Disney Dream Job Contest

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Active Member
Do you have something against Ricky and his podcast? I don't understand why you're trying to bring him down. Don't you think he deserves to win? His video was pretty good don't you think? I think he does a really good job with his podcast! Wouldn't you try and push your video to win if you were him? He's a pretty huge Haunted Mansion fan from what I've heard. I really don't understand what your problem with him is I suppose :(

Not trying to bring him down at all. I do think his campaigning is a little over the top, just like when he begged and begged and begged for people to give him 5-star reviews on iTunes. Yes, there are five spots open, but last time I checked, Ricky is the only one with this big platform to "get out the vote". Even look at the timing of the Local 6 story!

Ricky's show is not bad, but it can be long-winded and nothing more than reading the "What's New" page here. LaughingPlace and the WDW Radio Show do a better job at actually discussing Disney news without interjecting the personal quirks of the host. Ricky is like the Disney podcast version of the Tyra Banks show. It tends to go back to being all about him, lest we forget the 100-part series on the ImagiNations competition. I think it also spreads to Skipper Ben. I mean, the guy is shilling his wedding video, looking for contributions for his honeymoon! Didn't he also shill for wedding contributions?

Foolish Mortal

Well-Known Member
OK, is it me, or is Ricky a little much with his open politicking for the contest? I mean, I always figured that Ricky is a little too self-involved, seeing that every interview he does on his show gets turned back to him, and that he always has to have the last word during Skipper Ben's segments. I mean, it's his show and he has the right.

But this open and over-the-top campaign to win the contest is a little much. I feel sorry for everybody else in that category who wants a chance, but can't hope to win against this guy.

Tim, your video is pretty good, even though you sound like Stalin. Good luck!

Not saying you are, just saying you are REALLY over the top. But hey, you have the soap box, why not use it? Just don't try to play it like it's so wonderful for us, because you'll grace us with a tape of the Nemo Subs. No big deal, really. Don't act like you are doing the world a favor.

No, not really. I've just noticed that when you interview somebody, you tend to interrupt them and try to make it about yourself. That "Sonny Eclipse" interview was kinda like that. Let people talk. Plus, you like to contradict what SB has to say a lot. Perhaps it's just for effect, but it can be a little much.

As for being all about yourself, I mean, come on dude, you put up a nearly 10-minute video of what you do at Epcot for a day, including taping your lunch. A bit much.

Isn't the topic you wanting people to vote for your video? In that case, yeah, I can see why you wouldn't want this to go off-topic. :)

Perhaps that is how is started, but judging by how many "ITM" logos whiz by when I scroll through the pages, it has taken a bit of a turn.

Dude, could you please share with us what Ricky has done to incur your wrath ? I think Ricky's entitled to do all the self promoting and vote getting as he can. He puts together a very entertaining and informative show and it's something he's stated he's always wanted to do. He will be getting many many votes from me !!

Your other issues with Ricky are so ridiculous that their not worth discussing.


Active Member
Dude, could you please share with us what Ricky has done to incur your wrath ? I think Ricky's entitled to do all the self promoting and vote getting as he can. He puts together a very entertaining and informative show and it's something he's stated he's always wanted to do. He will be getting many many votes from me !!

Your other issues with Ricky are so ridiculous that their not worth discussing.

I'm not trying to be difficult, and I am watching what I say. I just think that this is the latest in a trend with him. Constant plugs and banner ads and numerous posts on numerous boards, let alone all the mentions on his show. A little much. I can't be the only one who see it.

My other issues are there to illustrate the problem at hand. THEY'RE worth discussing in terms of the bigger issue. You are entitled to your opinion, and I am entitled to mine. If you want to vote for the guy a million times and you have the free time to do so, please go ahead. Obviously, the campaign is working.


New Member
Other Finalists

:wave: Hey everybody,

I watched your videos. They are great and very creative. I voted a couple of times too. If you don't have a favorite parade performer yet, you can vote for me. My video is listed under Jennifer's Disney Dream job. Thanks for your votes and good luck to everybody.


Active Member
Is it the campaign, or does he just have the best video? I for one, think his video is the best, regardless of his "campaining." And...he does a fantastic job on his show. I am also sure that he called channel 6 to come to his house and shoot that piece so he could win this contest!:ROFLOL:


Active Member
Do you have something against Ricky and his podcast? I don't understand why you're trying to bring him down. Don't you think he deserves to win? His video was pretty good don't you think? I think he does a really good job with his podcast! Wouldn't you try and push your video to win if you were him? He's a pretty huge Haunted Mansion fan from what I've heard. I really don't understand what your problem with him is I suppose :(

skippyrules, you "just joined" and this was your first post? Methinks you might be a VERY close relative of Ricky's. Perhaps you share the same clothes even???

Hi Ricky. :wave:


Active Member
Is it the campaign, or does he just have the best video? I for one, think his video is the best, regardless of his "campaining." And...he does a fantastic job on his show. I am also sure that he called channel 6 to come to his house and shoot that piece so he could win this contest!:ROFLOL:

I didn't say he did, but look at the advantage it gives him. People watch the story, surf to his site, and they are bombarded with "Vote for Me" banners and the video playing automatically. He didn't order the story, but it sure didn't hurt.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I didn't say he did, but look at the advantage it gives him. People watch the story, surf to his site, and they are bombarded with "Vote for Me" banners and the video playing automatically. He didn't order the story, but it sure didn't hurt.

Perhaps the green monster came to your house?


Active Member
Perhaps the green monster came to your house?

To do a job somebody could get by going to Casting and land and be paid $9.25 an hour? Nah, I'm OK.

BTW, I like what's going on here. Start insulting me in the hopes I'll fight back. Then the thread gets shut down and I get an infraction or suspended.
skippyrules, you "just joined" and this was your first post? Methinks you might be a VERY close relative of Ricky's. Perhaps you share the same clothes even???

Hi Ricky. :wave:

One could only hope to be related to someone so talented. What about the above poster named Tim? He joined today too. Is he related to Ricky in some way? I defend a lot of people who deserve it. Ricky's video is one of the best and like I said before I think he deserves to win. AND....FIY...this is not Ricky. Do you think he's stupid enough to be so obvious???? He doesn't need to fake a post for publicity. I think you're possibly the one looking for attention...but I'm not sure. Anyways, he'll probably win and you'll end up watching his video of the Nemo ride, even though you claim that you don't care.


Active Member
One could only hope to be related to someone so talented. What about the above poster named Tim? He joined today too. Is he related to Ricky in some way? I defend a lot of people who deserve it. Ricky's video is one of the best and like I said before I think he deserves to win. AND....FIY...this in not Ricky. Do you think he's stupid enough to be so obvious???? He doesn't need to fake a post for publicity. I think you're possibly the one looking for attention...but I'm not sure. Anyways, he'll probably win and you'll end up watching his video of the Nemo ride, even though you claim that you don't care.

Don't get so defensive, Ricky/Ricky's Wife/Ricky's immediate family member.

Skippy rules, huh? Gee Ricky, I know you don't like "Stitch's Great Escape", but give it a break. Skippy's there! :)


New Member
Thank Guys

Originally Posted by XSTech
Thanks Tim!

Your welcome! Feel free to click for me a few times :ROFLOL:

Tim, your video is pretty good, even though you sound like Stalin. Good luck!

Thanks Dizryan :) Do you think my accent sounded more georgian or russian? Either way the accent alone has to be worth a few votes right?

Originally Posted by kennygman
Thanks Tim! I wish you well with your video. :D

Thank you for the well wishes sir :D


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
To do a job somebody could get by going to Casting and land and be paid $9.25 an hour? Nah, I'm OK.

BTW, I like what's going on here. Start insulting me in the hopes I'll fight back. Then the thread gets shut down and I get an infraction or suspended.

Insulted? :confused:
Please don't be dragging me into your little fight Skippy. I'm here for a good time.:)

And just for the record...I have nobody named Ricky or Skippy that is related to me. LOL

Sorry that you felt dragged. I was simply using it as an example and your post was very convenient go get my point to dizryan. I have private messaged him and we're not fighting :)

And Tim...why aren't you voting? :) Don't you want to spend every free moment of your time securing your position? Vote, Vote, Vote! :) Good luck!


Active Member
Hey guys, I'm rehijacking this thread like a good pirate should do. :)

Seriously, the more the marrier. Glad to have some new people here at Wdwmagic. Everyone can have something to share. It doesn't bother me to have all the pirate contestants gather on this post either. We aren't in a war, it's a "dream job" contest. 5 people in each category will get a dream fulfilled. My family has never even been to California so the job and the trip would be awesome and I'm promoting myself anyway I can...

www.myspace.com/kennygman (Shameless self promotion)

BTW. I just checked and ricky isn't leading in views. He also has an autoplay link to his video on his site, but that doesn't help with Careerbulders either.

I am leading in my category for views, but that doesn't mean that equals votes either.

I also liked the fact that the first time ever I've seen a statistical breakdown of thread posts. (I'm a statistics nut, or just a nut???) I think dizryan is catching up on posts on this thread though. dizryan...you are entitled to your opinion. I have no arguments.


Active Member
Did everyone just get tired and stop chatting all the sudden?
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