Disney After Hours Event


DVC Guru
Premium Member
How is this a failure or a cut? They scheduled it for 7 nights, and it ran for 7 nights. I always viewed it as a test.

Test completed. We'll see if it returns and in what form.
Because a certain segment here wants everything that Disney does right now to be a failure, so that their attitudes can be justified.


Well-Known Member
How is this a failure or a cut? They scheduled it for 7 nights, and it ran for 7 nights. I always viewed it as a test.

Test completed. We'll see if it returns and in what form.

Given how they had to give away the majority of tickets to the "events" in order to get folks to go, and other anecdotal evidence from those in the know, it assuredly wasn't a success.


DVC Guru
Premium Member
Given how they had to give away the majority of tickets to the "events" in order to get folks to go, and other anecdotal evidence from those in the know, it assuredly wasn't a success.
So obviously every single decision that you have made in your entire life has been just the perfect decision, and you have never made a mistake. Got it.


A Long Time DVC Member
Because a certain segment here wants everything that Disney does right now to be a failure, so that their attitudes can be justified.

You are so right. I think there are many that want everything that Disney does to fail so they can say, told you so. Disney tested this and it was not a success. Moving on to something else.


Well-Known Member
How is this a failure or a cut? They scheduled it for 7 nights, and it ran for 7 nights. I always viewed it as a test.

Test completed. We'll see if it returns and in what form.
It's a failure because it did not live up to their expectations. It doesn't take more then two brain cells to know this was their attempt to see if people would basically for extra magic hours. No they may not get rid of them now but if they can charge for them then you better believe they would. They could not even sell a fraction of their goal and had to give tickets away. Sorry that is a failure and yes I hope they learned it the hard way.


DVC Guru
Premium Member
I do not think that is true. I think there are many that want everything that Disney does to fail so they can say, told you so. Disney tested this and it was not a success. Moving on to something else.

It's a failure because it did not live up to their expectations. It doesn't take more then two brain cells to know this was their attempt to see if people would basically for extra magic hours. No they may not get rid of them now but if they can charge for them then you better believe they would. They could not even sell a fraction of their goal and had to give tickets away. Sorry that is a failure and yes I hope they learned it the hard way.
Hmm, so you were in the planning meetings where they were detailing exactly how a "success" would be measured? Was it at 500 tickets sold? 1000? 2000? And how is it learning "the hard way"? Businesses try new things all of the time that don't work, and they learn and move on. We'll have to wait and see what they try next. Some things work, some don't, but to gloat over the fact that this wasn't a "success" as determined by you means nothing.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, so you were in the planning meetings where they were detailing exactly how a "success" would be measured? Was it at 500 tickets sold? 1000? 2000? And how is it learning "the hard way"? Businesses try new things all of the time that don't work, and they learn and move on. We'll have to wait and see what they try next. Some things work, some don't, but to gloat over the fact that this wasn't a "success" as determined by you means nothing.
I don't Remeber the hard numbers so someone will have to find them but let's say for discussion sake the ticket cap was 3000. They did not even reach 1000 on any one night if I recall corrextly. There is no way to spin that as a sucuess. They were not giving out discounted tickets and free tickets from the goodness of their hearts.

Look I get it i really do. Disney has been my happy place for many years and when I started here I did not believe the negative about Disney either. Yet it gets worse and I cannot play stupid and pretend it isn't happening.


DVC Guru
Premium Member
I don't Remeber the hard numbers so someone will have to find them but let's say for discussion sake the ticket cap was 3000. They did not even reach 1000 on any one night if I recall corrextly. There is no way to spin that as a sucuess. They were not giving out discounted tickets and free tickets from the goodness of their hearts.
I agree with that, but what I don't agree with is the apparent gloating by people here that something they tried didn't work as well as some may have expected it to. Waaaah. Walt tried many things that didn't work, and almost went bankrupt more than once because of it. But let the current regime try something, and a certain crowd here yells to the rafters that they hope it fails just to put egg on Iger's face. Yeah, that's real mature.

Look I get it i really do. Disney has been my happy place for many years and when I started here I did not believe the negative about Disney either. Yet it gets worse and I cannot play stupid and pretend it isn't happening.
When was the last time you went to WDW? I have been there 17 times just in the last 5 years (and I started going in 1978), the last time just a few months ago, and what the naysayers claim here about the condition of the parks is just plain wrong. They want it to be bad to justify their attitude.

Andrew C

You know what's funny?
Look I get it i really do. Disney has been my happy place for many years and when I started here I did not believe the negative about Disney either. Yet it gets worse and I cannot play stupid and pretend it isn't happening.

To me, it seems like they are on the ups compared to 5 years ago.


Well-Known Member
It's a failure because it did not live up to their expectations. It doesn't take more then two brain cells to know this was their attempt to see if people would basically for extra magic hours. No they may not get rid of them now but if they can charge for them then you better believe they would. They could not even sell a fraction of their goal and had to give tickets away. Sorry that is a failure and yes I hope they learned it the hard way.
Sounds like you have never run a business or a marketing test. Businesses learn from testing ideas, gathering results, and then evaluating those results.

If they had scheduled 7 nights and stopped it after 3 or 4, I would be the first to say that they were seeing results that they didn't expect. Scheduling 7 nights and letting all 7 nights execute was within their acceptable parameters for their test. They will take their results and learn from them.
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DVC Guru
Premium Member
Sounds like you have never run a business or a marketing test. Business learn from testing ideas, gathering results, and then evaluating those results.

If they had scheduled 7 nights and stopped it after 3 or 4, I would be the first to say that they were seeing results that they didn't expect to. Scheduling 7 nights and letting all 7 nights execute was within their acceptable parameters for their test. They will take their results and learn from them.
Exactly this ^^^^.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have never run a business or a marketing test. Business learn from testing ideas, gathering results, and then evaluating those results.

If they had scheduled 7 nights and stopped it after 3 or 4, I would be the first to say that they were seeing results that they didn't expect to. Scheduling 7 nights and letting all 7 nights execute was within their acceptable parameters for their test. They will take their results and learn from them.
Would it be a reasonable conclusion that if 10% of available tickets were sold the test was a failure? If 10% over tickets were sold for 7 events, would it not be a failure x7?


Well-Known Member
Marty Sklar ran Imagineering for decades. At a book signing the other week he said you can never be right 100% of the time. If something doesn't produce the results for which you were looking, consider it an experiment, not a failure and try again.

You can do market surveys and for argument's sake, let's say 75% of 25,000 people say sure, I'll pay $150 for 3 or 4 hours in an almost empty park. The only way to find out for sure is run the experiment. That's exactly what this was, an experiment. Now on to the next idea to separate the guests from more of their money.


DVC Guru
Premium Member
Would it be a reasonable conclusion that if 10% of available tickets were sold the test was a failure? If 10% over tickets were sold for 7 events, would it not be a failure x7?
But thats the problem. NO one here on these boards knows for sure EXACTLY what TWDC thought might be a failure or a success. Maybe there wasn't a true success/failure formula formed until after they see the real results. We can speculate all day long, and that is ALL anyone here is doing.


Well-Known Member
Would it be a reasonable conclusion that if 10% of available tickets were sold the test was a failure? If 10% over tickets were sold for 7 events, would it not be a failure x7?
Since you are not the tester, you don't know what the test parameters are, re budget, payroll, operating costs, how much management allowed for the test etc. You don't have enough info. There are too many variables.

For example, when doing a direct mail campaign, sometimes receiving a 2% response is considered a success, sometimes more is needed., again, depends on many variables.


Well-Known Member
So obviously every single decision that you have made in your entire life has been just the perfect decision, and you have never made a mistake. Got it.

Did you seriously just say that? ROFL.

Did your mommy and daddy come up with the idea for the "event"?

If not, you need to step outside more - that kind of defensiveness over the simple discussion of a business issue should not get you all mad, bro.

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