Dirty hotel rooms


New Member
I stayed in the Polynesian Resort this past weekend and when we got to our room it was very dirty. There was a large bag of trash in the room, used soap in the soap dish and shower and papers with hair stuck to it on the nightstand. At $300 + dollars a night we were disappointed to say the least. We call the front desk and the "kid" that answered said I am sorry and we cannot do anything till morning. The next morning we spoke with the manager and she was very nice and gave us %50 off the stay.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
I have stayed at the resorts many times and never have had this happen, especially not at the Polynesian. Has anyone else had this happen to him or her during their stay?<o:p></o:p>


Well-Known Member
One time in the last 3 years we checked into Pop Century and there were literally dust chains hanging from the lights to the floor and all down the walls behind the bed. Food was on the floor under the beds (Cheetos),clipped nails on the floor. WE called Housekeeping and they sent a manager who brought a maid and they went over every inch of the room. She also said we would be on the VIP cleaning list for the rest of our stay. That meant that we got a new shower curtain and the sheets were changed daily - which we did not need. I have seen while in years past (many years past but I wont tell you how old I am), WDW rooms were spic and span, like on a cruise ship - now, I am happy if the sheets are clean!
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Jo DeVil

Well-Known Member
I think I am going to start a new thread it might not be as popular " I arrived at my Disney Hotel and the room was perfect" LOL !
No joking aside we are in the (I'm Hoping) majority. We have never had a dirty room, Mousekeeping have always been prefect. I have rung Mousekeeping to get extra coat hangers, etc and they have always arrived in a timely fashion.
I know when you have paid for something you want the best, but I look on it that there are what about 1200 rooms in the B&Y C and if one is not up to standard that's not bad odd's, But I do know if I had a problem I would want the right response, with a solution when I reported it. Which I think this is all what most people want. TTFN Jo
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New Member
We had issues staying at the POP last December. We had checked-in that morning over the phone, but due to a delayed flight we didn't arrive till around 2PM. When we opened the door, we discovered that the room was not handicap-accessible and upon further inquiry, that our room had been given away to someone else and that there were no more handicap-accessible rooms on property available. After a few hours of phone calls and waiting, we were able to get a portable toilet but it made the whole room stink the entire vacation. When trying to inquire about it while still on-property, the response was basically "why are you complaining?". We sent several letters after arriving home, but still got no response. Now that my mother's condition has worsened this year, she won't be able to shower without a handicap bathroom. It seems at the value-resort level, you are SOL if your room is dirty, smelly, or not handicap-accessible even if you requested one and need it.
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Well-Known Member
And I will empahsize that the time to complain is while you're still in the hotel. If you wait until you get home, then call to complain about whatever it was, you have no credibility, and the hotel really has no effective way to make it right.

Agreed - and if you are in the hotel - DON'T just call from your room, it's easy to ignore - walk down to the front desk and don't leave until you get results.
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Well-Known Member
I realize that most of this thread is over six years old,but these are the very examples that makes me go "yes, we will take the RV." I know if there is hair on the sheets or floor or wherever it came out of my head!
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Rescue Ranger

Well-Known Member
When we checked into Riverside a few weeks back, lights were burnt out, bathroom floor areas were all dirty and there was a big stain on the bed. NO excuses. Years back, this was unheard of on Disney property.

Eventually they switched our rooms, but that should not have to happen.
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Well-Known Member
My aunt and I both had similar experiences at the Polynesian, and it was a little dirty at the Wilderness Lodge as well. At the Poly, we were at the end of the hallway, and a bag of trash sat outside our door for days. Not inside the room, I know, but close enough, and eww. Also the light fixture cover in the toilet area fell off and almost hit my dad. I complained when I got home and they sent a letter for 10% off our next stay at the Poly. No good unless I can use it over my AP discount. :\
The trash left outside the rooms is a problem!:( The Poly truly needs some attention! More trash cans need to be placed somewhere in or around the longhouses.:(
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Well-Known Member
The part in the thread about the lizards is too funny!:eek: There are lizards, frogs, and insects all over the place! It's Florida!;) I never had one in my room though.:D
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Ivory Tower Squabble EST 2011. WINDMILL SURVIVOR
The trash left outside the rooms is a problem!:( The Poly truly needs some attention! More trash cans need to be placed somewhere in or around the longhouses.:(
I noticed this as I walked through the Poly in April. The wood of the buildings very faded from our last trip. It is just getting that very old and worn look throughout the resort.
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Well-Known Member
The part in the thread about the lizards is too funny!:eek: There are lizards, frogs, and insects all over the place! It's Florida!;) I never had one in my room though.:D
I had a dead lizard in my room at WLV. I had a live one in OKW and one that snuck in with my me at CBR. I tried to catch and free the OKW and CBR ones, but to no avail. Never saw them again, either. Wonder if housekeeping to them or what.
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Well-Known Member
housekeeping isn't 24hrs and if there are no more rooms... you can be screwed.

That's not true. The majority of housekeepers work from 8-5:30 which is when the majority of rooms are serviced for the day. That being said there is a crew of housekeepers/maintenance people on 24hrs a day. It just may take longer for them to get to you if they are say, cleaning another rm. when you call and complain about your room.

As far as those of you that think that stomping your way down to the front desk and yelling and screaming is the best way to get something done I can assure you, it is not. Yes, as guests you should be afforded at the BARE MINIMUM, a clean room and if you are not given that have every right to be upset. That being said, mistakes happen. Everyone working on property is only human, computer systems will be computer systems and things do happen. Should you be the unlucky one that it happens to, I DO recommend you come down to the front desk. When you go to the front desk, calmly explain the situation to the CM (at this point, there is no need to get a manager or supervisor, the CM is COMPLETELY empowered to fix the problem for you). If you happen to get a CM that looks like a deer in headlights at the end of your story, then ask for a supervisor. FD supervisors are the ones out on the desk in the dark blue jackets. They are easily as competent as managers, sometimes more so and have completely authority to fix the situation however they see fit. There are few things that a supervisor cannot do that a manager can and if these are requested by the supervisor of the manager more often than not they are accommodated. If at that point you still feel like your situation hasn't been handled correctly, of course ask for a manager. That's what they're there for. The key to this all is to stay calm. Yes, you can be upset but the calmer you are with us throughout the whole process the more likely we will be willing to bend over backwards to help you. The second you start yelling, we'll do what we can to make it right (ex. rm change, cleaning, etc.) and that's probably it.

Of course, if you any type of assistance that requires a manager AFTER midnight, there is only one manager on duty for the entire resort. This is when patience really comes into play. They haven't forgotten about you and do want to help you. That being said, you have no idea what they're dealing with when you call them. They could be dealing with a 911 emergency on the other side of the resort.

As I said, you have every right to a clean room and should get one every time. Just some insight from the other side of the front desk when things go wrong and how to best handle it. =)
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