Disney (and others) at the Box Office - Current State of Affairs


Well-Known Member
Not really. For as long as you’ve been posting about this, you’ve framed it as something intrinsically inappropriate for children, regardless of context. You now seem to saying something rather different.

If I've been framing it that way, it's because I am framing it within the context of American mainstream culture, the exact demographic that made Walt Disney fabulously wealthy and successful and a household name from coast to coast. I am an American. I know American culture. I know American parents via family and friends.

If you're thinking of a culture that is different than America circa 1960-2024, and many of those places are in Africa and Asia and the Middle East that outright banned Strange World from movie theaters, then that's something else.

My gut tells me that American parents in the 2020's land around the age of 12 when it comes to discussing The Gays.
But the majority of American parents don't have gay uncles showing up at Thanksgiving like Rip Taylor coming down the aisle wearing Maribou and throwing confetti. Thus, they don't automatically explain homosexuality to their young children.

That said,
I do believe every American family would be better off with at least one gay uncle who showed up at Thanksgiving like this...



Well-Known Member
I searched your old posts to make sure I wasn’t misremembering, and I wasn’t.

Oh. Maybe putting it this way would help? If I had a thesis for this topic it would be...

Most American parents in the 2020's don't want to talk to their kids about The Gays until about age 12. Give or take a year or two, depending on family values, culture, and religion, broadly.

Strange World and a few other Disney family movies pushed that boundary too far, and parents not just in America said NO.

Disney needs to relearn how to make family movies a majority of parents automatically say YES to again.


Well-Known Member
Why do you think Strange World flopped so horribly around the globe from Mexico to Finland to Brazil, while Inside Out 2 is doing gangbuster business in all of those same countries with the same audiences?

Domestically I actually think it’s much simpler. They made a movie about 50’s era sci fi pulp and marketed it to millennial parents and gen alpha kids. Neither of those demographics are nostalgic for 50’s pulp fiction. It was kind of a stupid framing decision. It was quite bland and as a hyper consumer of all things Disney, I haven’t actually watch Strange World myself. It just didn’t look very good.

Internationally, I think you are more correct. Likewise for TLM, which actually did fine domestically. I think a black woman sunk the box office prospects in some intentional markets and that’s why that movie in particular was discrepant.

But no, Strange world was destined to tank domestically because it just didn’t look very good. We see that in the lack of uptake on streaming as well by Disney’s hyper supportive base. It wasn’t a well thought out film.

I think it's because most human parents on planet Earth aren't comfortable taking their 8 year old child to a Disney cartoon movie about a gay child. If Disney wants to continue making profitable movies that most Earthlings will take their young children to, they'd be wise to accept that and learn from it.
As far as I can tell you are the only who has said the only reason Strange world has failed was due to having a gay character… bigotry and hatred was a factor…, but I don’t even think most of us believe it was the largest factor

I would like to highlight this for all the posters constantly misquoting other people. The vast majority of us have constantly said this is a minority problem. And yet we’re incessantly shouted out that it isn’t a thing by the very people liking TP’s posts.

I’ll give TP respect for actually being honest at the end of the day. Even if I disagree. I feel like everyone else’s shtick is to dance around and lie about their true thoughts and place those thoughts at the feet of people who never said the things they are being accused of.


Well-Known Member
Mine is “things take time”.
That’s very easy for you to say. Me, I’ve been waiting for more than 40 years now, and my patience is growing thin. If it really is the case that droves of parents kept away from Strange World because it depicted a gay teen (my own view is that other factors were primarily responsible, but let’s go with @TP2000’s explanation, which you’ve repeatedly liked)—if that really is the case, then so be it. I’d sooner gain a bit of representation than have Disney appease a bunch of small-minded reactionaries by continuing to wait for some indeterminate time of “acceptance”. We’re deep into the twenty-first century—people have had long enough to work through their irrational prejudices.

Basil of Baker Street

Well-Known Member
Are you arguing that the skillful use of multimedia promotional outlets, as we saw with Barbie and we’re seeing with Deadpool 3, can significantly increase a film’s box office? Because yes. That’s very true.

Or are you just writing glib words with no thought to their actual meaning and in the process defeating your own point?
I'm just sitting back laughing at all the nonsense. Must be tiring looking over your shoulder all the time.


Premium Member
That’s very easy for you to say. Me, I’ve been waiting for more than 40 years now, and my patience is growing thin. If it really is the case that droves of parents kept away from Strange World because it depicted a gay teen (my own view is that other factors were primarily responsible, but let’s go with @TP2000’s explanation, which you’ve repeatedly liked)—if that really is the case, then so be it. I’d sooner gain a bit of representation than have Disney appease a bunch of small-minded reactionaries by continuing to wait for some indeterminate time of “acceptance”. We’re deep into the twenty-first century—people have had long enough to work through their irrational prejudices.
That is a very easy thing for me to say…that’s why I keep saying it SUCKS

But it’s a flawed planet. However it is the one we got.

My numerous flaws aside…mostly notably repetitive, relentless and cynical…I always try to say what I feel is the truth. Either personal truth or objective truth

I don’t feel that faith is rewarded on this or many Disney threads

You want to talk cult? People that can pick their fandom over their dignity…come on

Don’t pee on my legs with excuses and tell me it’s raining, Judy

the entire inference that “good” Disney movies have been tanked by small societal fringes is a lie.

In the last couple of days…now it’s drifting to “media cadre”…false. Don’t start
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Well-Known Member
That is a very easy thing for me to say…that’s why I keep saying it SUCKS

But it’s a flawed planet. However it is the one we got.

My numerous flaws aside…mostly notably repetitive, relentless and cynical…I always try to say what I feel is the truth. Either personal truth or objective truth

I don’t feel that faith is rewarded on this or many Disney threads

You want to talk cult? People that can’t pick their fandom over their dignity…come on

Don’t pee on my legs with excuses and tell me it’s raining, Judy

the entire inference that “good” Disney movies have been tanked by small societal fringes is a lie.

In the last couple of days…now it’s drifting to “media cadre”…false. Don’t start
This bears no relation to what I wrote.


Well-Known Member
That’s very easy for you to say. Me, I’ve been waiting for more than 40 years now, and my patience is growing thin. If it really is the case that droves of parents kept away from Strange World because it depicted a gay teen (my own view is that other factors were primarily responsible, but let’s go with @TP2000’s explanation, which you’ve repeatedly liked)—if that really is the case, then so be it. I’d sooner gain a bit of representation than have Disney appease a bunch of small-minded reactionaries by continuing to wait for some indeterminate time of “acceptance”. We’re deep into the twenty-first century—people have had long enough to work through their irrational prejudices.
In my opinion, the characters in Strange World are ALL fine. The gay teen was irreverent, nothing special, nothing new, nothing worth noting in my mind. Just my opinion.

The messaging that bothered me (probably only me) was the "save the planet, get rid of fossil fuels, live in the dark", to save the planet" message.

It goes to show you, different people come away with different views from movies.
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Casper Gutman

Well-Known Member
I'm just sitting back laughing at all the nonsense. Must be tiring looking over your shoulder all the time.
If by “looking over your shoulder” you mean “being honest about the world around you,” it can be tiring but it’s sort of our duty as citizens.

I’d be very interested to see the news and social media content you consume.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, the characters in Strange World are ALL fine. The gay teen was irreverent, nothing special, nothing new, nothing worth noting in my mind. Just my opinion.

The messaging that bothered me (probably only me) was the "save the planet, get rid of fossil fuels, live in the dark", to save the planet" message.

I goes to show you, different people come away with different views from movies.
Well, we’re talking about people who never saw the film to form an opinion about it in the first place—people who supposedly harbour such prejudice towards the gay community that they can’t bear the thought of their children knowing about its existence. But that’s OK, because the world is imperfect and we queers should remain patient for a few more centuries while our poor overwhelmed straight counterparts get used to us.


Premium Member
I hate when TWDC loses money on a movie no matter what the content is.
I love when TWDC makes money on a movie no matter what the content is.

I personally liked many of the movies they lost money on in the past.

As a result of the success of inside out 2, my hope is that TWDC will not think that sequels make money, my hope is TWDC will learn that making good movies makes money.

Very unlikely

Their ceo is an uncreative ego maniac


Well-Known Member
Well, we’re talking about people who never saw the film to form an opinion about it in the first place—people who supposedly harbour such prejudice towards the gay community that they can’t bear the thought of their children knowing about its existence. But that’s OK, because the world is imperfect and we queers should remain patient for a few more centuries while our poor overwhelmed straight counterparts get used to us.
Prejudice is all around us and and is applied for any and all differences. I once witnessed a gay person showing prejudice against a trans person. It blew my mind.

Folks must try to accept folks for who they are inside; not their sexual preference, not how they identify or even their least relevant attribute, their politics.

I will now attempt to step down off my soap box without breaking my hip.


Well-Known Member
Prejudice is all around us and and is applied for any and all differences.
I never said prejudice wasn’t a widespread and multifaceted problem. The topic that was brought up (not by me) was homosexuality in Strange World, and that’s the one I’ve been addressing. Of course there are other kinds of bigotry and injustice that also need attention.

Folks must try to accept folks for who they are inside; not their sexual preference
It’s not a preference.


Well-Known Member
As a result of the success of inside out 2, my hope is that TWDC will not think that sequels make money, my hope is TWDC will learn that making good movies makes money.
Except that percentage wise that doesn't seem to be true.

Remakes and sequels make more money than original or adaptations when it comes to movies these days. I hate it personally, but people are just less likely to turn out in large numbers for something new they have to take a chance on and it feels like it has been that way for a while now. These movies are just easier to market and come with a prebuilt audience that is likely to come out and spread the word.

With that in mind, I went and looked up the worldwide box office numbers by year since the turn of the century. Just looking at the top 10 grossing films of each year (skipping the decimated theatrical covid years of 2020 and 2021) I get:

2023 - 1 original
2022 - 0 original
2019 - 0 original
2018 - 1 original
2017 - 0 original
2016 - 1 original
2015 - 2 original
2014 - 1 original
2013 - 1 original
2012 - 1 original
2011 - 0 original
2010 - 1 original
2009 - 5 originals
2008 - 5 originals
2007 - 3 originals
2006 - 4 originals
2005 - 4 originals
2004 - 5 originals
2003 - 3 originals
2002 - 4 originals
2001 - 5 originals (an argument could be made for one or two more)
2000 - 8 originals

Sure, we could expand outside of the top 10, which would be fascinating to see and I think would make originals look slightly better, but, even with the limited sample size I am using, you can see the general pattern. People could also argue on what qualifies as an original here and there but by and large those numbers are going to be close. With those caveats in mind, it is hard to look at the numbers and think anything other than people want more of the same.

As a quick aside, I think it is interesting that 2010 seems to be the turning point for the most recent trend. My guess is this is the first crop of movies largely produced in the post 2008 crash so executives were being cautious. After seeing it work for a few years, they just stuck with it. Obviously just a theory but I have been racking my brain for any other events/cultural shift dating back to around that time and have come up blank.

Finally, for anyone wondering about 2024 it is looking to continue the same trend.


Well-Known Member
Except that percentage wise that doesn't seem to be true.

Remakes and sequels make more money than original or adaptations when it comes to movies these days. I hate it personally, but people are just less likely to turn out in large numbers for something new they have to take a chance on and it feels like it has been that way for a while now. These movies are just easier to market and come with a prebuilt audience that is likely to come out and spread the word.

With that in mind, I went and looked up the worldwide box office numbers by year since the turn of the century. Just looking at the top 10 grossing films of each year (skipping the decimated theatrical covid years of 2020 and 2021) I get:

2023 - 1 original
2022 - 0 original
2019 - 0 original
2018 - 1 original
2017 - 0 original
2016 - 1 original
2015 - 2 original
2014 - 1 original
2013 - 1 original
2012 - 1 original
2011 - 0 original
2010 - 1 original
2009 - 5 originals
2008 - 5 originals
2007 - 3 originals
2006 - 4 originals
2005 - 4 originals
2004 - 5 originals
2003 - 3 originals
2002 - 4 originals
2001 - 5 originals (an argument could be made for one or two more)
2000 - 8 originals

Sure, we could expand outside of the top 10, which would be fascinating to see and I think would make originals look slightly better, but, even with the limited sample size I am using, you can see the general pattern. People could also argue on what qualifies as an original here and there but by and large those numbers are going to be close. With those caveats in mind, it is hard to look at the numbers and think anything other than people want more of the same.

As a quick aside, I think it is interesting that 2010 seems to be the turning point for the most recent trend. My guess is this is the first crop of movies largely produced in the post 2008 crash so executives were being cautious. After seeing it work for a few years, they just stuck with it. Obviously just a theory but I have been racking my brain for any other events/cultural shift dating back to around that time and have come up blank.

Finally, for anyone wondering about 2024 it is looking to continue the same trend.
Well maybe TWDC can come away with simply, "making good movies makes money"

Movies can be squeals or originals or even the worst, 🤢 live action remakes.

I guess the only real requirement is they need to be good.

Lets hope they can get a few in a row 🤞

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
Yeah. The Hate Network™ definitely dropped the ball on this one. Heads will roll I'm sure.

Please stop. We’re all beyond tired of this.

Why not? Did you coin the phrase? I don’t know where it came from, but it’s stupid.
I mean if THN is responsible for movie failures, then failure of the THN has to be responsible for the movie successes. It only makes sense.
You’re not making any sense unless IO2 has a blip of a gay character, or they decided to make the main character black.

Those people see this as a “win.” “We forced Disney to make another straight white movie.”

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