Disney Dollars


New Member
Now that tips are not included in the Dining Plan, can you use the Disney Dollars as tips or is it better to just leave them cash?


New Member
Does anyone on here collect Disney Dollars before their trip then use them to pay for things while you are there? I am currently collecting them and my husband thinks I am silly.

Absolutely... We have done this for our last 3 trips. The children love going to the Disney Store & exchanging their money for Disney Dollars. We typically start this process about a year in advance.

The only negative about doing this, is the highest denomination is 10. If you have $1,500 disney dollars, you will have an envelope full. I would much rather be able to put the money on a Disney Credit Card, instead of saving the dollars.


Well-Known Member
I do this for the kids. I also give them as gifts for other kids that I know are going. Instead of candy all my nephews and neice got some "Mickey Money" at Easter because they would have all been going this summer (3 of them are there now).


Absolutely!!!! I cannot be tempted to use the money if something else comes up. I know that the Disney Dollars are for only Disney!!!! Great way for kids to stay on a budget also.


Active Member
Disney Dollars are a great way to save for an upcoming trip to WDW. I use them like a savings account. I can never seem to save cash. I always end up using the cash for something else.

When my kids were small I gave them Disney Dollars for their birthdays, Easter, etc. That was their money to spend on souvenirs in the parks. It tought them how to budget. When their Disney Dollars were gone, then they were done with shopping. It really helped when going into gift shops and them wanting everything they would see!

My question for some of the posters is why would you want to cash the Disney Dollars back in? The who point of them is to use them in the parks/resorts.


New Member
We were trying to think of a Mother's Day gift for my mother-in-law. Since she's going to WDW with us in about 3 weeks, we decided to give her Disney Dollars for Mother's Day! She was so excited and said that was the best gift we could have given her!!


Well-Known Member
Now that tips are not included in the Dining Plan, can you use the Disney Dollars as tips or is it better to just leave them cash?
I don't see why not. They'd run it just like a credit card.

I know my mom still has some Disney Dollars from 1989, but I haven't gotten any since then. I'm not big on souvenirs. I do, however, use my Disney Visa points to pay for food, and those go on a regular gift card.
I think they're great for budgeting or for giving your kids to spend so they have "real" money though.


Well-Known Member
I got my Disney dollars at City Hall in the Magic Kingdom as soon as it opened. I figured that was a good place that wouldn't be sold out of them.

It may sound a little silly & like a waste of money, but I get one of each (a $10, $5, and $1) and I scrapbook them with pictures of my trip. I only do this if new Disney Dollars come out. I know it's a waste of $16, but I love scrapbooking, and it's a fun collectible :)

Someday when I have kids, it will be fun to give them Disney Dollars to spend in the parks. Right now, the fiance & I just do this stuff ourselves.

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