Disney hotel comforters, do they change them?


OK, I'm not sure if I actually want to know the answer to this question, but, does Disney change the comforters after every guests stay? I have heard "rumors" that hotels don't have to change them after a guests stay, I have never asked this before (because I didn't want to know, I guess). If not, firstly YUCK! :hurl: Secondly, why the heck not? :shrug: Thirdly, we the people who pay good money to stay in these rooms should do something about it. I suggest starting a revolution of hotel guests that take the comforters at the end of their stays and stuff them into the tub and run the water. Forcing the hotels to use clean comforters every time a new guest checks in.

What do you think? :lookaroun



New Member
Meaning they were bringing in a clean one for the new guests, or that new guests just didn't want it in their room and tossed it in the hall (I think the former but wanted to clarify).

At GF last year I could have sworn I saw mousekeeping put baskets of linens in the hall outside each room - and many of them had folded comforter/quilt type things on them (along with a blanket, sheets & towels).

They were after the guest checked out and before the next guest arrived,
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Well-Known Member
Wow, I feel like the only one who does nothing.

Sure, I don't go and lick the remote, or rub my face on the floor, but aside from that, I pretty much leave the room as I found it.

Maybe it's a case of out of sight out of mind. I do wipe down the phone, only because I work with phones, and have seen some dirty phones in my life (oh your volume is low, maybe if your ear piece was not packed full of facial makeup) but other than that I don't do anything. I seems to work for me. I am been seriously ill once in the last 20 years, and that was while at home. I don't think I have ever been sick while in a hotel. Oh wait, once I was. Hershey Lodge, sick as a dog, I think it was from food though. Took almost a whole day to recover.

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Well-Known Member
My aunt works at Pop Century in mousekeeping and says they change the comforters and sheets after every guest. I still bring my own pillow though...
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Well-Known Member
I just chatted with a woman on the WDW website and here is what was said:

Thank you for contacting Disney. Please hold while we route your chat to a Disney Cast Member who will help you with your question.

Welcome to Disney! My name is Katelin. How may I help you today?

Hello, I was wondering if the disney resorts change the comforters and blankets every time a guest checks out of a hotel? I have read that other hotels reuse the dirty linens because it's an "industry standard". I have never looked at disney as a "standard" at anything.

Katelin: Good afternoon.

Katelin: I am checking with Guest Relations. One moment please.

you: thx

Katelin: Thanks for your patience. I spoke to Guest Relations and they stated that we change the comforters and blankets after check outs.

you: Thank goodness, thanks for your help.

So, there we have it. I hope it's true. I'll ask again when I check in.

Now my wife can breathe a little easier.

Thanks for asking about this. I too have always wondered if they change the comforters and blankets. I also asked at check in and was told that they are cleaned between guests. I feel better with knowing that is what they told you too.
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Active Member
It's disgusting to think about.

I used to always think about it, but try to keep it out of my head now. It's something you can't help, so why let it ruin your time?

My mom always tells me "don't study microbiology" since I get creeped out easily!
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I can't imagine a comforter or blanket at WDW making it 6 mos. between washings even if they wanted to. With all the little kids spills and accidents, I'd be surprized if they could go a couple weeks without changing. I've heard the most germ-covered item in a hotel room is the TV remote, so I always make sure to wipe that down. I guess if you're really worried you could bring one of those blue lights that detects "biological hazards." :ROFLOL:
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New Member
Wow, I feel like the only one who does nothing.

Sure, I don't go and lick the remote, or rub my face on the floor, but aside from that, I pretty much leave the room as I found it.

Maybe it's a case of out of sight out of mind. I do wipe down the phone, only because I work with phones, and have seen some dirty phones in my life (oh your volume is low, maybe if your ear piece was not packed full of facial makeup) but other than that I don't do anything. I seems to work for me. I am been seriously ill once in the last 20 years, and that was while at home. I don't think I have ever been sick while in a hotel. Oh wait, once I was. Hershey Lodge, sick as a dog, I think it was from food though. Took almost a whole day to recover.


I have to travel a lot for my job. Between the plane rides and the many hotel rooms I've stayed over the years, I've just stopped worrying about it.

I'm more bothered by the number of folks who don't wash their hands after they use the bathroom at the park. I can't begin to imagine all the things they've touched at the park. I'm more concerned about catching something at a park than in my room. You can only use so much hand sanitizer and wet wipes during the day.
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disney magic 06

Well-Known Member
When I saw the heading for this thread I hardly dared read it, I've never used the comforters on the beds and shuddered at the thought of what they'd been through since their last laundering. I'm so relieved now, thank you all for your investigations and posts, I shall rest much easier next May now :)
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Well-Known Member
I always take the comforter off the bed when staying at a hotel due to hearing the same thing-they rarely get cleaned. I kinda worry about germs but mostly I think about those tv specials I have seen with the blacklight that show certain things on comforters that I would rather not get into.....I would rather rub someone's old makeup on my face than any other thing possibly on those comforters! (and I am so happy to know Disney changes theirs...thank u for ur investigating!)
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New Member
When we were checking out of one of the resort hotels years ago...may have been Caribbean Beach. I am not sure it has been years ago. However, we were in the process of taking our stuff out to the car as we were in the process of leaving. The Mousekeeper stopped and asked if she could leave her bag of linens for the next guests of the room so she wouldn't have to continue hauling them around until we actually left. We said sure and she brought in the bag and put it on the table. Inside the sealed clear plastic bag you could see folded clean sheets, pillow cases, and a folded clean comforter ready for the next guest! That is when I knew they replaced them after each guest! :wave:
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Well-Known Member
Good news, my son didn't die after he actually licked one those railings. What on earth was he thinking??? I look over and he's hanging on a pole and he just flat out licked it???
No offense but that made me lol. :ROFLOL:

Yeah I don't worry about this in hotel rooms either. It's just not worth all the trouble to me :shrug:
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Well-Known Member
I have to travel a lot for my job. Between the plane rides and the many hotel rooms I've stayed over the years, I've just stopped worrying about it.

I'm more bothered by the number of folks who don't wash their hands after they use the bathroom at the park. I can't begin to imagine all the things they've touched at the park. I'm more concerned about catching something at a park than in my room. You can only use so much hand sanitizer and wet wipes during the day.

That is the one thing that does really bug me. When people use the bathroom and then don't wash their hands and then you have to open the door.

Maybe because it's 'fresh' ?

But then I also don't use hand sanitizer or wet wipes either. Some day it may catch up to me, but knock on wood, I have had a pretty good track record of not getting sick very often, and when I do get sick, it is a low grade fever or a headache.

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Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I think that people who worry too much about germs are actually doing themselves a disservice. By avoiding too many germs they are lowering their natural immunity to a lot of germs.
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Well-Known Member
As soon as I readd this thread, I knew who to call. My mother, she has been a cast member for over 15 yrs. She has held just about every kind of job imaginable. She even trained to be a bus driver (ugggg) but couldnt parrell park...LOL At one time she was a member of "mousekeeping". When I asked her about the bed linen question she laughed.....She said of course they change between guest. She told me if anything I should worry more about whats on the carpets. They vacum but the carpets get cleaned only so often. She didnt know exactly how often.

That said, If I was worried about germs and getting exposed to them, I would worry more about the flight to Orlando. You breathe air that is just recirculated over and over. Your plane has probably visited several airports through out the country. handled several thousand passengers before the plane is serviced. Do they clean every seat? arm rest ect?

In my regular job, I visit a different home everyday. Sometimes two or three in one day. I work in a construction related craft such as a plummer. I have been doing it for over thirty yrs. and can say i must have been exposed to every germ you could think of and I rarely get sick.

I think there is some truth to 'worring yourself sick" Take some precautions, have a great time. We probably should worry more about getting hit by a WDW bus.....
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Active Member
Wow, I feel like the only one who does nothing.

Sure, I don't go and lick the remote, or rub my face on the floor, but aside from that, I pretty much leave the room as I found it.

I'm with you Dave. Having camped in the southwest with scorpions & coyotes about, it wouldn't even occur to me to be worried about cleanliness in a Disney hotel.

I catch a cold on every airplane ride though.
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Original Poster
OK, now I am completely confused. When I "chatted" with the Disney person the other day she told me that they are cleaned after every check-out. I also sent an email to Disney that day. I received my reply today, here it is:

Dear Frank,

Thank you for contacting the Walt Disney World Resort.

Guests may request that blankets and comforters be laundered prior to
arrival. Please let the cast member to whom you are speaking know that
you wish this notation to be made on your reservations.

We wish you a most magical visit, Frank! See you soon!

If you have questions or need further assistance, feel free to contact

Please include your full name, E-Mail address, and reservation number if
applicable on all correspondence.


Ann Polson

So, now I don't know what they do over in WDW, I will be calling to make sure we have clean linens. What do you guys think?

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