Disney (and others) at the Box Office - Current State of Affairs


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't we be getting official box office predictions for The Marvels around now from trade sources? I'm a little surprised they kept the November 10 release date and didn't move up to Nov 3 when Dune 2 vacated in order to get more separation from the late November films.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Shouldn't we be getting official box office predictions for The Marvels around now from trade sources? I'm a little surprised they kept the November 10 release date and didn't move up to Nov 3 when Dune 2 vacated in order to get more separation from the late November films.
I could be wrong, but I believe Box office tracking usually starts when presales start, about a month out. So we won't get any predictions until probably around the second week in Oct.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
Only 80M. Well it looks like 20th Century Studios knows how to make a movie without spending 200, 250, 300 Million like Disney does.

At 80M, this movie is guaranteed to make money from the box office alone.

Disney should learn how to make movies like 20th Century Studios does it.
The Creator was greenlit under Disney after they took control of 21CF.

So that budget was set by Disney as its all the same company, just different studios within the same company.


Well-Known Member
The Creator has looked very intriguing and interesting to me. It's a movie I want to see. However, I am guilty as charged and don't see movies in theaters very much. 20-30 years ago, this movie could have been the start of a new franchise. Now, it's just another new product that nobody gives a chance.


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't we be getting official box office predictions for The Marvels around now from trade sources? I'm a little surprised they kept the November 10 release date and didn't move up to Nov 3 when Dune 2 vacated in order to get more separation from the late November films.
Wonder if they’re sweating bullets over this one.


Well-Known Member
The Creator has looked very intriguing and interesting to me. It's a movie I want to see. However, I am guilty as charged and don't see movies in theaters very much. 20-30 years ago, this movie could have been the start of a new franchise. Now, it's just another new product that nobody gives a chance.
Which is a shame since this looks to be thoughtful Sy-Fy that seems designed for the big screen… not saying you, but when certain people complain they only produce franchise movies…I hope they remember this film which they did not support…happens all the time

For example people complain that they don’t make great comedies anymore and I am thinking Joyride is sitting right there


New Member
The Creator has looked very intriguing and interesting to me. It's a movie I want to see. However, I am guilty as charged and don't see movies in theaters very much. 20-30 years ago, this movie could have been the start of a new franchise. Now, it's just another new product that nobody gives a chance.
It would’ve been a big hit in the 80s


Well-Known Member
Its been mentioned a bunch of times in various threads, including this one when it was discussed about Disney's future releases last month which you even go in on and acknowledged it.

I must have forgotten about that, and/or the rather striking visuals of the preview I saw on the plane took me by surprise as something coming from a non-flagship studio. It looks more Lucasfilm than 20th Century to me.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Tonight on a typically horrible United Airlines flight to San Diego, I learned via the seatback screen that this weekend's upcoming move The Creator is actually from 20th Century Studios. That means it's a Disney movie!

I don't remember us discussing that a month or so ago when we tallied the remaining films from Disney studios during 2023.



Well-Known Member
Thursday box office is in for the preview showings of The Creator. It did $1.6 Million in ticket sales on Thursday.

Variety is saying today the the opening weekend domestic box office for The Creator is estimated to be $16 to $19 Million.

A Haunting In Venice has slipped down into 5th place heading into its 3rd weekend.

Creator Preview.jpg



Well-Known Member
I have mixed feelings on the Creator. It's a very well-made movie, with a nice visual style, thought-provoking ideas, excellent worldbuilding and solid performances. But I don't think the emotional beats quite landed for me the way the movie intended. I also think this movie came out at the wrong time. If it were released 5 years ago, I think people would be much more willing to embrace a film that equates Artificial Intelligence with humanity.

But in an era when people are going on strike because they fear their jobs will be replaced by A.I., having an entire movie be about how A.I. should be a protected class and how mean/bigoted humans are for wanting to wipe out A.I. seems commercially questionable.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
I have mixed feelings on the Creator. It's a very well-made movie, with a nice visual style, thought-provoking ideas, excellent worldbuilding and solid performances. But I don't think the emotional beats quite landed for me the way the movie intended. I also think this movie came out at the wrong time. If it were released 5 years ago, I think people would be much more willing to embrace a film that equates Artificial Intelligence with humanity.

But in an era when people are going on strike because they fear their jobs will be replaced by A.I., having an entire movie be about how A.I. should be a protected class and how mean/bigoted humans are for wanting to wipe out A.I. seems commercially questionable.
I disagree, I think its very timely as some of the main themes within the movie is the fear of AI taking over and replacing humans. Which is a great fear right now about AI's emergence in a lot of sectors of our economy.

I do agree its a very well made movie, and shows what Gareth Edwards could have done with Star Wars had he been given full control. I think it also shows that a blockbuster VFX heavy movie can be done relatively inexpensively. So hoping that Disney uses his style of shooting the whole movie before getting VFX involved for all future movies especially Marvel and Lucas projects.


Well-Known Member
I disagree, I think its very timely as some of the main themes within the movie is the fear of AI taking over and replacing humans. Which is a great fear right now about AI's emergence in a lot of sectors of our economy.
Oh I agree it's timely, but I just don't know if it's timely in a way that people who hate/fear A.I. will want to show up to support the movie. 5 years ago, the movie would be less relevant, but I also suspect more people would be onboard with the pro-A.I. messaging.


Well-Known Member
The Friday box office for The Creator was weaker than forecast. Instead of heading towards the $20 Million opening weekend that Disney had gone on record hoping for, it's now headed for a $14 Million opening weekend domestically.

A horror movie and a family animated film called "Paw Patrol" beat The Creator handily at the box office on Friday.

A Haunting In Venice has now fallen quickly to 7th place in its 3rd weekend. Looking at the trendlines and their respective budgets, both Venice ($60 Million budget) and The Creator ($80 Million budget) will likely lose money at the global box office for 20th Century Studios.

Creator Saturday.jpg



Well-Known Member
I have mixed feelings on the Creator. It's a very well-made movie, with a nice visual style, thought-provoking ideas, excellent worldbuilding and solid performances. But I don't think the emotional beats quite landed for me the way the movie intended. I also think this movie came out at the wrong time. If it were released 5 years ago, I think people would be much more willing to embrace a film that equates Artificial Intelligence with humanity.

But in an era when people are going on strike because they fear their jobs will be replaced by A.I., having an entire movie be about how A.I. should be a protected class and how mean/bigoted humans are for wanting to wipe out A.I. seems commercially questionable.

Oh my gosh, you're kidding?! That's the plot? That Artificial Intelligence is a sympathetic cause and deserves to be a protected class from HR? :eek: :banghead: :eek:

I had no idea. I didn't watch the trailer, but I've seen the TV commercials and somehow I assumed that the plot was that A.I. is evil and will lead to human misery, even when A.I. is wrapped up in the body of a cute little kid.

But Disney went the opposite way with this? That makes me think they knew this was going to be a problem and crafted the commercials to purposefully hide that "A.I. = Good and Humans = Bad" plotline. Yikes.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Oh my gosh, you're kidding?! That's the plot? That Artificial Intelligence is a sympathetic cause and deserves to be a protected class from HR?
No, not at all what the movie's about.

But thanks for interpreting it as woke cause from just a tiny bit of info. You should rant about it on a YouTube video.

If you want to know what the plot is, almost every move made has a plot breakdown on Wikipedia.



Well-Known Member
No, not at all what the movie's about.

But thanks for interpreting it as woke cause from just a tiny bit of info. You should rant about it on a YouTube video.

I don't have a YouTube video channel to rant on, nor do I want one. That's why I'm here. 🤣

Is this not an accurate summary of the film? Did @Ghost93 unwittingly misrepresent the plot here?

If it were released 5 years ago, I think people would be much more willing to embrace a film that equates Artificial Intelligence with humanity.

But in an era when people are going on strike because they fear their jobs will be replaced by A.I., having an entire movie be about how A.I. should be a protected class and how mean/bigoted humans are for wanting to wipe out A.I. seems commercially questionable.


Well-Known Member
No, not at all what the movie's about.

But thanks for interpreting it as woke cause from just a tiny bit of info. You should rant about it on a YouTube video.

If you want to know what the plot is, almost every move made has a plot breakdown on Wikipedia.

He was quoting something I said. I don't think the movie is "woke" but I do think the movie being pro-A.I. on the surface will rub some people the wrong way.

I think the movie was intended to use A.I. as a metaphor for how people treat other groups of people, but I think — from a commercial standpoint — using A.I. for that metaphor was maybe not the best choice.

Again, I didn't hate the Creator and am glad I saw it. I want original sci-fi to succeed. I just don't see the film being a major success in this current climate when so many are fearful about artificial intelligence.

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