Disney Cruise Ship rescue


Well-Known Member
I'm an idiot! I can't tell you how many times I've been through the 3 & 4 night cruises. The "sea day" would have been cut short, but I'm assuming they let the guests stay on-board.

They said he jumped at 11:00 PM on a Wed.

By that time your luggage has been picked up out of the halls and most people are in their stateroom getting ready for that 6:30 AM breakfast before you disembark on Thursday morning.

The Sea day would have been all day Wednesday. Or did I miss something here.

Sun - leave port
Mon - Nassau
Tue - Castaway Cay
Wed - Day at sea
Wed night - pick up jumper
Thursday 8:00 AM disembark at Port Cavaneral.



Well-Known Member
On the down side, Disney prevented natural selection from working its course.

On the up side, MAYBE, just MAYBE, this will help offset some of the negative publicity Disney's been getting in recent months.

Whether he fell or jumped, I'd be beyond mad if my cruise got cut short in order to take him back to shore. Bring a chopper and come get his sorry butt. Do you know how hard it is to FALL off a cruise ship? You have to try (or be so wasted you deserve it). No sympathy coming from me :brick:

Where can they land a helio on the Disney Wonder ?

I don't think they can. They would have to extract with a basket.

Just wondering here.



Well-Known Member
And that folks, pretty much sums up everything wrong in the world today.
mememememememememememememe, it's all about me.

Compensation? Gimme a freakin break! :hammer::brick:

Did you read my post closely?

I said, if the person fell by accident, then I would be fine with that.

But if this person indeed jumped, and in the process cut short my cruise, which by the way is NOT cheap, then I would expect to be made whole.

If you would take the time to look at my history on these boards, you will see that I am usualy on the side of NOT seeking compensation. Accidents happen in life, and people make mistakes. That is not grounds for compensation.

But when sombody jumps overboard on purpose, thats a different story.

For two adults and one child on the 4 night cruise in question in a Category 6 stateroom, it was $2,629.44

That works out to about $650 per night. If the cruise was cut short by one night (which I don't think it was) I would expect to get somthing along the lines of $650 back - along with assistance in getting a hotel room, or arranging motor transportation.

Maybe you think it's greed or mememememememe but as somone else said, what about the attitude of the person who jumped?



They said he jumped at 11:00 PM on a Wed.

By that time your luggage has been picked up out of the halls and most people are in their stateroom getting ready for that 6:30 AM breakfast before you disembark on Thursday morning.

The Sea day would have been all day Wednesday. Or did I miss something here.

Sun - leave port
Mon - Nassau
Tue - Castaway Cay
Wed - Day at sea
Wed night - pick up jumper
Thursday 8:00 AM disembark at Port Cavaneral.


You are right. I never realized how late is was on Wednesday that it happened. They were on the way back to Port Canaveral anyways.

Where can they land a helio on the Disney Wonder ?

I don't think they can. They would have to extract with a basket.

Just wondering here.


The rumor always was that it could land on top of Palo restaurant (deck 10, aft). I never saw it done and I could never confirm this.

We had a few helicopters land on Castaway Cay, but that's another story...


Well-Known Member
The rumor always was that it could land on top of Palo restaurant (deck 10, aft). I never saw it done and I could never confirm this.

We had a few helicopters land on Castaway Cay, but that's another story...

I am tying to picture landing on Palos. Of course I have never seen the top of Palos, as they don't let me climb up the stacks :)

Just from what I can recall, I don't see why it would not work - provided of course that it is indeed designed for that - you would need proper access, tie downs, lighting, etc.

How far is it from Castaway Cay to the nearest helicopter base? Do you happen to know. When I was there last week I was looking at the runway, thinking "this would be good for emergency access"



I am tying to picture landing on Palos. Of course I have never seen the top of Palos, as they don't let me climb up the stacks :)

Just from what I can recall, I don't see why it would not work - provided of course that it is indeed designed for that - you would need proper access, tie downs, lighting, etc.

How far is it from Castaway Cay to the nearest helicopter base? Do you happen to know. When I was there last week I was looking at the runway, thinking "this would be good for emergency access"


Here's a little bit of the "magic":

The top of Palo's is actually used and accessed at least once per cruise. It's where the fireworks are fired from. There are also some emergency life rafts on the top/sides. They will automatically inflate as soon as it touches water.

As far as helicopter access on Castaway Cay, it's not the runway like people think. When the ship is dock and you are on the port (left) side, next to the dock there is a big stone/concrete slab next to it. That's where it actually lands. Then its just a short ride to either Nassau or Miami.

i just went through my photos to see if I had a photo of it but I don't. I guess that's what happens when your laptop crashes with your life on it...


Well-Known Member
Here's a little bit of the "magic":

The top of Palo's is actually used and accessed at least once per cruise. It's where the fireworks are fired from. There are also some emergency life rafts on the top/sides. They will automatically inflate as soon as it touches water.

As far as helicopter access on Castaway Cay, it's not the runway like people think. When the ship is dock and you are on the port (left) side, next to the dock there is a big stone/concrete slab next to it. That's where it actually lands. Then its just a short ride to either Nassau or Miami.

i just went through my photos to see if I had a photo of it but I don't. I guess that's what happens when your laptop crashes with your life on it...

OK, so the helicopter is over by where their dredging operations are.

While I have an insider here, I got two more questions that have been bugging me - if I may

1) Why is Disney the only cruise ship that is allowed to have fireworks at sea? I understand their claim to first run movies - they own them. But why cant other ships have fireworks. Is it because they have not done the proper safety/permitting process. I assume that the ships have to broadcast some message that it is not a distress signal. Dinsey makes the claim though that they are the ONLY ships allowed to do this.

2) Why is it that the Disney ships always "back in" to port? Most other cruise lines come in bow first. Disney always seems to turn around in the harbor and come in stern first.




OK, so the helicopter is over by where their dredging operations are.

While I have an insider here, I got two more questions that have been bugging me - if I may

1) Why is Disney the only cruise ship that is allowed to have fireworks at sea? I understand their claim to first run movies - they own them. But why cant other ships have fireworks. Is it because they have not done the proper safety/permitting process. I assume that the ships have to broadcast some message that it is not a distress signal. Dinsey makes the claim though that they are the ONLY ships allowed to do this.

2) Why is it that the Disney ships always "back in" to port? Most other cruise lines come in bow first. Disney always seems to turn around in the harbor and come in stern first.



1) There was some sort of permit that had to be done, but that was done well before I arrived. I know that safety is taken very highly on-board a ship. I saw the fireworks when I first came on-board and was honestly disappointed with it and never bothered to get more information on it.

2) The ship is "backed in" not by the captain or the crew of the ship, but actually by a local that is hired that meets the boat out "at sea" and knows the tide levels, weather conditions, and the underwater ground surface. I always understood the "back in" made it easier to pull out of port quickly.

Anything else??? LOL.
I wonder if it affected the Wonder's itinerary since it looks like they had to return to Port Canaveral. I can only imagine the complaints I'd be getting at Guest Services. People can be so rude sometimes...

We were on the Wonder when it happened. We got to Port on schedule and people who slept though the rocking boat had no idea something even happened. Our server for breakfast didn't even know what happened. We told him about it and he was asking his fellow cast members if they even knew about it.

My boyfriend and I had an inside stateroom. We couldn't see what was going on, but the boat was rocking really bad where it caused our trundle bed to fall down and bathroom doors slam shut. As far as we knew, we thought there was a huge storm, but too lazy to go and check. It wasn't till breakfast the next morning we found out that the rocking was from circling the Carnival ship to pick up a man overboard.

My sister had a verandah and saw the whole thing. My sister said that people on our ship were throwing the guy their life jackets from the room and the captain asked on the intercom for people to be quiet so they can hear the guy asking for help. So good job Disney!


Beta Return
We were on the Wonder when it happened. We got to Port on schedule and people who slept though the rocking boat had no idea something even happened. Our server for breakfast didn't even know what happened. We told him about it and he was asking his fellow cast members if they even knew about it.

My boyfriend and I had an inside stateroom. We couldn't see what was going on, but the boat was rocking really bad where it caused our trundle bed to fall down and bathroom doors slam shut. As far as we knew, we thought there was a huge storm, but too lazy to go and check. It wasn't till breakfast the next morning we found out that the rocking was from circling the Carnival ship to pick up a man overboard.

My sister had a verandah and saw the whole thing. My sister said that people on our ship were throwing the guy their life jackets from the room and the captain asked on the intercom for people to be quiet so they can hear the guy asking for help. So good job Disney!

Wow - had no idea the ship would have rocked that badly.

Did your sister get any pics?

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