Disney Imagineering Testing Dragon

Crush Dude!

Back from WDW!Counting down to DLP in November!
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Stitch Kingdom. This is what they said:

According to the report, the dragon has been making monthly appearances at the airport where Disney has been renting a hangar, golf cart and other paraphernalia and plans to ship the dragon (not fly it) to Orlando later this summer.

While all signs point to possible research for Avatarland at Disney's Animal Kingdom, one commenter on the original photo in May says its not Avatar related, though she wasn't sure what the intent was. To her credit, she was also able to note the flying puppet would be able to breath fire as well as that it would return to the airport for further testing in June/July.

The tweet about shipping to irlando was said in jest;

@StitchKingdom: I think the dragon is going to Orlando so it can spell 'Jesus Loves You' in the sky in flames.


Active Member
Shipping to Orlando is speculation at best

I know that, but I went back as far as I could though through the source links on different websites, and the shipping to Orlando comment comes from the Bakersfield Californian:

Flying a mechanical dragon hundreds of feet in the air above Shafter's Minter Field is no way to keep the thing a secret.
That was apparently Disney's intention, however, when it swore airport officials to secrecy by having them sign a nondisclosure agreement as part of its rental of a hangar, a golf cart and rights to test the modified ultralight before shipping it off to Florida later this summer.
Link to main article

Crush Dude!

Back from WDW!Counting down to DLP in November!
Original Poster
I know that, but I went back as far as I could though through the source links on different websites, and the shipping to Orlando comment comes from the Bakersfield Californian:

Flying a mechanical dragon hundreds of feet in the air above Shafter's Minter Field is no way to keep the thing a secret.
That was apparently Disney's intention, however, when it swore airport officials to secrecy by having them sign a nondisclosure agreement as part of its rental of a hangar, a golf cart and rights to test the modified ultralight before shipping it off to Florida later this summer.
Link to main article
Intersting... Let the speculation grow...


Active Member
Intersting... Let the speculation grow...

Yes, interesting... Most people seem to agree its not for Avatar, but then most people also say its going to Orlando. So it could be for a nighttime show in Disney World, maybe Fantasmic or a new unannounced thing (rumored Steve Davison show?). But I guess it could also just be for more testing before shipping off to Asia. I could really only see this working in a reinvented Fantasmic, a new show, or a show in Avatarland, even though its already been said its not for that.


Well-Known Member
The parachute kinda kills the "magic" for me, but it still looks promising. Mabye they can use this in a night show like fantasmic where the parachute will be less visible.

The plans for this thing have been around for a while (way before AVland) and we all speculated a black parachute would work for a night show, too. :)


Premium Member
So what do you think? Is this going to be part of an announcement for AVATARland, part of a show that will be featured in the new land, or maybe even part of an attraction?


Active Member
So what do you think? Is this going to be part of an announcement for AVATARland, part of a show that will be featured in the new land, or maybe even part of an attraction?

Well I don't see how it could be used in an attraction, but who knows what Disney can come up with?

Judging by the look of the dragon plane, I can only imagine it being used in a nighttime show in Avatarland. That is, if it's going to WDW, which people seem to say it is.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't there similar concept art a while ago with this for Avatar? I remember seeing something similar to this. The only thing is it doesn't look anything like the creatures from Avatar. That might be just because it's a prototype.


Well-Known Member
Will Animal Kingdom finally get a nightime show? It needs one desperatley... the overview videos for all the parks are like "and don't miss the kiss goodnight, one of the most amazing shows you'll ever see!" and then Animal Kingdom... and nothing :oops: I LOVE AK it's my second favorite park behind MK but it really needs a nightime show...


Well-Known Member
I don't think I can handle another emotional roller coaster like this again.

First it was like "Ohhh nooooooo! This Avatar thing might be happening after all. Ah man!"

Then it was like "Whooooodily who! Thank the maker. Avater might still get scrapped after all!"


Well-Known Member
Holy smokes. What a fantastic machine. If implemented right it could be amazing.

Avatar - perfect use for it. Imagine a couple of these things soaring overhead as one explores Pandora. Wholistic ambiance.

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