New Member
Originally posted by Fantasia Boi
Keep in mind... "Monorail" just means that the train has one rail... "Maglev" or "Magnetic Levitation" is the mode of propulsion. So, you can have a Maglev Monorail. (Such a system would have a small sized guideway, only slightly larger than Disney's monorail guideway)
I'm not sure if anyone has posted the link for this yet, but American Maglev Technology, Inc is currently designing and building a Maglev monorail for Old Dominion University. The track is less than 1 mile long, and will have one 45-ft car, that will travel at 40mph. Total cost for this system will be less than $14million. In addition to the low cost to build, AMT estimates monthly electric bills to only be about $3,000... in comparison to Monorail... thats a HUGE savings.
In addition, Transrapid International of Germany is currently shipping out it's first Maglev Monorail to Shanghai... this version however, will be a high speed one. I'm not sure of the cost for this, but Transrapid reports it is simmilar to that of a regular high speed rail system.
One fun little tidbit... on the AMT system... once levitated... you can move the train with the touch of your finger... no friction
These must be recent designs, I had not seen thes design before. I am mote familliar with the bullitt trrain and one I saw at some university site where the track looked like a coaster track.
Still I prefer the Alweg/bombider style of Monorail