Beauty and the Beast - 132
101 Dalmations - 97
Peter Pan - 94
Fantasia - 72
Aladdin - 72
Robin Hood - 68
The Little Mermaid - 61
The Lion King - 29
<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
Beauty and the Beast - 132
101 Dalmations - 98
Peter Pan - 94
Aladdin - 73
Fantasia - 69
Robin Hood - 67
The Little Mermaid - 62
The Lion King - 30<!-- / message -->
Beauty and the Beast - 132
101 Dalmations - 98
Peter Pan - 94
Aladdin - 72
Fantasia - 69
Robin Hood - 68
The Little Mermaid - 62
The Lion King - 30<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
Beauty and the Beast - 134
101 Dalmations - 99
Peter Pan - 94
Aladdin - 72
Fantasia - 69
Robin Hood - 67
The Little Mermaid - 61
The Lion King - 29
<!-- / message -->
Beauty and the Beast - 134
101 Dalmations - 99
Peter Pan - 93
Aladdin - 73
Fantasia - 69
Robin Hood - 67
The Little Mermaid - 61
The Lion King - 29
<!-- / message --><!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
Beauty and the Beast - 134
101 Dalmations - 99
Peter Pan - 93
Aladdin - 72
Fantasia - 69
Robin Hood - 67
The Little Mermaid - 61
The Lion King - 29<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
Beauty and the Beast - 134
101 Dalmations - 99
Peter Pan - 93
Aladdin - 72
Fantasia - 68
Robin Hood - 68
The Little Mermaid - 61
The Lion King - 29<!-- / message --><!-- sig --><!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
Beauty and the Beast - 134
101 Dalmations - 100
Peter Pan - 92
Aladdin - 72
Fantasia - 69
Robin Hood - 68
The Little Mermaid - 61
The Lion King - 28<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->