Disney in Early June ... is it good or too darn HOT?


Original Poster
Please weigh-in on this thread. I'm considering heading down in June 1st or 2nd week. I've never been to Florida in a "summer" month. Is it 1000 Degrees? Usually we go in April or October/November.


New Member
ciscobee said:
Please weigh-in on this thread. I'm considering heading down in June 1st or 2nd week. I've never been to Florida in a "summer" month. Is it 1000 Degrees? Usually we go in April or October/November.

It can get pretty darn hot in the summer in Florida. In any of the summer months. If you're not into heat, or wearing shorts and cool clothing, I wouldn't recommend it.


Well-Known Member
Its hot but not the hottest it can get in my opinion. As the summer goes on it get hotter. Just bring shorts and the sunscreen.


Well-Known Member
ciscobee said:
Please weigh-in on this thread. I'm considering heading down in June 1st or 2nd week. I've never been to Florida in a "summer" month. Is it 1000 Degrees? Usually we go in April or October/November.

well i have been in june, july and august! lol. and yes it is hot. but i have a technique that isnt to bad.

go to the parks in the am. gets real hot around noon so at that time see a couple indoor shows etc. then go to the pool for a late lunch or something. then the clouds roll in. you can honestly almost time the afternoon showers. so they last about at most and hour from what ive experienced. then when teh showers done (usually 4:30 - 5 ) go back to the parks (most of them are open to around 9 or 10) thats just my idea though :) it works for me lol. plus it breaks up the day so you arent rushing around. Alot of guest leave the park when it rains and then by the time they are gone its stopped so the afternoon showers can sometimes be an advantage!!!


New Member
I guess it depends on your definition of "hot." I live in southern Alabama on the coast. So hot to me is upper 90's. Early June is not too bad. We've been last week of May, mid June (father's day week), and mid July. June is warm-- upper 80's (if you're lucky) to mid 90's (mostly) while we were there. It is not terribly bad for us. Mid July, however was much worse - I think there were days right at 100. But, if you live in the north....Yes....it is hot in June...Very Hot and VERY HUMID! LOTS of sunscreen is a must and light clothing helps. Tennis shoes vs. sandals: Well, that is an ongoing debate that is just personal preference. Just be prepared for anything.

pat in the hat

New Member
We went the last week in June up to the 4th of July last year, and we typically go in April or May. While it was warm, it was not unbearable in my opinion . . . but then again, it is 47 degrees where I am now, so when I go to Florida, I want it to be sunny + hot! I will say this, on all our previous trips in the spring, we never took a break from the parks to go swim at our resort (we would set aside separate resort/swim days). . . on our last trip, we needed to! :wave:


We went the first 2 weeks of June in 2002. We'll NEVER go again at that time. It was 95 degrees with 100% humidity every day. Humidity would finally get so bad it would rain in the afternoon (every day). We went through more clothes than we ever did. Many, many people were very crabby. Lots of crabby, hot children and even crabbier moms and dads. We thought we would beat the rush of the school-age kids getting out but instead there were many more toddler/infant age kids which actually were worse because they got crabbier. I have a child myself so am well aware of stages they go through. This was not a fun trip. If you take the tips of XODISNEYBELLEOX, you may do okay. I'm from Minnesota and can't take the high humidity. When it's 100% humidity here - it's raining! I can handle the heat. We would walk out of the hotel room and instantly be wet - it was like walking into a steam room. And then you walk around and are sticky all day. I've heard from fellow disney travelers that August can be even worse. We go now in October, when the crowds are lighter and the humidity is much lower. It depends on how you handle the heat and humidity.


Active Member
I try to skip the parks in June, July, and August. Although I might be going the last weekend of the Flower and Garden Fest. so that would also be the weekend of June 2nd through 5th. Maybe we'll pass eachother and have no clue!!! Haha.



New Member
We went on our first summer trip last june, 2004. I also hate humidity and was leary of the trip at this time of year. We had a wonderful time! I agree with going to the parks at opening and beating some of the crowds. This worked well! The rain became predictable and was pleasant afterwards. Just take ponchos and a small umbrella. We used these everyday and they are very easy to carry. Buy the ponchos at home for about $2.00. The evenings were warm but not unbearable. We also took advantage of E-Nights, I"m not sure if they have been offered this year. Use sunscreen and carry a water bottle! Alot of shows and lines are inside and so it is cool to wait. Ice cream also taste good!! Just plan a little and have a wonderful time!! We also bought small fans at walgreens before we left home to carry with us. This was one of the best things we did to beat the heat!!


Well-Known Member
I have been going the first/second week in June for sometime now, and it gets pretty hot...But it rains, so there is some relief...Like someone said, go early and about mid-day, see some indoor shows and/or indoor rides...the air conditioning is on everywhere, so use it.....even if its the restrooms


It's gonna be pretty hot! But you'll be on vacation!! If it gets too hot, just bask in the glory of your freedom! ( freedom from work , that is) :)

Ralph Wiggum

Account Suspended
to me, it's no different than a summer in the midwest, it just lasts longer here. we stay away from WDW in June in July because of the crowds, not the heat. the UV factor is worse than the humidity to me.


Active Member
Two yrs ago we went in the beginning of May and it was in the mid 90's almost near 100, with highi humidity. We literally roasted at the parks. Last yr, we went in the middle of June and it was only in the low to mid 80's. So its a little unpredictable. but for the month of June it shouldn't be that bad. I would say July would be the worse. Be safe, pack the sun tan lotion and plenty of water and have a great time. :)


New Member
I think that if you are concerned enough about it to even ask, then you probably wouldn't like the heat in June. Personally, I wouldn't let the heat keep me away. I don't remember ever feeling that miserable there in June or July due to heat. What I was miserable about was the humidity making it ABSOLUTELY impossible to have a good hair day. Who wants to look bad in a photo with Mickey??? I just take a hat.

If you decide to brave the heat, it won't be bad. You do spend a lot of time indoors with AC. If you are someone though that gets cranky when you're hot, then you should probably stick to spring and fall.


Well-Known Member
June, July, August - FAR too hot for Disney. Really. Take it from a 20 year FL resident. Last year we hit MGM for the Star Wars weekends. Never went before, wanted to check it out. It was the last weekend in May and it was sweltering and miserable. I wouldn't ever do it again. The humidity, the sun, the uv index, the crowds - ugh, it's just not worth it to me. WDW, no matter how much we love it (and we do), is just off-limits during the summer months to us. There's no reason in our minds to spend money to be miserable.


This is my honest opinion.. if you've never been here during "summer" then the heat, humidity and just generally sorching sun is going to be a problem. To live in South Florida without these things bothering you excessively, you really have to season yourself. Visitors can easily be wiped out.


New Member
I like the weather, even if it is humid. Its still just, great to be there. Its good for going in the water parks too.


MissM said:
June, July, August - FAR too hot for Disney. Really. Take it from a 20 year FL resident. Last year we hit MGM for the Star Wars weekends. Never went before, wanted to check it out. It was the last weekend in May and it was sweltering and miserable. I wouldn't ever do it again. The humidity, the sun, the uv index, the crowds - ugh, it's just not worth it to me. WDW, no matter how much we love it (and we do), is just off-limits during the summer months to us. There's no reason in our minds to spend money to be miserable.

In total agreement for all the reasons you listed ~ (Ziggie, a 25 year resident)


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
it all depends on your background and personal preference. im not really hot unless it is over 95 and humid (visit alabama in august)....... but i do want ot warn you about something that happens every year in the extra extra hot months, sweat marks.............. see, you have this person, that gets extremely hot, not like normal people, but extrememly over heated, then they enter a cool building for an attraction and when they sit down and cool off they start pouring sweat even more leaving a nice treat for the person sitting there in the next ride........................... just watch out. it happens to me at least once every vacation. LOL

the worst is when you sit down and some one left some on the seat in the location of the back of your calves.............or the in the bend of your knee, gives me the willies


jmaxwell007 said:
sweat marks.............. see, you have this person, that gets extremely hot, not like normal people, but extrememly over heated, then they enter a cool building for an attraction and when they sit down and cool off they start pouring sweat even more leaving a nice treat for the person sitting there in the next ride........................... just watch out. it happens to me at least once every vacation. LOL

the worst is when you sit down and some one left some on the seat in the location of the back of your calves.............or the in the bend of your knee, gives me the willies

lolol.. so true!! :lol:

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