The dining plan is more flexible than many people realize. You can package multiple snack items - e.g. a bagel, bowl of fruit and orange juice at breakfast - and tell the cashier to charge it as a counter service meal. If you're there a week you may get sick of eating the breakfast entrees (pancakes etc.) every day and want something lighter. And we were barely able to use all of our counter service and snack credits, because the portions are so large we'd use 2 or at most 3 credits per meal for the 4 of us. If you can't share meals, or have an offensive lineman in the family, or drink alcohol, you'll have to pay out of pocket for one meal per day. We rarely paid out of pocket: once for alcohol, once so each kid could have his own ice cream sundae at Coral Reef, a few snacks at the water parks not covered by the dining plan, etc. Maybe $60 total. The dining plan, free for us, would have cost about $800, for 2 adults and 2 kids over an 8 night stay. The total menu prices of everything we charged to the dining plan was about $1050. It easily could have been hundreds more if the goal had been to extract full "value," e.g. by not charging kids' meals, using snack credits only for things priced at $3 or more, and intentionally ordering the most expensive meals (the St. Louis ribs at Flame Tree BBQ is the most expensive and best counter service meal I've seen at WDW).