Disney Confidential says Wishes will be ending soon?


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Original Poster
Just read this on another forum...... dont recall reading this anywhere.... kind of mixed feelings on this... be great to have a new show espescially if it is an awesome 40th birthday show...but if this also means Wishes is done for good I would hope they at least ran Wishes sometimes still like they do Fantasy in the Sky.


Disney Confidential: Wishes will be ending soon

June 13, 2011 Anonymouse 0 Comments and 1 Reaction

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Hey there guys and gals Anonymouse here!

Okay, you know how I love gossip and will usually just throw something out with little more than a caveat that it’s just a rumor? Well today I want to tell you about something that’s bound to bring a tear to the eyes of even the most cold-hearted among you (and you know who you are). It might even make you angry. It’s the rumor that Wishes will be ending within a month or so.

I know, I know! Now don’t get all upset. I actually doesn’t like fireworks (they wear on my delicate nerves) but I know how everyone else pretty much just LOVES Wishes and thinks it’s the be all end all, and so I feel bad spreading this vile rumor even though I am most often found on Splash Mountain, or eating (duh) or even in the bathrooom (possibly hiding) during Wishes. Anonymouse has empathy, and I’m feeling it for you, lovers of Wishes.

Anyway, here’s what I’ve heard. That a big load of fireworks were ordered and that cast members are telling people that Wishes is going to be replaced by another show.

That’s it. Sorry it wasn’t more juicy but I felt compelled to report on it since it’s all over the place.

I’ll keep you posted if we hear something concrete.




Well-Known Member
Hoping it's true. After seeing Magic Memories and You I had no desire to watch Wishes, they need to bring in something new ASAP.


Well-Known Member
Wishes, while ok, has been my least favorite MK fireworks show that I remember. Illuminations is still my #1 and Fantasmic my #2 with Wishes a distant #3.

I'd be happy to see a new show.


Well-Known Member
I don't mind Wishes, but i hope they do still have SOME sort of nightly fireworks show at MK. It wouldn't be the same without it. Projection Show is pretty awesome though.

Monorail Lime

Well-Known Member
Am I correct in thinking that Fantasy in the Sky was performed since opening day until Wishes debuted? If so, reviving it for the anniversary seems appropriate.


Active Member
I hope this is true!

Is it just me or does there seem to be an aweful lot of rumors going around lately for MK.... like a new daytime parade, now new fireworks.... Could WDW be up to something and being very quiet about it?
Love Wishes but it's time for something new. Disney needs to get more on the ball when it comes to replacing their entertainment. A new firework display would be a nice change.


Active Member
One can only hope MK gets Remember Dreams Come True from DL. It'd have to be slightly modified, but it's the best fireworks Disney has ever produced, imo.


Active Member
I was just thinking, I bet what is being talked about here and why WDW ordering a big load of fireworks, is for the 4th of July show.... Or for the upcoming MNSSHP and MVMCP

The Duck

Well-Known Member
I was just thinking, I bet what is being talked about here and why WDW ordering a big load of fireworks, is for the 4th of July show.... Or for the upcoming MNSSHP and MVMCP

4th of July makes sense to me but in the long run, I would like to see a new show. Wishes and Fantasy in the Sky were/are great shows but something new (as long as it's an improvement) would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
If Disney does something along the lines of a WDW version of Remember... Dreams Come True for the 40th, I think it would receive a resoundingly positive reaction in the fan community.

After seeing Remember... at DLR, I can barely even watch Wishes! anymore. Remember... absolutely blows it out of the water.

That said, I'll believe it when I see it.


Well-Known Member
They could have something up their sleeves, but wouldnt count on it. Never was impressed with Wishes, they could do much better.


Well-Known Member
Add me to the list of those who are doubtful. This would be pretty big news, and this is the first anyone has heard of it. Not to mention, it doesn't seem like it would be Disney's style to replace a fireworks show overnight. I guess we will see in a month...

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