Again... Danish because the Danes ruled Norway. Aquavit a Scandinavian thing, but largely Norwegian.. especially linear aquavit and potato based aquavit. Americans didn't invent Whiskey - but you still associate specific types with America and you'd still probably go on a whiskey tour in Kentucky
It seems people need reminding... Norway was ruled by a union with the Danes from the end of the middle ages until almost the 20th century!
From nearly 1400 to 1905 - Norway was part of Danish rule and for a short period Swedish. More than TWICE the time America has been it's own country. Through all modern times, up until the 1960s when oil was discovered, Norway was largely an introverted country stuck in time. Much of it's heritage and culture is shared with it's Scandinavian partners of Denmark, Sweden, and to a lesser extent, finland.
All this 'well it's Danish.. not Norwegian' is like trying to argue North Jersey vs South Jersey. They're both cut from the same cloth... yes they have things that are more one than the other.. but to try to draw a sharp line and isolate the two as unrelated is just asinine.
Norway is very proud of it's own heritage - but they are also comfortable with the idea that Scandinavia is real, much of their culture is rooted in common topics and the label is not some map maker's label.
The biggest difference today probably is.. a Norwegian would want to make fun of the Dane over how they talk