsafe and abusive drivers that make Orlando traffic such a nightmare.
If you're getting honked at, flipped off, or cut off multiple times a day, you're probably the one doing something wrong. You also didn't have to pay tolls to get to Winter Park from Waterford.
Yes, I suppose it's easier to suggest that one woman (with a clean driving record, nonetheless) is the root of all the aggressive, hostile drivers in Orlando. Now that I've gone back to Texas, surely everyone has resumed being orderly and civil toward one another?
Regarding tolls, I paid $20-25/week in tolls on the 408.
Stores everywhere are swamped with people, this is not an Orlando thing either.
I live in DFW and do not have to park across the road to visit the mall on a weekday (or a weekend, for that matter). I do not have to weed my way through swarms of people in order to shop. Folks say "excuse me" as they pass in the aisle and are engaged in conversation at the register. Most importantly, I feel SAFE going out alone to do some shopping after dark. You are correct in that these issues are not unique to Orlando, but they are certainly worth noting to the original poster, who specifically referenced her current location in a midwest suburb within walking distance of shopping.
Uh huh, another mark against you personally.
There's nothing personal about this topic. I am trying to assist a couple who, like my husband and I, have felt compelled to "move to the magic." For the record, we have no regrets about moving to Orlando. It gave us great insight into what we were looking for in a hometown. Rather than forget the whole thing ever happened, I would like to share our experience with other couples looking to make the same move. Many of these people have only seen the "Disney Bubble." If you were considering a cross-country move, wouldn't you like to be aware of issues recently faced by others who have made the same move?
Newsflash, crime happens in all cities.
You are certainly correct, however the original poster references her current location in a "super safe suburb." She states that she enjoys her neighborhood's amenities and bike paths. The crime rate in Orlando is 88/100. The national average is 31/100. To brush this statistic aside with a counter-argument of "crime happens everywhere" is grossly unhelpful to the original poster.
They have services for that. I've lived here most of my life, and aside from a few flies that get in now and then don't have any of these problems. Again, this is a you problem.
Pests are a very real problem for many people in Central Florida. Granted, my social interaction was limited to the teachers at my school, but every one of these ladies lived a very respectable, cleanly lifestyle. And every one of these ladies complained bitterly about pests. It's a hazard of living in a "subtropical paradise." Do not brush this aside as inconsequential to someone who is looking to move to the area.
I'm going to be like the people you claim we are now and thank you for going back to Texas, and taking that high horse with you.
My intent in this thread is to assist the original poster in making a solid and informed decision regarding a move to Orlando. Your response has been nothing but personal attacks on my character and heavy-handed attempts to disregard legitimate concerns any person might have in moving to Orlando. Considering the alternative, I am happy to be in Texas on my "high horse," where I am paid a decent wage, feel safe and supported in my community, and have a wonderful quality of life.
You might consider the up and coming area of Pine Hills. But if you want something established go with a Metro West or Orlo Vista.
PLEASE tell me you did not just suggest
"Crime Hills" as a viable future home for a couple from a "super safe suburb" in the midwest.
Metro West and Orlovista are almost as bad, being that they border Pine Hills on Colonial Pkwy. The crime rates alone will knock you dead!
- Lauren