Um, I kinda hated the Indiana Jones ride, all 3 times I've been on it (been to DL 3 times and rode it once each trip). However, Dinosaur is my favorite ride in all of WDW! LOVE the ride system (yes I'm aware indiana jones has the same ride system, but the rest of ride is lacking for me), the loading area, the degree of animatronics, the effects on all your senses and the feeling of being completely immersed in that world... and I just love dinosaurs in general.
I'm sure there are several things not working and so many comments of "if only" and "at one time" but, to me, those don't hinder the experience. If you focus on the negatives of what could have been, then of course you'll completely miss what's there. I prefer to ride it and think, wow what an amazingly unique attraction. :xmas: