News 'Disney Enchantment' coming to Magic Kingdom October 1 2021


Well-Known Member
I’m so hooked on the new songs, they’re freaking ear worms. I guess I don’t get the appeal of wanting a firework show that plays ride audios to celebrate the park…RDCT did it already and let’s be honest, the show would’ve been panned for just copying the format or Disneyland did it better. Like I get the wanting to celebrate the anniversary but it’s a show that opened FOR the anniversary. It’s like giving your parents flowers to celebrate their anniversary versus a photo album to remember all the things leading to it. Both are great, but if your mom storms out cause you didn’t do a photo album then well…

People can scream, kick and holler till their blue in the face about not liking it..,that’s fine…it’s their opinion, however within 2-3 years people will be liking this the way they liked HEA. It’ll also resonate with a new group of young people coming up with Disney much like some of us with Wishes or HEA. That’s the beauty of Disney these past 50 years, we’ve all seen different versions and era that resonates in some way with our inner child. Some eras we see more fondly than others and some eras are downright gross (2007-2013). Don’t know where I was going with this last part but everyone just remember…you are the magic 🤩


Well-Known Member
I think it's more trashing a perfectly passable show because it's not perfect in your eyes is pretty toxic. This show looked OK, and I think I'll like it better in person.
Harmonious on the other hand was a mess. A mess that 80% of guests will love. (the people who yell "OMG it's Brave! Look at her!)

That's entirely subjective, though. You think it's perfectly passable; someone else doesn't -- that's not toxic. It's just a difference of opinion.

There's not much that's objectively good or bad about a fireworks show. What one person loves another person hates.

Giss Neric

Well-Known Member
I kinda appreciated Enchantment more after several viewings but the one thing that irks me the most is that there was no build up to Tinkerbell's flight with the music. I feel like she was just inserted at the last minute for fan service but was not originally supposed to be included.


Well-Known Member
I remember my last trip to WDW in 2001 and we visited my Aunt (RIP Aunty Pip) and we were talking about the magic kingdom and the fireworks show and with a dead pan face she exclaimed that the person who plays tinkerbell is about 70 yrs old and basically lives up in that tower day and night. Suffice to say, we had a good laugh out of it, and even now, I have a good chuckle every time i see them zip wiring along that wire like a deranged chicken ready for her glass of gin and a cigarette. 😂🤣😂🤣


Well-Known Member
Not watching the videos. They never do the shows justice. But did anyone who was actually there in person at MK last night actually like it?
(Just skimming the last few pages, it looks like all the opinions are based on a stream)
Was there and loved it. Reminded me of a classic MK show like fantasy in the Sky


Well-Known Member
If this had come directly after Wishes, and had been our first real projection show, I don’t think the overall backlash would be so harsh.

but after having HEA and really seeing all the potential of the projections, lasers, and emotionally charged music, it just falls flat. It’s a poor man’s HEA.

There was a 7-8 year old boy next to us watching the fireworks last night, and when it was over he said, “mommy what happened to the good show?” and I had to laugh….but it’s sad when a 7 year old kid can tell the difference.

again, it’s not a bad show….it just isn’t as good. And for the dang 50th, its not acceptable.


Premium Member
If this had come directly after Wishes, and had been our first real projection show, I don’t think the overall backlash would be so harsh.

but after having HEA and really seeing all the potential of the projections, lasers, and emotionally charged music, it just falls flat. It’s a poor man’s HEA.

There was a 7-8 year old boy next to us watching the fireworks last night, and when it was over he said, “mommy what happened to the good show?” and I had to laugh….but it’s sad when a 7 year old kid can tell the difference.

again, it’s not a bad show….it just isn’t as good. And for the dang 50th, its not acceptable.
It’s a celebration of Disney+ movies more than a celebration of 50th years of WDW


Well-Known Member
If Steve Davison were in charge for Disney Enchantment aside from HarmonioUS, the show's content will be vastly different than what we seen today. The "nighttime spectacular" still being named as "Disney Enchantment" but will more focus of past and present of Walt Disney World (including how Walt and Roy have a rule at WDW development) as the resort celebrating its 50th anniversary. The show will showcase many attractions and shows that either were or still existed at 4 WDW theme parks as well as classic and modern Disney films that are relevant to the attractions.


Well-Known Member
so i just finished Enchantment.

1)Well i see a trend here at Disney World. No cohesive themed Its a bunch of IP And alot of mis opportunities and missing disney Classic songs, Whats sad is that there wasn't even i climactic scene, For example Moana song like OMG, They could have chosen the right Mix but they have to cut it in the middle like come on Whoever mixed that soundtrack were making alot of questionable choices.

2) I get its beautiful props to the staff, the projections the fireworks doesn't really blend well for me, for. example Happily Ever After that was an amazing spectacular It had a heart and soul, Whats missing from enchantment is Enchantment itself.

3) sigh about the music i mean They could have atleast very least used characters original voices, This would have been perfect.

4) Where the heck is the Fab 5

I mean Its disney worlds 50, what does it have to do with recent movies, Just a bunch of scenes projected, I get its beautiful okay, But its such a killer.
I give this a 4.7/10
compared to wishes and HEA.
What a marketing show.


Well-Known Member
If Steve Davison were in charge for Disney Enchantment aside from HarmonioUS, the show's content will be vastly different than what we seen today. The "nighttime spectacular" still being named as "Disney Enchantment" but will more focus of past and present of Walt Disney World (including how Walt and Roy have a rule at WDW development) as the resort celebrating its 50th anniversary. The show will showcase many attractions and shows that either were or still existed at 4 WDW theme parks as well as classic and modern Disney films that are relevant to the attractions.
This But i have to correct you about Harmonious Steve davison was part of Epcot i dont know about
Enchantment in magic kingdom.


Well-Known Member
In response to “it has no story”.

We set out on an adventure to find the magic of dreams come true (typical of MK shows).

Joe Gardner transports the park into “the zone” to then enter a variety of dream worlds in search of “the magic.” As is typical of MK shows, this involves entering a number of well-known fantasy worlds. Eventually, we move “Into the Unknown” and the villains are unleashed.

In the end, the heroes save the day and we discover the truth: “the Magic is you.”

I don’t honestly think it’s that hard to follow. Listen to the soundtrack without watching the visuals. It’s about as straightforward as HEA’s story. Much more straightforward than ROE. I think some here are being intentionally obtuse because they are angry about not hearing “it’s a small world.” While Harm may be jumbled due to some unfortunate late edits, this really isn’t.

I think it has beautiful score. The blending of instrumentals in the middle is wonderful and feels like Wishes and even FitS. The start and finish feel like HEA. Can we not see that the design team tried to give us a blending of all previous MK firework shows for the 50th?

The Castle projections were simplified due to complaints that most people (especially kids) can’t see them. We all loved Wishes and it sometimes turned the castle blue with stars. That was it. It was determined that they went too-detailed for HEA so this is a middle ground. Further, this was developed during the pandemic. They needed to think of ways to move guests away from the Hub.

The music swells as Tink flies with a path lit by a line of fireworks. Pretty dramatic to me…


Premium Member
Joe Gardner transports the park into “the zone” to then enter a variety of dream worlds in search of “the magic.” As is typical of MK shows, this involves entering a number of well-known fantasy worlds. Eventually, we move “Into the Unknown” and the villains are unleashed.

In the end, the heroes save the day and we discover the truth: “the Magic is you.”
What part of that story expresses 50 Years of the parks, characters, resorts, experiences and memories?


Well-Known Member
Loved this show, closest I’ve ever felt to the feeling Fantasy in the Sky used to give me. And I love that it’s mostly music compared to lyrics. I actually like it over HAE.
I loved it for that, all of of this show felt like a part of Fantasy in the sky, really had that vibe and I loved the show for that. If they cut out the real lenghty scenes with vocals besides the main theme song I think people would have only complained that the show was to short.
Except with no classic movies and music?
I does feel like it could have been part of Fantasy in the sky they need to tweak this show.

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