Disney Coney Island

Originally posted by plpeters70
Yeah, and they've had so much experience with carnival rides lately that I'm sure they'll do a good job. It's a perfect project for today's Imagineers!!! :lol:

I'm not usually so fussy about what people say as a joke on these boards, but leave the poor Imagineers alone. They could develop the most amazing entertainment concepts ever seen if given the chance -- instead, they're forced to build off-the-shelf rides with Disney facades. I'm sure they're as unhappy as we are about the situation. Blame the suits!
Coney Island has been cleaned up alot in the last five years or so. The ballpark (which I admit I've only seen on TV) is amazing and has huge crowds for the games. Families are headed back out there for a day of beach, boardwalk and baseball -- three of my favorite things! So to add Disney to that list in any form of entertainment complex would be great!


New Member
Originally posted by Married@WDW
Blame the suits!

Oh, believe me I do - I guess I should have made that clear. I'm not really blaming them for the carnival rides - though they probably deserve a little of the blame for some of the poor design decisions lately (like Mickey wands and hats!!), but I was just pointing out that they've had a lot of practice lately designing these types of "amusements". Which is something that I think is a real shame considering what they can do if given a chance to shine - like TDS!!


Original Poster
Originally posted by mktiggerman
ok.. let me inject a different point of view into this thread...

remember all... that Disney is a company, and not just theme parks. Every time that Disney buys land somewhere, the first assumption is theme parks... if every parcel of land that Disney buys is for theme parks, then where would they have their support facilities, offices, warehouses, etc. Those take up more land than the parks do. In other words, think before you make such quick judgement.

the thing here is location, coney island is an amusement park location. i agree, lets not jump conclusion, but lets also think of whats most logical to the situation as well.



Active Member
I said it before and I'll say it again...

Ladies and gentleman take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.

I mean, ESPNZone :zipit:


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Originally posted by Justin149
the thing here is location, coney island is an amusement park location. i agree, lets not jump conclusion, but lets also think of whats most logical to the situation as well.

It also has the potential to be used as a nightime entertainment district... a DTD outside of the parks to say... there is a lot of potential. However, although all of the news sources are saying that Disney has bought it/is buying it, I have yet to find a press release anywhere from Disney. So even though if it is true, it still hasn't been officially announced. Lastly, if everything happens, and it becomes an Amusement Park, I doubt they'll attach the Disney name to the parks title... as much as I love the americana attached to Coney Island, to me it somewhat cheapens the Disney name.


New Member
Originally posted by mktiggerman
ok.. let me inject a different point of view into this thread...

remember all... that Disney is a company, and not just theme parks. Every time that Disney buys land somewhere, the first assumption is theme parks... if every parcel of land that Disney buys is for theme parks, then where would they have their support facilities, offices, warehouses, etc. Those take up more land than the parks do. In other words, think before you make such quick judgement.

Like Justin, I don't think it is a "quick judgement" to conclude that if Disney buys Coney Island land, this same land could be used for a theme park. They can buy land for support facilites and warehouses in NJ. If they were to buy Coney Island property, it is not a wild conclusion that they would use this land for a park.

That being said, I think that Disney would find a lot opposition if they decided to take the area and "Disneyfy" it, resulting in Coney Island losing its edginess. I don't see Disney keeping tattoo parlors, burlesque and freak shows. But like mktiggerman says, maybe they'd just put in a DTD, which would be good for the area. As romantic as this sounds, I think it would be nice if Disney could come in to Coney Island, give it a much needed facelift but leave behind what (little) remains of the old charm.

BTW, everything I have written here is pure speculation and not based in fact whatsoever. :)


Active Member
Verree Funnee

Originally posted by plpeters70
Yeah, and they've had so much experience with carnival rides lately that I'm sure they'll do a good job. It's a perfect project for today's Imagineers!!! :lol:
Ouch! Ouch!

Mission Space will change your tune, if Figment II didn't.:D


New Member
Re: Verree Funnee

Originally posted by cm1988

Ouch! Ouch!

Mission Space will change your tune, if Figment II didn't.:D

Figment II didn't -- especially since it was basically a band-aid facelift for the horrible 1st makeover. I enjoyed the ride, and thought it was cute, but it just doesn't come anywhere close to the original.

Oh well, maybe Mission Space will finally do it -- maybe...


Well-Known Member
I really can't see them turning that into a park. Maybe Stores or hotels. But a park I don't see it. It would cost a fortune alone to fix the roads there. Don't know if anyone has even driven that way in the morning. I have many times. No one is going to wait an hour or so in traffic to go see Mickey. I would not and I love the little big mouse.

And the type of people that live in that area are not really Disney material to be working there. They will tell you to f-off if you ask for them to take a picture. This is not all people but in that area yes they would.

Quentin Disney

New Member
I don't know about you guys, but every single solitary time I see a "Disney is coming to [INSERT NAME OF TOWN HERE]" I have to roll my eyes. Remember folks, no matter how prestigous the news source is, it will still be a rumor until Disney comes out with a press release. I've been looking on another Disney message board and this is all they are talking about...and acting like its going to happen because the NEW YORK POST said so (It's so laughable for them to even bring this up in their excuse of a paper).

On the other hand, Disney's theme park operations have matured domestically. Perhaps they are looking to elsewhere in the form of regional entertainment. Personally, for a company like Disney to build something next to Coney Island will bring out the intellectual farts in full force like with the ill-fated Disney's America, protesting it to the death.


New Member
Originally posted by Quentin Disney
I don't know about you guys, but every single solitary time I see a "Disney is coming to [INSERT NAME OF TOWN HERE]" I have to roll my eyes. Remember folks, no matter how prestigous the news source is, it will still be a rumor until Disney comes out with a press release. I've been looking on another Disney message board and this is all they are talking about...and acting like its going to happen because the NEW YORK POST said so (It's so laughable for them to even bring this up in their excuse of a paper).

On the other hand, Disney's theme park operations have matured domestically. Perhaps they are looking to elsewhere in the form of regional entertainment. Personally, for a company like Disney to build something next to Coney Island will bring out the intellectual farts in full force like with the ill-fated Disney's America, protesting it to the death.

ya heres that article and pic




The elephant in Astroland Park may soon have a neighborly friend in Dumbo if Disney's scouting trip pans out.
- Stephen Hirsch

July 22, 2002 -- Coney Island was named after a rabbit - but it may be taken over by a mouse.
Walt Disney Co. has been studying Coney Island land parcels to determine if enough acreage could be assembled for some kind of major project in the famed south Brooklyn seaside neighborhood, according to Crain's New York Business today.

The entertainment-industry behemoth is renowned both for its megasized theme parks and its role in the wildly successful renewal of Times Square, which has drawn hordes of tourists from around the world.

Like Times Square, Coney Island's glory days as a favorite destination of New Yorkers were followed by a steady decline into seediness, crime and broken dreams.

By then, the urban decay resembled nothing of the dune-covered land the Dutch settlers dubbed Konijn Eiland, or rabbit island.

Disney's involvement in Coney Island "would be great. Disney did a beautiful job on 42nd Street. Coney Island could use a facelift. I know they would do a good job of cleaning up the area," said Gerald Menditto, 59, who has worked on the neighborhood's landmark Cyclone roller coaster for 28 years.

Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz said, "I think Coney Island is hot as a pistol for a major development . . . It's open for great, great things."

He pointed to recent positive developments there, including last year's opening of KeySpan Park - home to the Brooklyn Cyclones minor-league baseball team - and expansion of the New York Aquarium as evidence that the neighborhood is headed in the right direction.

And Coney Island's honky-tonk amusement parks and food stands, coupled with a spacious boardwalk and beach, are drawing bigger crowds.

Markowitz said that Disney representatives looked at Coney Island several years ago.

"Maybe they put it back on the front burner," he said, while noting that he has not heard that Disney is looking again.

The company denies any current interest.

Big plans for revitalizing Coney Island are nothing new.

"Coney Island's day came in 1989, when we had full Board of Estimate approvals to build this major project," said Horace Bullard, the owner of seven acres of land along Surf Avenue, who planned a $450 million entertainment complex on his and city property.

But, "we ran into a bad financial market. And in '93, we came back with financing, but then we ran into [Rudy] Giuliani," said Bullard, who blames the former mayor for thwarting his vision.

Giuliani pushed for construction of KeySpan Park, which sits smack between Bullard's two land parcels, and which Bullard says would be difficult to incorporate into a Disney complex.

Still, Bullard predicted that "anything you do out there will be successful," and wants a crack at being part of any development.

"We have a new day. We have a new mayor who understands business," Bullard said. "Coney Island's day will come."

Additional reporting by Angelina Cappiello


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine that lives in England called me today to see if this was true or not. She said that it has been on the news and the papers in London that Dinsey is buying Coney Island. I said I didnt have a clue because I hadn't heard any "Disney Sources" saying that.

But, to say that no one would wait an hour in traffic to go see the mouse isn't necessarily true. Happened in Anaheim and the people still came. I am sure off site guests at WDW have been stuck for close to an hour in traffic/parking/ transfer from TTC to actual MK..etc. You know ...if they build it people will come. Just think of the travel savings it would save people from Canada.


Found this in the NY Post: :cry:



July 23, 2002 -- You'd have to be on Pluto to think that the city is going to turn Coney Island into Disneyland, Mayor Bloomberg said yesterday.
Responding to a report that Disney is exploring development on Coney Island, the mayor said he's always open to discussion, but isn't quite prepared to turn the best-known part of the Brooklyn waterfront over to Mickey Mouse.

"If Disney wants to, we'll certainly take a look at it," the mayor said, without ducking the issue.

"Do we want to build a Disneyland or Disney World? No. This is wrong for that."

But Zenia Mucha, Disney's spokeswoman, said no one should speculate about Disney's plans for Coney Island because it doesn't have any.

"It's unequivocally untrue," said Mucha.

Bloomberg and Deputy Mayor Dan Doctoroff, who oversees development, said no one from Disney has contacted the city.


New Member
Originally posted by bgraham34
I really can't see them turning that into a park. Maybe Stores or hotels. But a park I don't see it. It would cost a fortune alone to fix the roads there. Don't know if anyone has even driven that way in the morning. I have many times. No one is going to wait an hour or so in traffic to go see Mickey. I would not and I love the little big mouse.

I have a NYC question (from a Texan who hasn't been there.) Isn't NYC not very well suited for masses of theme park traffic? From what I have seen on NYC, it doesnt seem to have the traffic system to handle this.


Coney Island is an area of Brooklyn closer to Long Island than Manhattan. Brooklyn itself is a very urban area that would not be able to handle the traffic unless SERIOUS improvements were made to the public highways. Rush hour traffic is bad enough on the Belt parkway so I highly doubt Disney will do much more than add a restaurant or shop.


Original Poster
Originally posted by Hochmania
Coney Island is an area of Brooklyn closer to Long Island than Manhattan. Brooklyn itself is a very urban area that would not be able to handle the traffic unless SERIOUS improvements were made to the public highways. Rush hour traffic is bad enough on the Belt parkway so I highly doubt Disney will do much more than add a restaurant or shop.

disney has the major bucks to do whatever they need to do to improve traffic flow, look at the renevations to the LA area.


Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by hbkrocco1
This is not and rumor and is indeed true. It has been confirmed by Fox 5 in NY. I did post something on this 3 months ago and no one believed me. Tonight Sunday, July 21, 2002 Fox 5 aired a segment about how Disneys been looking to buy property over at Coney Island for a theme park.

Fine, but it WON'T be a freaking theme park. Geez, do we need a loudspeaker around here?

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