Dining Plan or No Dining Plan....


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone! I'm heading to Disney in just TEN days! So excited, I know! I just called to put our last payment on our reservation and was told that we could go from our 30% discount to 50%! We also weren't eligible for any dining, but now we are. We can either get Quick Service for $18.99 each per day (6 days; 2 quick service meals and a snack), or Plus for $32.99 each per day (6 days; 1 table service, 1 quick service, and 1 snack).

The QS would end up being $227.88 for the two of us for the week, while the D+ would be $398.88. We don't really eat too much while we're out and about, but I love the idea of being able to stop and get a nice table service meal during our crazy days.

What do you guys think? Have you gotten the dining plan before? Was it worth it for you?

Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Hello there, and i hope you enjoy your upcoming visit!

I have used the Dining Plan before in the past, and at that time it seemed a good deal.
Now not so much.
It really depends on how much you think you will be eating daily...and how much planning ahead you wish to make to secure choice table service reservations. Being you are visiting in only 10 days, you may have difficulty getting reservations for the more in-demand table service locations..but do not let that deter you.

These days i tend to save more money not getting the plan.
The food you buy in the Parks in a controllable expense, while if you are on a Dining Plan you feel the need to get your moneys worth since it was all paid in advance.
Some travelers like that aspect, paying in advance, and it can help some better budget money for their trip. It can also be nice to pay for everything in advance without having to worry about budgeting more money for food expenses. It has a upside in some respects, but over the past few years i think the Plan has lost a lot of its value.

One downside to the Dining Plan is you have to plot out and plan you meals in advance in many cases, exspecially if you want to dine at most table service locations. You find yourself planning your days based on what reservation times you have, instead of just wandering around and enjoying the Parks in a carefree way. Not being on a Plan frees you up tremendously...who wants to be on a schedule while on vacation anyway?

It really is up to you....but i can honestly say from many years experience that todays Dining Plan offers are not really money savers, at least not for me.
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Active Member
Our family loves the dining plan. If it is going to cost you about $400 I would do it. My wife and went in 2008 and we saved every receipt for meals and we spent over $700 easy. So I would do it. Also, it allows you to choose from so many resturants that you may not have tried. The only issue may be that you are so close to going that getting into some of the better places may be difficult.
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The only issue may be that you are so close to going that getting into some of the better places may be difficult.

That's the negative part of it. I've already tried looking up reservations and it seems almost EVERYWHERE is booked, and if it's not then the only times available are inconvenient. I think if we're going to go for it we may just do the quick service, then we don't have to worry about reservations. Haha.
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& We don't usually eat much while we're out, especially at theme parks. We went to Hershey Park over the summer and only stopped to eat once while at the park, we did grab something from the hotel later that night though. I feel like it'll either be a huge money saver or it just won't be worth it. I'll have to do more research.
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Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
Stitchrules brought up a great point i totally forgot about....

When i first used the Dining Plan some years ago, it was great to be able to try out all of these places i would have never have dined in otherwise, mainly due to the high prices. Some of the high-end table service places in EPCOT i was able to sample and came away with a clearer view of what i considered good. Places i thought would be fantastic...that i wanted to try out for years....i did on the Plan and discovered in the end i was glad i did not pay full price. Other places i tried out of curiousity and ended up loving..and still visit to this day.

Counter Service is quite nice...there is so much more at Disney now then just burgers and fries which makes this Plan still decent. I would go for it if you think it would work for you.
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When i first used the Dining Plan some years ago, it was great to be able to try out all of these places i would have never have dined in otherwise, mainly due to the high prices. Some of the high-end table service places in EPCOT i was able to sample and came away with a clearer view of what i considered good. Places i thought would be fantastic...that i wanted to try out for years....i did on the Plan and discovered in the end i was glad i did not pay full price. Other places i tried out of curiousity and ended up loving..and still visit to this day.

Counter Service is quite nice...there is so much more at Disney now then just burgers and fries which makes this Plan still decent. I would go for it if you think it would work for you.

I'm definitely considering it, especially since I looked up a few of the quick service menus and I'd easily be paying $12 per meal, if not more. I'm glad I have until the day before we get there to decide though, it definitely seems like a good idea, but I like that I have time to think about it.
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Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
& We don't usually eat much while we're out, especially at theme parks. We went to Hershey Park over the summer and only stopped to eat once while at the park, we did grab something from the hotel later that night though. I feel like it'll either be a huge money saver or it just won't be worth it. I'll have to do more research.

Kim, i think in your case you would be better off not doing a Plan since you do not usually eat many meals. Most meals at WDW are about $12 to $15 for Counter Service, and a little more for Table Service...with the fancier Table places being pricey. The official WDW website has a good overview of the price ranges. If you only have a meal or two while there each day, being on a Plan may end up being a extra cost you end up not needing.

On the opposite side....it might be a perfect fit.
Are you staying on property at a Disney Resort? If so, if you DO get a plan, the Counter Service Plan would probably fit your needs best. You would then be able to grab a meal at your Resort food court and also get one in the Parks. Snack credits can be used for lots of great things...and even food items such as Mickey Head Rice Crispy Treats that can be given as gifts to friends when you return home.
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Figments Friend

Well-Known Member
I'm definitely considering it, especially since I looked up a few of the quick service menus and I'd easily be paying $12 per meal, if not more. I'm glad I have until the day before we get there to decide though, it definitely seems like a good idea, but I like that I have time to think about it.

That is great...and you know better then me what will work better for you.
The last two times i used a Dining Plan, it was the Counter Service. The first time i used it, i felt like i was so downgraded...and expected to feel like i was missing out, as previously i had let myself be spoiled on the then regular Dining Plan that included Table Service and all extras, including tips. Now i was on the Counter Service, and was second guessing myself....thinking all i would be eating would be burgers and fries every day...yeck!
I ended up loving it ...as there are some truly wonderful counter service locations at WDW. Like i said previously, so much more is availible now then just fast food.
Now i would not bother going back to the regular, as i found out the CS Plan fit better at that time.
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real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
This year was our first time lucky getting free dining ( QS ) so having not to fork our money for food was a massive saving for the three of us,especially since we were there for 14 days & nights,would I buy the plan tho ? Probably not,because we would not have ate as much as we did.In the past we have split certain meals because they are so big,but with 84 credits not including our 2 snacks per person each day,we ate too much.We even had three ADRS at night to deal with..:(
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Well-Known Member
We always do the plan, but my family eats ALOT so it makes sense for us.
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Well-Known Member
I'm still debating about this myself. I have always got it in the past, but this next trip I think I make go with out. Like others have mentioned you tend to eat way too much. Normally I would not eat dessert every meal but it comes with it. I rather eat snacks throughout the park and not sit down for such big meals. I think you just have to do the math on what you normally spend on food in the past.
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Active Member
It depends on how much you eat. We have used it many trips, but like others have said, if you don't normally get dessert or eat a lot, it is not really worth it. If you do table service, you can go to more expensive restaurants and really get your money's worth.
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Well-Known Member
Since you are so close, I probably wouldn't do the table services. You can try walk ups but that's taking a chance. I'm sure you don't want to go from place to place to find a meal and then if you lose the credits that would stink. My family likes the dining plan and being able to have a sit down meal a day to relax and have it already paid for except for the tip.

If you do get the QS plan, it will save you. One QS is easily $15 but most times we have found that it ends up being closer to the $20 end. The portions are hearty and we always walked away full. (even with sharing the meals with our two youngest kiddos)

TEN days away? SOOO lucky!! Enjoy the decorations and ambiance and have a great time!! :)
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My family rarely ate in TS restaurants until we had the dining plan. We now have favourites we do each time. We are pretty big eaters though - routinely eat main course and dessert so the DP really works for us and gives good value.

As for getting a table - I found what worked for me on a previous imromptu trip was to go into the park and try to secure an afternoon reservation as soon as I arrived at the park in the morning. I would just go to the restaurant and I would say at least 80% of the time I got a table within an hour of my desired time. This was only for 2 people so I think that helped as well.
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Thank you all for your help and advice. I'm thinking that since I know we'd need to eat at SOME POINT during our day, the QS may be the way to go. Plus, we can use it at the resorts, so even if we aren't too hungry one day we can always use it for breakfast the next day. Haha. I'm definitely looking more into it though. Thank you again!
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Here's a NEW question though!
What kind of things can you get as a snack?
I know it says ice cream, single serve chips, soda, etc., but what ELSE?! I'd be perfectly happy with a Mickey ice cream, don't get me wrong, but I want to know what my options are! :p
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Plutos Pal

Active Member
We are not using the meal plan on our upcoming trip. Its just me and my wife this time. The kids are staying with grandma (gitty up). I was thinking about adding a meal plan when we book the next trip with the kids. I was wondering if any parents on the forum felt that it was worth it/not worth it with little kids (5 and 2).
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Well-Known Member
Here's a NEW question though!
What kind of things can you get as a snack?
I know it says ice cream, single serve chips, soda, etc., but what ELSE?! I'd be perfectly happy with a Mickey ice cream, don't get me wrong, but I want to know what my options are! :p

Most items under $4 are snack credits so things like pastries from bakeries like Kringla, Boulangerie Patisserie, Starring Rolls, and Main Street Bakery, sweets from places Karamel Kuche and Goofy's Candy Shop, cupcakes (!), fruit cups/fresh fruit, pretzels, frozen lemonade, Dole Whips and Dole Whip Floats, etc. Anything that can be used for a snack credit has a little symbol by it so you know what can and can't be used for a snack credit.
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