PM46 - Im sad in a way that folks like you and I can't get positions inside Disney, when we have a true love for the park, Walt, and for me, seeing newcomers leave with a smile and making them return customers. I have been going to Disney since 1980, my folks went opening month, opening year and they are sick

with it, just as I am. :sohappy: Which is a blessing. I know how fortunate I have been to even have stepped foot in the park once, much less about 30 times now. Over the years I have made friends with castmembers by happenstance, and even driven the monorail a few resort laps. Ive stayed at each resort on the lap, several times, and love the culture and feeling it brings to all that visit. Ive been around the park, under the castle and eaten some of the best food made by people that truly love what they do. My love for the park and Disney was reinforced by Marty Sklar in December of this past year. I sat down with my folks at the 3 of available 4 chairs at the sushi bar in the California Grill. I asked him if we could join him, and he graciously embraced us. The next 2-3 hours were filled with stories of he and Walt, and of his "baby" - Space Mountain. He had not yet seen the Hall of Presidents, but was going the next day. I can't put into words what it was like talking with the "Jiminy Cricket of the organization" - but can tell you it will stay with me forever. His eyes lit up when I told him how much I loved the Carousel of Progress. Marty went on to tell us of when he placed the flag on the mound where the castle rests today. As he was sitting beside my dad, I had moved to his side, on bent knee, listening to his stories for over an hour and a half and asking him questions. He had been to the opening of each park, and worked side by side with Walt. I dont think I will ever meet anyone, so close to the person we all admire and love for what he gave in his life.
In short, I love the company and only dream that I could contribute one tenth of what he did, of course I will continue to apply - wishing - hoping - that they will allow me to work for the mouse. On a related note, I spent 2 days with Mickey Rooney on a film set, and yes, I asked about his meeting with Walt. (and got his autograph)

Either way, Ive met the mouse's guardian and the person for whom we know as Mickey. I guess I cant complain much at all, but wouldnt it make great banter with guests?

Until then, I will continue to fill my cart and apply for positions with Walt Disney World, overqualified or the reverse, I won't let up - for all the right reasons.