Originally posted by jmarc63
Tyler ,I think you subliminally admited that the monorail is prefrable to light rail..
Also if you go to Monorail. org they have a grass roots effort to promote Monorails as transportation
Subliminal? Sorry... I'll try better next time.

Monorail is by FAR preferable to light rail, in my opinion at least. As for the Monorail society... been a proud member for 2-3 years!
Now... once again... I will state the following. I love the monorail. Monorails are a great, innovative, efficient, and clean form of transportation. And it would work out GREAT in cities that use mass transit. One example will be the new Las Vegas system. I'm sure this system will be a great success.
HOWEVER... I will also state... a fixed guideway system (whether it be light rail, maglev, or monorail) would not be the solution to Transportation at WDW. I've already stated (multiple times) why this is.
I will add one more thing though... I have tried not to bring money into the equation... but I think I will now.
Supposing WDW did expand the monorail to cover the "Problem" areas. This would be the All Stars. Who's going to pay for such a system? It couldn't be the All Stars... that would defeat the purpose of staying at a "Value" resort. People stay at the All Stars mostly because it's a cheap, no frills, Disney resort, and an alternative to off property hotels. If you build a monorail for them, you'd have to charge them for it. And I'd be willing to bet... when given the choice of a $50-90 a night basic room with an efficient bus system, or $100-$200 a night basic room with a monorail... an overwhelming majority would choose the bus.
Now, maybe for you (and I mean that you in a general sense) in particular might not mind plunking down $200 extra for the monorail... but Mr & Mrs. Smith, from Anytown USA, who might not be rich, have worked hard and saved thier pennies, so that they could take thier kids to Walt Disney World. They don't care what gets them there, as long as they get there.
There are lots of us who get to come down to WDW many times during our childhood... but let's not forget that there are also lots more folks, who can't afford that luxury. They work hard, and save up for a few years for this one trip. They might only get to visit WDW once or twice during thier childhood or lifetime.
By providing the All Star Resorts at a value price, these folks can now experience the Disney Resort.