Dinosaur, WDW's most underrated ride?


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In the end Dinosaur's standards are so far above Dinoland in any shape or form. Dinoland is crap and we all know it. If u want to support Dinoland then head over to your local Six Flags because you are obviously wasting money visiting WDW for the wrong reasons. :dazzle:


Well-Known Member
It's not underrated... it's underachieving from what it could be.

Many of the effects don't run.. it's mostly 'beat you up in the dark' instead of let you see what you are going through.

It's a great building and load station.. with an amazing ride system.. that is completely wasted in the ride. Once you see what the attraction REALLY can be - Indiana Jones in Disneyland - you'll never look at Dinosaur the same again.

Um, I kinda hated the Indiana Jones ride, all 3 times I've been on it (been to DL 3 times and rode it once each trip). However, Dinosaur is my favorite ride in all of WDW! LOVE the ride system (yes I'm aware indiana jones has the same ride system, but the rest of ride is lacking for me), the loading area, the degree of animatronics, the effects on all your senses and the feeling of being completely immersed in that world... and I just love dinosaurs in general.

I'm sure there are several things not working and so many comments of "if only" and "at one time" but, to me, those don't hinder the experience. If you focus on the negatives of what could have been, then of course you'll completely miss what's there. I prefer to ride it and think, wow what an amazingly unique attraction. :xmas:


Well-Known Member
The very first time I rode Dinosaur, was when it was called Countdown to Extiction...and I had no idea what I was in for, or what to expect...and it was a Wow! of an experience...so immersive, scary, and well crafted.

The last three times I have been on it, in subsequent trips, I was too busy cringing from the loud sounds, and the pain of being tossed around the vehicle, that I barely noticed the lack of some of the early cool effects...but I DID notice.

It's like they run the ride with the barest of essentials now, and with the maximum bouncy movement.

I really want to like this ride. I still prefer it to the Jurassic Park ride, but it could be so much better than it is now, with just a few fixes.


Well-Known Member
I really want to like this ride. I still prefer it to the Jurassic Park ride, but it could be so much better than it is now, with just a few fixes.

I am exactly the opposite, and I think that is part of my issue with the ride. Jurassic Park (movie and book) captured my imagination, and my first experience of the ride down the road at IOA back in like '04 was so amazing for me (in fact, before Potter, the JP section was my favorite Island for the music alone). JP and its ultra-realism (stylistically and immersion-wise) makes the more cartoonish nature of the Dinosaur characters and the fake environment seem...kitschy to me. Of course, I also think that part of it is the nature of trying to create an "open space" environment inside a partitioned warehouse. And the final cherry on top for me is how much it seems to rely on black lighting for the environment and some of the animals.

Also, the "spotlighting" comment mentioned earlier is one I get, and completely agree with.


Well-Known Member
Um, I kinda hated the Indiana Jones ride, all 3 times I've been on it (been to DL 3 times and rode it once each trip). However, Dinosaur is my favorite ride in all of WDW! LOVE the ride system (yes I'm aware indiana jones has the same ride system, but the rest of ride is lacking for me), the loading area, the degree of animatronics, the effects on all your senses and the feeling of being completely immersed in that world... and I just love dinosaurs in general.

I'm sure there are several things not working and so many comments of "if only" and "at one time" but, to me, those don't hinder the experience. If you focus on the negatives of what could have been, then of course you'll completely miss what's there. I prefer to ride it and think, wow what an amazingly unique attraction. :xmas:

Um wow...you are definitely in the minority here. Indy is my favorite ride at any of the Disney parks at the moment. Every time I ride it i feel completely immersed in the ride, its queue line and surroundings...and the music...oh yes classic John Williams Indy theme!
Dinosaur is still fun, in my opinion, and the EMV ride i rode first, but Indy far exceeded my expectations with its special effects and sets and animatronics. Some of the dinos on Dinosaur are cool...like the chasing Carnotaur, but in the long run Dinosaur doesn't even come close to holding a candle to the Indiana Jones Adventure.


Absolutely one of the best! I prefer it over Expedition: Everest actually. Every year we go and my mom forgets whether she likes the ride or not, and then we end up riding it 2 or 3 times. It's a great dark ride!


Well-Known Member
Um wow...you are definitely in the minority here. Indy is my favorite ride at any of the Disney parks at the moment. Every time I ride it i feel completely immersed in the ride, its queue line and surroundings...and the music...oh yes classic John Williams Indy theme!
Dinosaur is still fun, in my opinion, and the EMV ride i rode first, but Indy far exceeded my expectations with its special effects and sets and animatronics. Some of the dinos on Dinosaur are cool...like the chasing Carnotaur, but in the long run Dinosaur doesn't even come close to holding a candle to the Indiana Jones Adventure.

I'm used to being in the minority lol Just like Animal Kingdom is my favorite park (Epcot being my least by far). I could spend a whole day at AK and easily a half day at Epcot. But that's beside the point. I'm sure if I took a step back and really concentrated on both rides in all their detail, both rides are equally awesome. There is just something special about Dinosaur that puts it above IJA, probably more personal reasons than technical, but that's where I'm coming from :xmas:


It has to be one of my favorite rides, on my trip this past March I had road it about 10 times non stop with my girlfriend through out the day I enjoy it every time

I remember when AK opened, it was one of the best rides. Since EE opened it's lost it's stature. I love it. The ride is great, the pre show is decent, the cue line into the time rover loading is one of the best looking theme areas.
It still can have long waits, especially when shows let out. Just come back later...


Well-Known Member
This attraction is forever embedded into my memory as being AWESOME! I rode it in 1998 when my parents took their first ever vacation in their married lives. I heard things about it while working at the Magic Kingdom, so I thought this would be a ride my mom would like, not too bumpy and not too jerky. Boy was I wrong! LOL we rode this ride and I laughed the entire time at my mom sitting there screaming...it was priceless! I honestly did not know what the ride was like, or I would have shyed away from it! But she had a good time and when we were exiting, I looked at her and asked, "Look Mom, there's no line...do you wanna go again!?" To that she answered a quick but stern, "NO!"


Well-Known Member
I am going to be in the minority on this, but I didnt love it. This wasnt one of those times where I had high expectations and the ride did not meet it. I took a chance and it was just ok..... Gimme splash anytime.


Premium Member
Totally agree with this. Backstory, Shmackstory.

There are actually tons of details in the land if you paid attention to the 'backstory, shmackstory'. But instead most people act like these things are just by chance or something. There is great attention to detail which is what normally differentiates a Disney attraction.

The difference here is simply the theme doesn't resonate with guests and the asphalt doesn't help in the FL heat.


Well-Known Member
There are actually tons of details in the land if you paid attention to the 'backstory, shmackstory'. But instead most people act like these things are just by chance or something. There is great attention to detail which is what normally differentiates a Disney attraction.

The difference here is simply the theme doesn't resonate with guests and the asphalt doesn't help in the FL heat.

I know all about the backstory and the details - that doesn't mean I have to like it.


Well-Known Member
When its effects are working (ha ha ha) Dinosaur is underrated, because it's unfairly compared to Indiana Jones. Do we compare IASW and POTC just because they both use boats? I love the huge scale of Indiana Jones, and I love the psychological terror of Dinosaur. Why not enjoy both? :shrug:


Premium Member
I know all about the backstory and the details - that doesn't mean I have to like it.

Just because you don't like it doesn't make it less significant or change what it is or why. It means it doesn't work for you - not that it doesn't exist or have value.


Well-Known Member
I rode this ride for the first time last fall. My 20 year old son and his grilfriend rode it with me. All I can say is WOW. We had the time of our lives. I kept saying I can't believe I have never ridden this before. It is now at the top of my list for must do attractions at Animal Kingdom (not that there is a long list). I will definitely be a repeat rider. :)


Well-Known Member
To me, it's underrated for two reasons:

1. It's in perhaps the most hated of all WDW lands (even while knowing the backstory)

2. It's compared to Indy at Disneyland and not critiqued as it's own attraction. I think it's great. It's immersive, well themed, and thrilling. Everything that sets Disney apart.

Many argue that the effects don't work much of the time but everything looked fine to me on my last two trips this year...


Well-Known Member
I like Dinosaur. My husband found it beat him up too much. Since we ask to sit in the middle of the car, he has found it much more enjoyable. The ride is kind of out of the way. But then, I find most of Animal Kingdom hard to navigate. The Magic Kingdom has a much better flow and much easier to get around then any of the parks.

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