Disney Channel Rant


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I completely agree with the OP but what the Disney Channel has been doing right now is not new. In fact, I would argue that this has been going on for a while since...oh I don't know, probably the mid-2000s. I think @prberk hit the nail on the head. If the entire channel can't be overhauled which in all likelihood, won't be the case, I do wonder if Disney Channel would take a page from Nickelodeon regarding making a TV block with old shows like they do with their The 90s Are All That block airing late-nights on TeenNick. But I don't think they'll do it, not unless there's enough pressure to do so. With that said...I blame Anne.

Californian Elitist

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Original Poster
Well, now you might get to watch those on TCM thanks to the new agreement with Disney. :)


This is amazing. Still, it would be nice to be able to watch these on the Disney Channel. Still, I very much welcome this.

I completely agree with the OP but what the Disney Channel has been doing right now is not new. In fact, I would argue that this has been going on for a while since...oh I don't know, probably the mid-2000s. I think @prberk hit the nail on the head. If the entire channel can't be overhauled which in all likelihood, won't be the case, I do wonder if Disney Channel would take a page from Nickelodeon regarding making a TV block with old shows like they do with their The 90s Are All That block airing late-nights on TeenNick. But I don't think they'll do it, not unless there's enough pressure to do so. With that said...I blame Anne.

Yes, I mentioned my opinion that the Disney Channel hasn't been good since the debut of That's So Raven in 2003.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I mentioned my opinion that the Disney Channel hasn't been good since the debut of That's So Raven in 2003.

I tend to disagree, the last hidden gem of Disney Channel aired for a very brief period in 2004..right before Hannah Montana took over.

(Edit: Speaking of which....Happy 10th Anniversary Dave!)

As far as the current Disney Channel, yes it has really gone down-hill. But to be fair, I personally believe all the great cable channels have done the same recently (Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network). Back in the 90's, Nick was king in kid's entertainment. Doug, Rocko's Modern Life, Hey Arnold, Kablam, CatDog, Ahh..Real Monsters, Legends of the Hidden Temple, Global Guts, Salute Your Shorts, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, the list goes on and on. Nowadays the studio is reduced to piggybacking off of other properties such as TMNT to get ratings or they show the same UN-imaginative live action shows that the Disney Channel produces like I-Carly.

Cartoon Network in my opinion suffers from something different. I was a huge fan of the Cartoon Cartoon Friday's lineup (Dexter's Lab, Cow and Chicken, Johnny Bravo, etc.) but nowadays they seem to produce shows that I like to call "Hipster Cartoons". No offense to fans of Adventure Time, Regular Show, Uncle Grandpa, and the other current lineup but when half of the dialog for an episode is "Yeeaaaahhhhh" to me, that's not clever writing that's being lazy.

I've been saying for years if Nickelodeon dropped the Nick at Night lineup and brought back SNICK (including Stick Stickly as MC) and ran 90's re-runs, there would definitely be a market for it....or at the very least put these classic shows on DVD or a streaming service for us grown up kids to enjoy.

How can there be a Kim Possible DVD set in Germany but not the U.S.!!??
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Well-Known Member
I tend to disagree, the last hidden gem of Disney Channel aired for a very brief period in 2004..right before Hannah Montana took over.

(Edit: Speaking of which....Happy 10th Anniversary Dave!)

As far as the current Disney Channel, yes it has really gone down-hill. But to be fair, I personally believe all the great cable channels have done the same recently (Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network). Back in the 90's, Nick was king in kid's entertainment. Doug, Rocko's Modern Life, Hey Arnold, Kablam, CatDog, Ahh..Real Monsters, Legends of the Hidden Temple, Global Guts, Salute Your Shorts, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, the list goes on and on. Nowadays the studio is reduced to piggybacking off of other properties such as TMNT to get ratings or they show the same UN-imaginative live action shows that the Disney Channel produces like I-Carly.

Cartoon Network in my opinion suffers from something different. I was a huge fan of the Cartoon Cartoon Friday's lineup (Dexter's Lab, Cow and Chicken, Johnny Bravo, etc.) but nowadays they seem to produce shows that I like to call "Hipster Cartoons". No offense to fans of Adventure Time, Regular Show, Uncle Grandpa, and the other current lineup but when half of the dialog for an episode is "Yeeaaaahhhhh" to me, that's not clever writing that's being lazy.

I've been saying for years if Nickelodeon dropped the Nick at Night lineup and brought back SNICK (including Stick Stickly as MC) and ran 90's re-runs, there would definitely be a market for it....or at the very least put these classic shows on DVD or a streaming service for us grown up kids to enjoy.

How can there be a Kim Possible DVD set in Germany but not the U.S.!!??

Teen nick channel does play old shows at late night! They switch it up all the time so there are always diferent shows in rotation...


Well-Known Member
Teen nick channel does play old shows at late night! They switch it up all the time so there are always diferent shows in rotation...

I actually noticed that last month when one of my "Dish Perks" was the Teen Nick channel. While I am thankful they've decided to run these shows in general, I have two problems with their current set-up. The first is that they are running these shows in the wee hours of the morning, very little audience is awake around 3 in the morning. The second was their choice of selection in shows. Other than Hey Arnold, the rest of the shows in that line up were mid 2000's shows that I had never heard of and were also live-action. It's like they're trying to appease to the older fan base with shows that we're too new for us back in the day. I understand it's called "Teen Nick", but mix it up a bit.

That's why I want a dedicated time-slot to the glory days of Nick, does anyone really watch the Nick at Night lineup? It seems like there's a perfect opportunity for them to pull an "Adult Swim" but instead of creating new material, just show re-runs.

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I tend to disagree, the last hidden gem of Disney Channel aired for a very brief period in 2004..right before Hannah Montana took over.

(Edit: Speaking of which....Happy 10th Anniversary Dave!)

As far as the current Disney Channel, yes it has really gone down-hill. But to be fair, I personally believe all the great cable channels have done the same recently (Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network). Back in the 90's, Nick was king in kid's entertainment. Doug, Rocko's Modern Life, Hey Arnold, Kablam, CatDog, Ahh..Real Monsters, Legends of the Hidden Temple, Global Guts, Salute Your Shorts, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, the list goes on and on. Nowadays the studio is reduced to piggybacking off of other properties such as TMNT to get ratings or they show the same UN-imaginative live action shows that the Disney Channel produces like I-Carly.

Cartoon Network in my opinion suffers from something different. I was a huge fan of the Cartoon Cartoon Friday's lineup (Dexter's Lab, Cow and Chicken, Johnny Bravo, etc.) but nowadays they seem to produce shows that I like to call "Hipster Cartoons". No offense to fans of Adventure Time, Regular Show, Uncle Grandpa, and the other current lineup but when half of the dialog for an episode is "Yeeaaaahhhhh" to me, that's not clever writing that's being lazy.

I've been saying for years if Nickelodeon dropped the Nick at Night lineup and brought back SNICK (including Stick Stickly as MC) and ran 90's re-runs, there would definitely be a market for it....or at the very least put these classic shows on DVD or a streaming service for us grown up kids to enjoy.

How can there be a Kim Possible DVD set in Germany but not the U.S.!!??

I didn't like Dave the Barbarian. I did like Jake Long: American Dragon. When I say That's So Raven was the beginning of the end of the Disney Channel, I don't mean everything from that point on is terrible. I mean that's when the beginning of the changes started occurring. If you look at That's So Raven and compare them to the very early 2000s shows like Lizzie McGuire and Even Stevens, there are clear differences between plot and overall format.

I could rag on both Nick and Cartoon Network, too, especially Nick. Their shows are god-awful, just like Disney's. I do like Regular Show and Adventure Time (although I don't watch either show regularly), but they don't compare to Cartoon Network's classics like Dexter's Laboratory, Cow and Chicken, Johnny Bravo, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Ed, Edd, 'n' Eddy, etc. Cartoon Network and Nick get brownie points for airing their classics either on a separate block or on another channel. Disney doesn't have anything like that.


Well-Known Member
I didn't like Dave the Barbarian.

Your breakin' my heart....how could you not love The Dark Lord: Chuckles The Silly Piggy?:P

I did like Jake Long: American Dragon. When I say That's So Raven was the beginning of the end of the Disney Channel, I don't mean everything from that point on is terrible. I mean that's when the beginning of the changes started occurring. If you look at That's So Raven and compare them to the very early 2000s shows like Lizzie McGuire and Even Stevens, there are clear differences between plot and overall format.

Ah, actually now that you mentioned it I can see where your coming from. There was something about those types of shows that did feel different back in the day. Nothing compared to Lizzie and Even Stevens.

I could rag on both Nick and Cartoon Network, too, especially Nick. Their shows are god-awful, just like Disney's. I do like Regular Show and Adventure Time (although I don't watch either show regularly), but they don't compare to Cartoon Network's classics like Dexter's Laboratory, Cow and Chicken, Johnny Bravo, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Ed, Edd, 'n' Eddy, etc. Cartoon Network and Nick get brownie points for airing their classics either on a separate block or on another channel. Disney doesn't have anything like that.


And now to briefly interrupt this Disney Channel Rant to bring back some good memories...

Ok, I'm done...carry on everyone:)

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Your breakin' my heart....how could you not love The Dark Lord: Chuckles The Silly Piggy?:p

Haha I did like the occasional "Curses!"

Ah, actually now that you mentioned it I can see where your coming from. There was something about those types of shows that did feel different back in the day. Nothing compared to Lizzie and Even Stevens.

Exactly. That's So Raven had the "audience" with the laugh track going on in the background, just like the shows nowadays. Even Stevens and Lizzie McGuire didn't have that, and they looked different, too.


And now to briefly interrupt this Disney Channel Rant to bring back some good memories...

Ok, I'm done...carry on everyone

No, let us carry on!

My favorite Nick show:



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CatDog was MY SHOW. I always wondered how they used the bathroom haha.

haha, you too huh? One of those untold mysteries I suppose:p It's funny, when I was a kid I really wanted a CatDog themed birthday party but Nick never put out party supplies themed to the show. So I ended up making my own...well birthday invitations and a banner anyway.

Teacher's Pet was really good.

I'm a huge Nathan Lane fan, so you can imagine my joy when I found out he voiced Spot/Scott. To me, Teacher's Pet is an example of a show trying to teach kids important things in literature, fiction, etc. but didn't try to talk down to them. It was a fresh take on an animated television show compared to the "nachoooosss....yeaaahhh!!!" type of cartoons we have today. A few of my prized Disney collectibles are related to this show including a framed Teacher's Pet movie poster, an actual animation cell from the movie, and a Scott Leadready plushy...complete with purple bunny backpack:D


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Its funny, but in ten years, the kids that grew up with Hannah Montana and the like, will be on here moaning about how they miss those shows and how the Disney Channel is a wasteland and has been since 2014 or so....


Well-Known Member
Its funny, but in ten years, the kids that grew up with Hannah Montana and the like, will be on here moaning about how they miss those shows and how the Disney Channel is a wasteland and has been since 2014 or so....

You know there have been many a time I have thought the same thing, especially when my best friend remarks that I'm turning into the "Back in my day" old man after I finish a cartoon based rant such as the one featured above. I know every generation believes their entertainment was the best, but to me the 90's and early 2000's were really the end point of quality entertainment, not just in animated programing but in television in general.

Sure there are some golden shows out there...Chowder, Phineas and Ferb, Gravity Falls, the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, etc. there just is not a lot of creativity out there anymore (in my eyes). But hey, maybe the kids eat this up, maybe I don't know what I'm talking about? After all I'm the old man now to the kids these days.

I was the type of kid that had a television as a babysitter. Imagine a non-rotten version of Mike Teevee from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and you've pretty much described my childhood (that and bi-weekly Disney trips). Summer trips to Grandma and Grandpa's house were always fun because that meant "cable time", grandpa would always fall asleep on the bed as we watched his favorite show on Nick, Global Guts. So to me, that stuff was the greatest in comparison to what I've seen today...although I have also come to respect a lot of things from decades prior to my own.

With all this said, I do realize not everything in my childhood stands the test of time. I do look back at some things laughing with fondness how I could ever watch something like that, but I've got to say it's leaps and bounds to what I've watching today. Duck Dynasty people....really? Could they at least teach the viewers about making the duck calls instead of spending .5 seconds on it before moving onto "wacky shenanigan of the week"? We have many series based on working professions now, people who buy and flip houses passes for entertainment. When your don't have that, you have a series based on an existing property. Agents of Shield, Gotham, Arrow, any number of shows on Nick as well as Cartoon Network, The Walking Dead, etc. While some are good to watch, most just seem unnecessary. So in all honesty, I think the last couple of generations were the final to try and re-create television. It seems like originality has been pushed aside for quantity and marketing...but that's just me.

Edit: Although I also don't appreciate companies spitting on my childhood either...live action Rescue Rangers movie, indeed. What were they thinking? Go with the Gargoyles if you want live-action bro!
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Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
You know there have been many a time I have thought the same thing, especially when my best friend remarks that I'm turning into the "Back in my day" old man after I finish a cartoon based rant such as the one featured above. I know every generation believes their entertainment was the best, but to me the 90's and early 2000's were really the end point of quality entertainment, not just in animated programing but in television in general.

Sure there are some golden shows out there...Chowder, Phineas and Ferb, Gravity Falls, the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, etc. there just is not a lot of creativity out there anymore (in my eyes). But hey, maybe the kids eat this up, maybe I don't know what I'm talking about? After all I'm the old man now to the kids these days.

I was the type of kid that had a television as a babysitter. Imagine a non-rotten version of Mike Teevee from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and you've pretty much described my childhood (that and bi-weekly Disney trips). Summer trips to Grandma and Grandpa's house were always fun because that meant "cable time", grandpa would always fall asleep on the bed as we watched his favorite show on Nick, Global Guts. So to me, that stuff was the greatest in comparison to what I've seen today...although I have also come to respect a lot of things from decades prior to my own.

With all this said, I do realize not everything in my childhood stands the test of time. I do look back at some things laughing with fondness how I could ever watch something like that, but I've got to say it's leaps and bounds to what I've watching today. Duck Dynasty people....really? Could they at least teach the viewers about making the duck calls instead of spending .5 seconds on it before moving onto "wacky shenanigan of the week"? We have many series based on working professions now, people who buy and flip houses passes for entertainment. When your don't have that, you have a series based on an existing property. Agents of Shield, Gotham, Arrow, any number of shows on Nick as well as Cartoon Network, The Walking Dead, etc. While some are good to watch, most just seem unnecessary. So in all honesty, I think the last couple of generations were the finally to try and re-create television. It seems like originality has been pushed aside for quantity and marketing...but that's just me.

Edit: Although I also don't appreciate companies spitting on my childhood either...live action Rescue Rangers movie, indeed. What were they thinking? Go with the Gargoyles if you want live-action bro!

Exactly. I can agree that television/cartoons from the 1920's to the early 2000's were great. I love the old shows and cartoons like The Flinstone's, The Jetson's, Tom and Jerry, Leave it to Beaver, I Love Lucy, etc. But really, shows nowadays are just not very good anymore.


Well-Known Member
How unfortunate and pathetic. I actually wrote a letter to the Disney Channel Headquarters about creating another channel for its old programming, like Boomerang for Cartoon Network. They never wrote back.
I was just about to say it would be great if they came out with a channel like boomerang to show some of their older shows & cartoons that they're famous for. I'd watch it in a heartbeat.

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