Disney employees vote against unionization


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Disney employees vote against unionization

From Staff Reports
Posted June 10, 2005, 5:31 PM EDT

Reservation sales agents and secretaries at Walt Disney World have voted down an effort to unionize, Disney officials said today.

It was the second time in three years the employees have rejected a measure to join the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners Union. The latest vote was 70 percent against, 30 percent in favor, Disney officials said. In June 2002, 79 percent voted against the union.

Of the 3,400 full-time employees who were eligible to vote this time, 89 percent participated. The employees work at Disney World and at Disney's Reservation Center in Tampa.

Union representatives said earlier this week that some workers were trying to organize because of an incentive program initiated after the last vote. The program, they said, emphasizes revenue over customer service and has led to some employees losing their jobs.

Steve Eisenhardt, vice president of Labor Relations for Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, said in a statement that although the company has a long history of working collaboratively with unions at Disney World, the vote results are good news for the employees and the company.

"With their convincing vote, these cast members have validated that a direct relationship with their leaders is more beneficial than involving an outside party," Eisenhardt said.


Active Member
I've heard about this incentive program... Something about how agents have to sell something like $1000/hr in order to avoid getting a stern talking-to (and after a few of those, it's a "pack your bags" speech).

Don't know how a union would have helped with that if that's the way that TWDC wants to go with these employees. But at the same time, I also wonder why the employees rejected it so soundly...


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Why would office workers want to be represented by the carpenters union?

Honestly, I think it's because the O&T CM's enjoy the little bit more freedom and relaxation afforded to them by not having to play the unions game. Then again, having worked in Union Houses most of my life, I've learned to loathe them.


Well-Known Member
mkt said:
Why would office workers want to be represented by the carpenters union?

Honestly, I think it's because the O&T CM's enjoy the little bit more freedom and relaxation afforded to them by not having to play the unions game. Then again, having worked in Union Houses most of my life, I've learned to loathe them.
Hey there MKT I had the exact same question!!! It doesnt seem like that would make sense. The needs and working conditions etc for the carpenters are drastically different than what an office worker would be needing!! Maybe I am confused??? Belle


Account Suspended
This is actually a second vote ordered by the courts because Disney meddled in the first one when it took place. This time Disney atleast pretended to "play fair" but still posted anti-union propaganda everywhere at the job sites and even gave "unions are bad" lectures to new hires.

And yes, Reservations are "incentive" based workers - which is a nice way of saying commision. The better they do, the harder their goals get, and once you fail, you're out. Extremely high turn-over. Lately the goals are reaching the point where the hard-sell is inevitable.


Well-Known Member
lawyergirl77 said:
I've heard about this incentive program... Something about how agents have to sell something like $1000/hr in order to avoid getting a stern talking-to (and after a few of those, it's a "pack your bags" speech).

Don't know how a union would have helped with that if that's the way that TWDC wants to go with these employees. But at the same time, I also wonder why the employees rejected it so soundly...

The reason a union was wanted, was we do have a Revenue Incentive (Disney does not "like" to use the word quota) to sell about $1000 per hour worked (the amount will vary monthly based on what they "think" we should sell.) Only brand new bookings count toward this goal, modifications don't, and if we cancel and rebook, even if that is what the guest lead us to do, we get a "talk" as mentioned above.

The Incentive?
If we surpass this goal we get a very small bonus.
If we meet it we keep our job.
If we fall below 85% of the goal (or are in the bottom 20% of the cast) more then 3 times in 12 rolling months we get fired, period.

The fact that we cannot control the calls we receive (many people just call to ask questions, review or modify their reservations, book dinning on the reservation line, or even dead time will no calls coming in) we still are required to make our goals to keep our job.

Note that Guest Service, agent friendliness, etc. is not part of the equation. We do need to ask your life history before we can check if there is a room availiable, but if we sound rude, they won't fire us if we are making money for the company. Guest compliments, perfect quaility monitoring, etc. no longer affects our job security.

Sorry about this rant, as it is not really my style to be negative, but after seeing MANY great agents get "walked out" (again "fired" is not a word Disney likes to use) it was really high hoped at the reservation center that the union would pass. As the vote was for more then just DRC, (all office and technical workers were part of the vote) our voice was not heard among the many other secretaries, training cast, office cast, etc. that have much better job security.

Stepping down from my rant.... :mad:


Well-Known Member
mkt said:
Why would office workers want to be represented by the carpenters union?

Because they were willing to represent us. All we needed was professional negotiators. We, the cast would create our list of changes we wanted and they would negotiate for what they could get. Feel free to go to www.betterdisney.com the union's website, to see what they said they could do for us.



Well-Known Member
JPVonDrake said:
Because they were willing to represent us. All we needed was professional negotiators. We, the cast would create our list of changes we wanted and they would negotiate for what they could get. Feel free to go to www.betterdisney.com the union's website, to see what they said they could do for us.

Hug for JP Von Drake!!!!!
Hey in the past was CRO like this?? Belle


Well-Known Member
JPVonDrake said:
Note that Guest Service, agent friendliness, etc. is not part of the equation. We do need to ask your life history before we can check if there is a room availiable, but if we sound rude, they won't fire us if we are making money for the company.

This has been a factor in me not staying in a Disney resort the last couple of times we've called inquiring about availability at the resorts WE want....

They ask all these questions, then put us on hold...and I'm wondering why they putting us on hold why can't they just answer right away...they always have rooms at more expensive resorts...I suppose they think I'm really loyal to Disney or something and I'll stay anywhere in Disney...as long as its Disney...WRONG. Disney fans like myself know where to get a good room for a great price...I hope they see I still end up going to the park and just don't stay any where on property...they lose some of my business...thats fine I suppose...:rolleyes:

Quality at these call centers has changed over the years...that in my opinion is a MAJOR negative, because it all starts either on the web or through the phones for people...before they step foot on property.

I hope things change, both on the employee side and on the service side...sometimes theres more money to be made if people know you're about service and not money. SALES tactics usually turn people off...



Well-Known Member
wannabeBelle said:
Hug for JP Von Drake!!!!!
Hey in the past was CRO like this?? Belle

The "incentive program" is new with-in the last year, and already many cast are losing a job they've held for years. Also, many new-hires are losing their job in the first 6 months for not hitting these goals. Previously, we always allowed Walt Disney World to sell itself, and we were all about making the most magical vacations we could. We wanted to sell because it was fun, getting guest to try new things, new resorts, etc. The fun is gone. Like mousermerf said, the goals are reaching the point where the hard-sell is inevitable.



Well-Known Member
objr said:
This has been a factor in me not staying in a Disney resort the last couple of times we've called inquiring about availability at the resorts WE want....

They ask all these questions, then put us on hold...and I'm wondering why they putting us on hold why can't they just answer right away...they always have rooms at more expensive resorts...I suppose they think I'm really loyal to Disney or something and I'll stay anywhere in Disney...as long as its Disney...WRONG. Disney fans like myself know where to get a good room for a great price...I hope they see I still end up going to the park and just don't stay any where on property...they lose some of my business...thats fine I suppose...:rolleyes:

Quality at these call centers has changed over the years...that in my opinion is a MAJOR negative, because it all starts either on the web or through the phones for people...before they step foot on property.

I hope things change, both on the employee side and on the service side...sometimes theres more money to be made if people know you're about service and not money. SALES tactics usually turn people off...



Please, please, please, write your comments to:

Walt Disney World
Guest Communications
P.O. Box 10040
Lake Buena Vista FL 32830-0040




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Original Poster
JPVonDrake said:
The Incentive?
If we surpass this goal we get a very small bonus.
If we meet it we keep our job.
If we fall below 85% of the goal (or are in the bottom 20% of the cast) more then 3 times in 12 rolling months we get fired, period.

Wow....accountability....what a novel concept. :hammer:


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
JPVonDrake said:
Because they were willing to represent us. All we needed was professional negotiators. We, the cast would create our list of changes we wanted and they would negotiate for what they could get. Feel free to go to www.betterdisney.com the union's website, to see what they said they could do for us.


so you're telling that the Teamsters, the catch all Union for any random job out there... and truckers too, wouldn't represent you?

Personally, I'm against O&T becoming Union... much like I'm against CRO/GR being bunched in with O&T. Most O&T positions require previous skills... you don't really need previous experience to make a reservation, or work in WDW Guest Relations, judging by how some of the people there do their job.


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
Wow....accountability....what a novel concept. :hammer:

I DO believe in accountability, that is not the point. Having our job based on the RANDOM calls we recieve, and taking the time to give great guest service hurting us, is the point.

Make us accountable for ensuring accuracy. (as long as we get a deposit, no one checks to see if the reservation is correct, UNTIL a guest complaints, then the agent who fixes the mistakes makes no revenue on the call, the original agent may be talked to but will still get the revenue.)

Make us accountable to ensure we are friendly. (we can fail ALL of our call monitoring and cannot be fired if we make revenue.)

Make us accountable for revenue on all pricing or shopping calls but not info calls. (if you want to know what time the parks are open, when are EMH, park ticket information, etc. we need to rush you off the phone or tell you to go to the website, as you are hurting our revenue per hour.)

Make us accountable for revenue on all reservation calls. (if you are calling back to modify your reservation, or to correct mistakes, you are hurting our revenue per hour. Even if you purchase more, NOBODY gets credit for the additional revenue, only if you make a brand new booking and did not have anything previously booked.)

Make us accountable for helping all the guest who call, even if they call on the wrong phone number. (if you call to book Dinning on 407-W-DISNEY, we are not allowed to transfer you to WDW-DINE, but the time we help you counts against our revenue per hour.)

Make us accountable for the time we are serving guest. (if there is no calls comming in, it is counting against our revenue per hour.)

Again, sorry for the rant, but the Union vote seemed like it was our last hope. Now I personally know of about 10 really great cast member who will be "walked out" on Monday, now that the union has lost. I have been making revenue, so far, but how long will my luck hold out?



When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Your continued employment, at this time, is your choice. There are many hotels and other CRO'S in Orlando looking for staff... many that will pay more than WDW, and treat you better. So what if you lose your job with Disney? Ask almost anyone who worked there are one point, and they don't want to return. They enjoy earning more and enjoying the parks as a guest... the one that has to be waited upon.

I don't think anyone losing their job at WDW CRO will be in trouble of finding alternate employment right now


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It seems to me an actual vs optimal measurement would work better...

If you get 6 "reservation" calls an hour, you should book $XX of business

If you get 4, the number goes down

If you get 10, the number goes up


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
speck76 said:
It seems to me an actual vs optimal measurement would work better...

since when has Disney been known to make sense with everything they do?


Well-Known Member
Since I cant seem to copy parts of JP's post Here are my answers to it!!!
1)I couldnt agree more, Disney is about Magic. If I want a cold reservation agent I could be calling anywhere in the world.

2)Absolutely quality is and should always be job #1

3) Friendliness is key, THIS is what makes Disney stand out!!!!! Without this as I said you are competing in a market that is overrun with other travel destinations.

4) on Info calls EXACTLY I mean after all, some of the info either ISNT on the website or isnt so easy to find!!! Do they expect all of their customers to be WDWMagic members after all????

5)Modification of existing ressie, Aye

6) Dining calls Again same as an Information type of call!!! Or better yet, do an average pricing for the menu for the priority seating/advance reservation location and apply that money towards your revenue for the hour!!!!

8)Accountable for "Dead time" Doesnt sound particularly fair if you ask me!!!

9) How long will luck hold? Time to look for a transfer?? Seriously JP you are amazing at your job and as anyone who has ever looked at your posts knows you love what you do. You couldnt post like you do without loving your job, that much is obvious. To stand a shot of CRO losing someone like you who obviously cares both for the Company as well as for the Guest is a crime beyond what I can explain. With pressure like this, the best Disney could hope for is that you seek a transfer within the company to an area where quotas arent the primary goal and guest service is paramount. Worst case as MKT mentioned they will lose you to a competitor!!! Belle
MKT the point is people want to work for Disney. I do not think there are many people who take a job with Disney because of the pay. Do some people do their job poor? Yes of course. But that is any line of work. No matter what level. It is sad that good hard working people who love Disney lose their jobs. All because it something out of their control. I belive more mistakes and more angry people are on the phones....just because of the stress. The level that some of the people are pushed into. ~End Rant~


New Member
Recently I had to adjust my reservations. I was not hurried or given any indication I was interrupting some sort of quota system; had I been given that impression - it would have been my last request to Disney. You see, I am the customer - it is Disney's employees job to 'cater' to my vacation requests and when undo pressure is placed upon the individual who is helping me plan my vacation, so that it is the way I, THE CUSTOMER, wants it - that upsets me. Consumers have a lot of power and Disney, like any other vacation spot, depends on us to come.

Now, I may not visit Disney, like others on the board, every month or actually every week; but my yearly trip is my break from my hectic job and I need to know it will be the way I want it.

I want to say thank you to the person who helped us out on our reservations - she was remarkable.

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