Disney and Universal working on Marvel deal for Florida?


Well-Known Member
I'm not so sure there isn't some incentive on the parts of both sides for things to move on this issue. I don't have it handy right now but I was reading an article about financials a week or so ago that said that Disney is pulling in roughly 300M on Spidey merch alone...Universal's profits are always going to be hampered by how much they have to end up paying Disney when if they had more attractions based on their own IP's or ones more secured to them they would be making more cash themselves (for example, Potter's big punch for Universal was partially in increased attendance, but much more so the amount of merch being sold).

It doesn't mean anything, but it's certainly not like Universal doesn't have reasons to want some sort of change, eithers.
That's like saying Uni probably wants to get rid of Potter because they have to pay liscensing fees.


Well-Known Member
Disney/Marvel owns all the rights. Uni licenses a subset of them in an exclusive territory for a bargain basement price. Do not expect this simple contract to be changed until it is beneficial for both parties. Why is this so hard to grasp? Disney does not need the IP in Orlando and enjoys collecting their checks from Uni. Uni's benefits far outweigh the small amount paid to rival Disney. Status Quo is currently working for both sides.


Premium Member
Disney/Marvel owns all the rights. Uni licenses a subset of them in an exclusive territory for a bargain basement price. Do not expect this simple contract to be changed until it is beneficial for both parties. Why is this so hard to grasp? Disney does not need the IP in Orlando and enjoys collecting their checks from Uni. Uni's benefits far outweigh the small amount paid to rival Disney. Status Quo is currently working for both sides.

I think some people sort of forget that Disney did not make this contract, Marvel did. It's very unlikely Disney would make a contact that is this favorable to the company they are licensing to.


Active Member
If uni was to build a new attraction themed to the Avengers. Could it be possible for UC to partner with WDI to create an awesome attractions that would be at both IoA and DCA?


Well-Known Member
I think some people sort of forget that Disney did not make this contract, Marvel did. It's very unlikely Disney would make a contact that is this favorable to the company they are licensing to.
At the time, the contract was incredibly favorable to Marvel. Being down in the dumps, they put themselves in the position that Universal would almost never want to dump them so long as they were kicking, no matter how weakly. The deal with Universal was guaranteed income.


Well-Known Member
What I can't understand is why even the most intoxicated Pixie Duster would want to see Marvel inside a Disney Park.

IF Disney somehow got the rights (which isn't going to happen), they'd likely put a cheap overlay on one ride in Tomorrowland and a lame M&G nearby. Not to mention that would take 3 years of closure before opening.

At least for a Marvel fan University has the top roller coaster in hulk, what was until recently the best ride anywhere in spiderman amongst other rides. Universal aren't sitting on this either, now announcing Hulk 2.0 which looks like just phase 1 of the MSHI expansion project.

No, the IP for this is much better off in the hands of Universal.


Premium Member
and which continues to mean money for Disney as well.... this is win win it sounds like - Disney has PLENTY they could do without doing anything with Marvel (they just don't really)

in the words of officer barbrady - "move along, nothing to see here"


Well-Known Member
IF Disney somehow got the rights (which isn't going to happen), they'd likely put a cheap overlay on one ride in Tomorrowland and a lame M&G nearby. Not to mention that would take 3 years of closure before opening.
You sort of described most of what Universal did when it got Harry Potter, except they also added Forbidden Journey to that. But they basically just did a half-hearted overlay for Hippogriff and Dragon Challenge.

Disney would almost definitely do at least the same thing Universal did: an E-ticket + a themed mini-land, which is the direction things seem to be going lately with most of Disney's mega-properties when the funds are there (Avatar, Star Wars, Cars @ DCA, etc)

Either way, though, this isn't going to happen and doesn't need to happen.


Well-Known Member
You sort of described most of what Universal did when it got Harry Potter, except they also added Forbidden Journey to that. But they basically just did a half-hearted overlay for Hippogriff and Dragon Challenge.

Disney would almost definitely do at least the same thing Universal did: an E-ticket + a themed mini-land, which is the direction things seem to be going lately with most of Disney's mega-properties when the funds are there (Avatar, Star Wars, Cars @ DCA, etc)

Either way, though, this isn't going to happen and doesn't need to happen.
I wouldn't call Hogsmeade a half hearted overlay of The Merlinwoods. But have at it.

And when Uni is done MSHI will have 3 EPIC E-Tickets. That doesn't seem to be Disney's MO these days.


Premium Member
I agree. For heaven's sake. What is the obsession with some here that Marvel heroes appear in Walt Disney World? The Marvel rides at Universal aren't good enough? Jeez.

It has to do with the pipe dream that some Disney fans live in where they'll suddenly spend hundreds of millions of dollars on attractions that are better than what's currently at Universal, even though they haven't done a better ride than Spiderman in the past 16 years with any other intellectual property.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't call Hogsmeade a half hearted overlay of The Merlinwoods. But have at it.
And in light of Avatar Land, I wouldn't say that Disney would build a simple overlay of a single attraction if they had Marvel, but have at it.

Hogsmeade is ultimately a single, small street. Beautiful, absolutely, especially if you're a fan of the movies, but the scale of that land hardly impresses the way the films did, and the way Avatar Land should, in terms of size and scope. The Wizarding World land itself feels compact and claustrophobic, but it's understandable considering the space they had for it; they simply couldn't replicate the expansive feel of Hogwarts and the surrounding countryside. They couldn't even effectively hide the show building without risking throwing off the artistic integrity of the castle.


Well-Known Member
It has to do with the pipe dream that some Disney fans live in where they'll suddenly spend hundreds of millions of dollars on attractions that are better than what's currently at Universal, even though they haven't done a better ride than Spiderman in the past 16 years with any other intellectual property.
What? I believe that Stitch's Great Escape was Disney's answer to Universal's The Amazing Adventures of Spider-man and, if I say so myself, is infinitely better. It has AAs and Spider-man is all screenz. Obviously, Stitch's is vastly superior.


Well-Known Member
And in light of Avatar Land, I wouldn't say that Disney would build a simple overlay of a single attraction if they had Marvel, but have at it.

Hogsmeade is ultimately a single, small street. Beautiful, absolutely, especially if you're a fan of the movies, but the scale of that land hardly impresses the way the films did, and the way Avatar Land should, in terms of size and scope. The Wizarding World land itself feels compact and claustrophobic, but it's understandable considering the space they had for it; they simply couldn't replicate the expansive feel of Hogwarts and the surrounding countryside. They couldn't even effectively hide the show building without risking throwing off the artistic integrity of the castle.
But to say that all Universal did in Hogsmeade is overlay 2 rides and build one new one is disingenuous at best. Flat out wrong is more accurate.

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