Disney investment in Dreamworks


Active Member
Does this mean Shrek is Disney and so is Madagascar? Errr?

No thank goodness.... DreamWorks Animation was actually spun-off into a separate company back in 2004. The only thing it now shares with the "live-action" DreamWorks is the name.


Active Member
Speilberg + Disney is not that strange...

...considering he tried to work for Disney early in his career. He sent in his resume when he was a young filmaker and Disney didn't give him the time of day. However I think his brand of entertainment comes with a twist and more than a little baggage which would make a Disney marriage difficult.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Probably since Spielberg directed the movie and has the rights to it. I probably see it going to AK if you ask me.

You really think that Disney will be that quick to integrate these movies that are not under the Disney brand yet? I know it works for Star Wars, and Indiana Jones...But...I just don't see it!:shrug:


Active Member
PLEASE, Disney, PLEASE do NOT retheme DINOSAUR into Jurassic Park. That ride is great the way it is!

I'd love for them to make the Jurassic Park Jeep Ride that they WERE going to build for IoA before Harry Potter. But it would be a perfect fit in Dinoland. DAK needs a water ride.
PLEASE, Disney, PLEASE do NOT retheme DINOSAUR into Jurassic Park. That ride is great the way it is!

I'd love for them to make the Jurassic Park Jeep Ride that they WERE going to build for IoA before Harry Potter. But it would be a perfect fit in Dinoland. DAK needs a water ride.
I think the jeep ride would be a good fit in AK since they already have Kali River Rapids. But another water water ride such as Jurrassic Park River Adventure would be a nice addition to the park. I also agree, Dinosaur is a great ride the way it is right now.


Well-Known Member
No thank goodness.... DreamWorks Animation was actually spun-off into a separate company back in 2004. The only thing it now shares with the "live-action" DreamWorks is the name.

exactly ... no Dreamworks Animation will ever wind up in Disney parks.

And even if SS cuts his ties with Uni Creative, that means nothing as far as his properties like Jaws or JP that are based at UNI. Contracts cover that and go for many decades.


Active Member
exactly ... no Dreamworks Animation will ever wind up in Disney parks.

And even if SS cuts his ties with Uni Creative, that means nothing as far as his properties like Jaws or JP that are based at UNI. Contracts cover that and go for many decades.

Think Disney has the kahunas to make a better Jurassic Park ride? :rolleyes: A fanboy can wish, eh?
Think Disney has the kahunas to make a better Jurassic Park ride? :rolleyes: A fanboy can wish, eh?
Dinosaur knocks Jurassic Park out of the water. The Dinosaurs in Dinosaur are realistic and can get a huge scare factor out of people ive seen adults walk out of that ride shaking worse than they did in AE. In Jurassic Park people basically laugh at the dinosaurs. Based on that i think Disney as what it takes to make a Jurassic Park ride.


Active Member
Dinosaur knocks Jurassic Park out of the water. The Dinosaurs in Dinosaur are realistic and can get a huge scare factor out of people ive seen adults walk out of that ride shaking worse than they did in AE. In Jurassic Park people basically laugh at the dinosaurs. Based on that i think Disney as what it takes to make a Jurassic Park ride.

I'm imagining the scene from E.T. with the bike flying from the castle to TL.... how awesome!


Well-Known Member
They most likely will since he was angry that they closed BTTF in both parks anyway and was a favorite mine also but i havent rode it since 1999 so it would be great when they add it to TL.

Yeah I havent been to Universal again since they closed BTTF.... idiots! But then again it makes it easier for me to spend all my money at Disney! :)


New Member
Never been and never will go to NBC/Universal Please remember Spealburg (spelling?) has had his wars with Disney also.Rodger Rabbit Indiana Jones ect,I think he is always out for the best money making deal.And so would I if I where him.Funny Dreamworks was started by past Disney executives as competition to Disney,they where going to build theme parks and run Disney out of buisness.Shreak was even made to make fun of the Disney company.Now we see who won.Thank goodness:sohappy:


New Member
Hello, new member here, if I may interject regarding the Dreamworks and Disney "parnership."

I don't see much more than just an investment for Disney to make some extra cash. One of the founding members of Dreamworks, Jeffrey Katzeneurg was a high up in the Disney food chain, I believe 3rd in command behind Eisner and Frank Wells. Katzeneberg was promised the presidency by Eisner if Wells were to retire/pass away.

When Frank Wells died, Katzenberg was overlooked, he left and started up Dreamworks. Katzenberg and Eisner did not have the greatest working relationship, and although Eisner no longer works there, Katzenberg has had a bit of a grudge against Disney since.

So, we are more likely to see Spielberg movies in the parks that are not involved with Dreamworks. Unless this partnership turns into a regular working partnership and Disney buys them out (Pixar all over again?).


ET and JP are both Universal Pictures and Amblin Entertainment releases. They are not going to show up in any disney park. This is a Dreamworks deal only.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
exactly ... no Dreamworks Animation will ever wind up in Disney parks.

And even if SS cuts his ties with Uni Creative, that means nothing as far as his properties like Jaws or JP that are based at UNI. Contracts cover that and go for many decades.

Thank you...:wave: I knew that sounded a bit "off".

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