The DS and WDW adult clothing has gone so far down hill over the past 5 years that I rarely ever come home with anything from either place.
The DS's adult merchandise was very nice when they first started the line, but as the years progressed, the merchandise quality started going down and I stopped buying it. They used to have a nice selection of gifts and recall buying things there all the time, but then they started selling the same merchandise in discount stores like Toys r us and walmart for less money which was the same exact product. Well it doesn't take a genuis to figure out that I'm going to buy the item at a discount.
The choice of WDW adult merchandise is horrendous. I was just there last week and I can tell you that I bought NOTHING for myself at WDW. All the merchandise that was of any interest to me seemed to be in those teen sizes. And I love what they call "adult" size merchandise, I want to know what adult most of this stuff fits, because it's not me. I'm not a big person, but not a toothpick either. I will not buy men's t-shirts as they are way too long and prefer a woman's cut that is shorter and not down to my knees. I want shirts that have some give in them and don't cling to me which they seemed to have stopped making. Whoever is designing this merchandise doesn't have clue one about sizing and while WDW is selling all this teen crap, they are missing out on selling to a large segment of their customers because if I went home buying nothing, I'm sure there are many others just like me.
Wedway71, I fully understand your number crunching floor space to selling merchandise theory which I recall well from my merchandising courses. However, there is one thing you are failing to take into consideration, why are your sales dropping with adult merchandise. Is it because you bring out the same silly t-shirts every year, did you do research on what the adult market is looking for, is their something wrong with the fit or style of the clothing. These are all things you need to look at along with the numbers, you can't go purely by numbers.