This is an interesting topic to be sure. I'm surprised by how many folks here are so worried about it.
But if you use that template to any job a human has traditionally done, what makes voiceover work so special?
Why does a voice actor working on TV commercials or Disney movies get preferential treatment over a steelworker in Pittsburgh or an assembly line worker in Detroit or a lady wiring a new Whirlpool refrigerator in Iowa? All of those jobs have, and are, actively being outsourced to cheaper foreign (and often Communist) countries or being automated fully into oblivion.
Not to mention the jobs humans used to do that were simply replaced because the new technology was faster, better, smarter than any human could ever be.
An email from the boss to the team is infinitely easier and faster and more efficient than a stenographer taking dictation, then typing out a memorandum on a Selectric, then sending it to the Mimeograph department for duplication, so the mail room boy could distribute it to all department heads the next day. Three humans no longer needed, replaced by a single email.
After 300 years of technological change and progress, why would the voice of a cartoon squirrel be sacrosanct?