Disney Internships

Princess Belle

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Original Poster
Has anyone had a Disney INternship? If so, Please share your experience! Would you recommend it? Where did you get placed? How do they do the placings?!
Thanks in advance!:)


New Member
I have actually done the Disney College Program twice (Spring 2003 in Fantasyland Attractions and Summer/Fall 2006 in Friendship Boats and, later, Monorails) and I stayed in CP housing as a seasonal Cast Member in Summer 2004 (back when that used to be an option for program alum), so I'll count it as having done the program two and a half times. The placements are done by the recruiters based on a certain formula that I do not really understand (even though I was a Campus Representative for several semesters) and by Casting, but if you are really interested in a certain line of business, let your recruiter know. (The actual location is determined by Casting, but it still doesn't hurt to tell your recruiter if you happen to have a soft spot for any particular place.)

I would without any hesitation definitely recommend it for anyone who is not afraid to try living on their own for a few months, to meet new people, to follow the Disney rules (an important one as Disney is not shy about terminating those who do not!), and to try something new. You don't even have to be a Disney fanatic to enjoy the program and I have plenty of friends who were not really Disney fans when they started, but now tear up every time that Mickey and Company are mentioned.

I absolutely loved my experiences each time and have met some really wonderful people from all over the country and all over the world. My best friend is actually French and, although I was no longer a CP, she was part of the International College Program last year and I met her while we were both working at Pleasure Island on an extra shift. I also have friends in the United Kingdom, Mexico, Brazil, Hong Kong, and, closer to home, in Florida, Pennsylvania, Illinois, California, Massachusetts, and many other places. More than anything else, it is the Cast Members you work with who will make the experience and create memories that will last forever.

If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me or ask on here and I will answer them as best as I can. If I don't know something, I will try to find out from my brother since he has also done two programs (Summer/Fall 2006 with me and Spring 2008) and may have more recent information on CP-specific things.


I did the college program also and just came back home this past Janunary. I did merchandise in Adventureland & the glow carts that are placed on Main Street and the other lands, I even got a few extra shifts in Tomorrowland. I would highly recommed it. It was a blast and you meet people from many different places. I got put in Vista Way which is one of the apartment complexes that has free bus transportation to all the parks, downtown Disney, wal*mart and once or twice a week, the Florida Mall.

The cool part about it is when you get trained and feel comfortable with what you do you can pick up shifts at other spots for variety. I love Stitch and always wanted to work Merchant of Venus in Tomorrowland, and once I got the hang of it I got to work there for 2 or 3 shifts. Though the people you work with become family and you won't want to leave. :D


Well-Known Member
My twin brother was a CP in 1999 (one of my greatest regrets was not doing it with him). He worked in attractions, mostly at Skyway, and after the tragic accident, as a greeter at Ariel's Grotto and at other FL attractions.

My brother was a freshman in college and had never been away from home for an extended period of time. He lived in Vista Way with three other people, one of with whom he is still very good friends (nearly 10 years later). He also still keeps in contact with around 7 or 8 friends from the CP. Two of his friends met there that semester as CPs and are now married with a daughter (my brother went to the wedding). One of them works FT at WDW as Mickey's friend (for parades and special events, plus travel -one of the best gigs as Mickey's friend you can get). So if you're interested in using it as a stepping stone to a career, it can be done.

My brother ended up going back for a week a year for a couple years to keep his CM status current, but eventually he realized that he wasn't interested in a career with Disney. He ended up spending a semester abroad as an undergrad in Mexico (where he was during 9/11, which was so scary, having him in a foreign country on that day), and as a graduate student spent semesters in Switzerland and Chile. He credits spending 4 months in Orlando alone at a young age with giving him the confidence he could make it alone in different countries. He really grew up during those few months, and developed personal and communication skills that have helped him to this day.

As I said before, I really regret not doing the program with him. To anyone who's thinking about it, I say go for it - you only live once!
it's actually interesting that this thread comes up! lol
i'm going into my senior year in high school, and i have often wondered about the programs disney has to offer. We might be taking a trip to the World over christmas and i was going to look into a summer job, for either next summer or the summer after my first year in college.

Does anyone know what i would be doing if i was coming in straight out of high school? compared to what i would be doing if i waited for my first year of college to pass?

also what selections do you have as to where to work and what to work being the first time working at disney?

any comments would help!



Well-Known Member
Hi MickeyMan,

Definitely check out this website for lots of info (I think you can also email a recruiter through the site and get any additional questions answered).

I thought I read something before about a new program for graduating seniors to spend the summer after graduation in WDW....not sure about that though.

Basically for first time CPs, you would be working in a basic function in the parks, attractions, entertainment, food service, janitorial, merchandise (I'm probably forgetting some...sorry, I'm not an expert :eek: It's all on the site, though). You can go back and do multiple CPs in the same type of capacity, or you can go into an advanced CP/internship, which is more specific to your major or area of interest. Most of the specific internships require that you have completed a "regular" CP first, so it's good to do the CP early in college, IMO (check out Disneycareers.com for information about specific internships, although they may not have many listed for fall if they've already been filled).

That's some info for starters...definitely check out the site and ask them any questions you might have. Maybe someday we'll be see you in the parks as a CP!


Well-Known Member
I am currently on my 4th CP. I did merchandise in Spring 2005, character attendant for Fall Advantage 2006, custodial Summer 2007, and am now back as a character attendant for Summer 2008. I should be graduating in May, and plan on moving down to FL and going FT at Disney. The CP (to me) is such a great experience. I have learned so much down here.


New Member
it's actually interesting that this thread comes up! lol
i'm going into my senior year in high school, and i have often wondered about the programs disney has to offer. We might be taking a trip to the World over christmas and i was going to look into a summer job, for either next summer or the summer after my first year in college.

Does anyone know what i would be doing if i was coming in straight out of high school? compared to what i would be doing if i waited for my first year of college to pass?

also what selections do you have as to where to work and what to work being the first time working at disney?

any comments would help!

Straight out of highschool the Careerstart Internship would probably be best for you! I just graduated in June and I'm heading down for the internship later this summer in August, I can't give you tips as I haven't done it yet but I can tell you the anticipation is awesome, you get so excited looking forward to being there. I'm already speaking to people from all over the country who will be in Florida on the same program as me. It's already been a great experience and it hasn't even happened yet!:lol:


New Member
I did a Professional Internship in Engineering and loved it! I won't bore anyone with details since it won't mean anything unless you're an engineering major but of all the internships I've had, WDW was by far the most fun! I definitely recommend it :animwink:


New Member
Straight out of highschool the Careerstart Internship would probably be best for you! I just graduated in June and I'm heading down for the internship later this summer in August, I can't give you tips as I haven't done it yet but I can tell you the anticipation is awesome, you get so excited looking forward to being there. I'm already speaking to people from all over the country who will be in Florida on the same program as me. It's already been a great experience and it hasn't even happened yet!:lol:

I second that for sure!! I've been waiting for CareerStart since my sophomore year in HS, and it's finally approaching!

The main differences with the CP are the roles offered and program seasons. If you want a job straight out of high school, CareerStart may be for you! If you have to go straight to college, wait for the College Program-- it's essentially going to be the same either way!

Well, maybe that's a rash generalization. It's going to *almost* be the same in the ways of roles and application procedure... you know. It's Disney either way!


New Member
Im glad I found this thread! Im heading off to Culinary School in the fall, and I'll hopefully be doing my spring internship with the CP....so I was wondering has anyone else done something culinary related in the CP? I think i read that how long it lasts and what type of work you do could be pretty diffrent than someone else in the cp....is that true?
Ive been looking forward to it since I think sophmore year in high school :cool: and its all I can talk about when someone asks me what Im doing for school :p

another question....how often do/can you get time off? It sounds like a silly reason, but I have a serious long distance relationship with my boyfriend, and I think it would really stress me out if I couldnt see him all summer :veryconfu


New Member
Im glad I found this thread! Im heading off to Culinary School in the fall, and I'll hopefully be doing my spring internship with the CP....so I was wondering has anyone else done something culinary related in the CP? I think i read that how long it lasts and what type of work you do could be pretty diffrent than someone else in the cp....is that true?
Ive been looking forward to it since I think sophmore year in high school :cool: and its all I can talk about when someone asks me what Im doing for school :p

another question....how often do/can you get time off? It sounds like a silly reason, but I have a serious long distance relationship with my boyfriend, and I think it would really stress me out if I couldnt see him all summer :veryconfu

The work is different in a PI than the CP because you're doing something related to your major in college. The event planning internship for MK comes to mind... lots more to do with setting up equipment and facilitating events, not working a counter service restaurant or being friends with a character. CP roles are more the standard hourly positions, while the PI's are specialized.

As for time off... not sure how it works, but I'd say probably not something you should do. You'll probably have to live without the BF :shrug:

I know there is a "point system" and after you get so many points, Disney says "good bye."


New Member
Im glad I found this thread! Im heading off to Culinary School in the fall, and I'll hopefully be doing my spring internship with the CP....so I was wondering has anyone else done something culinary related in the CP? I think i read that how long it lasts and what type of work you do could be pretty diffrent than someone else in the cp....is that true?
Ive been looking forward to it since I think sophmore year in high school :cool: and its all I can talk about when someone asks me what Im doing for school :p

another question....how often do/can you get time off? It sounds like a silly reason, but I have a serious long distance relationship with my boyfriend, and I think it would really stress me out if I couldnt see him all summer :veryconfu
You could have HIM come down to visit you on your days off...

sleeping beauty

New Member
What opportunities/jobs are available after completing the CP?

After reading the different threads on the WDW college internships, I see that you can meet many people, new life time friends and have a wonderful experience, but what about job offers after the internship? I just graduated May 08 and I start the internship August 08 and will complete it Jan 09. What are the chances of being offered a job? Does anyone know?


Well-Known Member
What are the chances of being offered a job? Does anyone know?

From what I've heard, it really depends on where you're working and the casting needs at WDW. One of my friends from high school never came home from the CP and became a full-time CM in Tomorrowland (she ended up moving back home about 5 or 6 years later but I never heard from her). One of my brother's friends he met on the CP did two college programs (the first one she was friends with Mickey, the second one she was custodial, just to show how you really don't know what you're going to get). When she graduated, she went back to casting and was able to get her great job now, as a high-ranking friend of Mickey.

My brother did the CP his freshman year, as I mentioned before. He put in his time through graduation, going to WDW for a week each year to remain seasonal. After graduation, he packed up his car and moved down to Orlando, expecting to become a full-time CM. He went to casting and they told him they had a position as a PT Main Street greeter. He ended up coming home a few days later and has never gone back to being a CM (he has a very good job with the government and ended up getting his master's from Syracuse so he didn't turn out so bad :lol:).

The point of these stories is just that so much depends on casting needs and where you're willing to work. My friend from high school spoke to her supervisors well before the end of her CP to let them know she wanted to stay and they secured her FT employment well in advance. If you were to flat-out stay and not go home after doing the CP, I would recommend doing the same thing.

If you would like to come back after graduation, I suggest possibly doing another CP, like my brother's friend of Mickey, or at the very least keeping your CM status up to date by working a few weeks seasonally each year. To make sure what happened to my brother doesn't happen to you, I would also recommend when you're there to make sure you mention to your supervisors that you plan on coming back after graduation and becoming a FT CM.

There are several people here, I believe, who have become FT CMs after doing the college program, so you should get some more great tips. Hope these stories help a little until then :).

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