Disney Dream Job Contest

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New Member
Do you ever stop.... You talk about people having extra time to Vote for Ricky how do you have so much to keep talking about him......why do you listen to Ricky's show if you dont like it!!


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Perhaps dizryan IS Ricky. :eek: :veryconfu

Just out looking for some symathetic votes. It's working. :lol:


New Member
Yep, Ricky "King of All Shameless Plugs" Brigante. All tremble and quake in fear of his mighty (and obviously professional) journalistic integrity.

Before you jump on me, it was he himself who called himself a journalist on the Local 6 story. Does Larry King sell DVDs of his weddings? :ROFLOL:

Yes, I know that's Skipper Ben, but it's still funny to me, seeing that they are cut from the same podcasting cloth.

Just stop it will you....okay we got it...you don't like Ricky and his show. Then don't listen and don't vote for him.

Just leave the rest of us alone in our ignorance.


Well-Known Member
Who does Ricky post as in this forum, and where is the link to his video and/or pod cast... i'd like to watch/listen and formulate my own opinion.


New Member
Tim, sorry that Ricky has his mods on his own board trashing your video. No wonder he stopped posting here. It's easier to promote when you hire the help. Just no class on his mod's part.

Hope you win!

I don't understand why someone would think they need to trash someone to get their dream??? I thought the disney way is to support one another.

Happy St. Pat's Day! :D (It's green, you can't pinch me)

Talk about overreacting....even you Tim. Trashing your entry/video. No one on the ITM boards is trashing it. All they said was they preferred Ricky's to yours and that yours was cliche.

I'm sorry I voted for yours now....I thought it was good but if you're going to be this petty I don't think you deserve to get my vote.

And before you and your friends gang up on me too....I'm not a friend of Ricky's or mod at ITM...I'm just voting on the best videos.


Active Member
Talk about overreacting....even you Tim. Trashing your entry/video. No one on the ITM boards is trashing it. All they said was they preferred Ricky's to yours and that yours was cliche.

I'm sorry I voted for yours now....I thought it was good but if you're going to be this petty I don't think you deserve to get my vote.

And before you and your friends gang up on me too....I'm not a friend of Ricky's or mod at ITM...I'm just voting on the best videos.

I looked back and didn't see any posts of Tim trashing anyone or anything. The post about the ITM boards was made by dizryan, not hauntemansionfan1. Where was Tim being petty? Did I miss something here?


New Member
I looked back and didn't see any posts of Tim trashing anyone or anything. The post about the ITM boards was made by dizryan, not hauntemansionfan1. Where was Tim being petty? Did I miss something here?

Look in the Episode 101 thread....Tim joined the boards and made one petty post....it's there.

BTW....I never said he was trashing anyone....I said he was being petty.


Active Member
Look in the Episode 101 thread....Tim joined the boards and made one petty post....it's there.

BTW....I never said he was trashing anyone....I said he was being petty.

Sorry, didn't mean to misquote you. My apologies. I thought you were referring to this discussion here on WDWmagic, not on another website's discussion board.


New Member
TiggerRPh thanks for putting me into check on that and your right it was pretty petty. Just caught me off gaurd because I have been very supportive of all the finalist thats all, but I am over it.
Tim, I think your video is pretty good too. I think you and Ricky equally deserve to win. I'm aware of how much money you spend on your haunted mansion collection and video that you made for the contest. There's room for 5. You and Ricky are the only two posts on here about the haunted mansion competition (as far as I know). Who cares what one person said about your video. I'm sure that you have a lot of supporters from doombuggies.com so don't worry about it. Just keep voting for yourself to ensure that you get picked. Then you can laugh in the face of anyone who didn't like your video. Good luck!


Active Member
Don't forget to cast yer lot fer yer favorite pirate and longtime wdwmagic member/contributor :)

Not enough blood was spilt for my taste.:lol:

Oh Dizryan....you know just as well as I do that Tim and Ricky are both going to win. They both deserve it and they both really want it. They don't have any problems with each other. It's really everyone else competing against them. Their videos are just the best. It doesn't matter if they're fighting or not. They're not really competing against each other. As you already know, they can both win. In fact, I hope all 5 doombuggies people make it to Disneyland! What are the chances that all guys win? Careerbuilder probably wouldn't let it happen. No offense to the girls, because I am one, but I would really like to see those five guys win.
The 5 people I'm talking about are Sam, Brandon, Tim, Ricky, and Mike.
I better give a shout out to Kenny the Pirate because I know that this is going to be followed by a don't forget about Kenny the Pirate post so I did it for him.


Active Member
Nah, I think I'll follow this with a strange statement....How come the pirates aren't the one with the bloodshed? We're leaving it to the ghosties? LOL
Thanks skippy I appreciate the reminder though. Skippy, did you enter this contest?
Oh, I'm aware! The pimping going on by Mr. Brigante is so intense that he can't even reply to my PM, despite the fact that he asked me a question! Hey Skippy, did I make Ricky mad?

I know! Let's cook some chickens and come back later! :sohappy:

I don't know if you made him mad. Probably not. Try messaging him again I suppose. He doesn't seem to be the type to get mad over little stuff but I don't know what you said. Did you say something that deserved getting mad over? I don't think that he posted much on wdwmagic anyways. He probably just feels more comfy talking on his own site. Did you try e-mailing him?
Nah, I think I'll follow this with a strange statement....How come the pirates aren't the one with the bloodshed? We're leaving it to the ghosties? LOL
Thanks skippy I appreciate the reminder though. Skippy, did you enter this contest?

No Kenny, I didn't enter the contest. I don't think they'd have me since I'd have to be in a wheel chair. I'm not currently working because of a disability so I couldn't even if I wanted to :(

I don't think the ghosties are shedding blood on each other. I think dizryan wishes differently. I don't know why he doesn't post on Ricky's board though. I don't post on there either but then again I don't have any problems with his show....lol.
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