Dining plan changes to KILL Free Dining???


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Original Poster
I cannot logically see the Free Dining happening again under the new plan -- if the changes occur. From all sides it sounds like a LOAD of trouble just waiting to happen.

Free dining where you are then required to tip hundreds of dollars out of pocket probably wouldn't sit well with guests. On the flip side, would free dining guests give a hoot about tipping? I doubt it. I'm sure that would mean much more "stiffing" in record numbers for servers.

So if the changes take place -- FARWELL FREE DINING -- WE HARDLY KNEW YOU.

:zipit: :cry: :mad: :(


New Member
A lot of people will still respond to the promotion because the word 'free' is in it.

Hopefully, though, going forward there will be less pressure to make all ADR's so far in advance.



Quite frankly I would love if they did away with the plan all together.

I miss the spontaneity of just walking up to the sit down restaurant you feel like eating at and getting right in or waiting very little time.

I girl can wish . . .


I sorta like the fact that tips are not included, if you get bad service from person and they know they are going to get their tip anyways there really is no incentive. Which now I would think the service level will go back up to the level we expect.



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't care if they didn't have free dining because I can never get it anyway. As a matter of fact, when I called to book a trip for this Sept. all of the value resorts were booked and only Coronado Springs was available for the Mods. I guess it's gonna be crowded, and it's all due to free dining. :rolleyes:


I sorta like the fact that tips are not included, if you get bad service from person and they know they are going to get their tip anyways there really is no incentive. Which now I would think the service level will go back up to the level we expect.


I agree with this (as a server myself), but I also think they should've lowered the prices more than $1. I think if I do the math now, it wouldn't be worth it for us to purchase the plan.


Active Member
Changing the dining plan in any way is terrible we love it and we have been to Disney one more time then normal because of it. And we always use Disney Dining now! It's a HUGE mistake to change anything!


I think it's horrible to complain about the the free dining option just because of you consider it an inconvenience to those who can't wait till the last minute to get a TS reservation. Are you serious? It's just a freaking restaurant! It's not like you can't just eat somewhere else, it's not causing you to miss rides and it's not the end of life as you know it. :brick:

As I've mentioned before, it's really nice for people (like my family) who can't just drive a couple hours to get there. I've read about families who are able to go an extra time when they wouldn't have ordinarily been able to, or families who can go for more than just a weekend, or for my family whereas we didn't know when the next time we would be able to afford it would be! Not all of us can live so close to DW that they can have the benefit of an AP or be able to drive down every other month.

My husband and I have saved up all year just to have 9 days there during this promotional period. Really, come on guys. it's only offered for what...two months? If you want an dining reservation that badly then go around it and let the not-so-fortunate people actually have a chance to get a great deal!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I think it's horrible to complain about the the free dining option just because of you consider it an inconvenience to those who can't wait till the last minute to get a TS reservation. Are you serious? It's just a freaking restaurant! It's not like you can't just eat somewhere else, it's not causing you to miss rides and it's not the end of life as you know it. :brick:

As I've mentioned before, it's really nice for people (like my family) who can't just drive a couple hours to get there. I've read about families who are able to go an extra time when they wouldn't have ordinarily been able to, or families who can go for more than just a weekend, or for my family whereas we didn't know when the next time we would be able to afford it would be! Not all of us can live so close to DW that they can have the benefit of an AP or be able to drive down every other month.

My husband and I have saved up all year just to have 9 days there during this promotional period. Really, come on guys. it's only offered for what...two months? If you want an dining reservation that badly then go around it and let the not-so-fortunate people actually have a chance to get a great deal!
Another nomination to take the wand's place for most complaints --



Another nomination to take the wand's place for most complaints --


Funny you said that, I was thinking that if I heard that they werte getting rid of free dining, it would make me just as happy as the wand going down.

Several of my friends are servers. They hate the free dining plan with a passion for multiple reasons which I won't get into here.

The menu selection has been lowered considerably.

The quality of food has gotten worse in many occasions.

It makes finding a TS restaurant, even a few days ahead of time, an impossible task.

If you actually make it to a TS restaurant during free dining, it feels like an assembly line. "Quick, choose one of these 4 uninspired items, eat, get out. Next."


Well-Known Member
I just got back from WDW about a month ago and didn't participate in the dining plan. I overheard servers talking with guests about how many full services meals they have left and how many counter service meals. Too complicated for me :) When I want to eat, I will eat whether it's at Cosmic Ray's or the 50's Prime Time and if a Dole Whip is calling out my name, then I'm answering the call :D I don't want to have to try and figure out how many snacks I have left and what constitutes a snack (and I was behind a guy on line at Captain Cooks who couldn't figure that out!) Just gimme the food :D


Active Member
I cannot logically see the Free Dining happening again under the new plan -- if the changes occur. From all sides it sounds like a LOAD of trouble just waiting to happen.

Free dining where you are then required to tip hundreds of dollars out of pocket probably wouldn't sit well with guests. On the flip side, would free dining guests give a hoot about tipping? I doubt it. I'm sure that would mean much more "stiffing" in record numbers for servers.

So if the changes take place -- FARWELL FREE DINING -- WE HARDLY KNEW YOU.

:zipit: :cry: :mad: :(

I mean I consider myself a generous tipper but hundreds of dollars for tips?????


Well-Known Member
I think the new changes would work in favor of Free Dinning. Don't forgot, your TS meals are included, but so are your snacks and CS meals... and I don't recall having to tip for those :rolleyes: Also, last year during Free Dinning, they offered the option to cash in your TS credits for 1 (or maybe 2) CS and a snack credit due to the lack of TS availability. If Disney just paid for my family of 6 to eat lunch at Seasons, snack in the WS, and a two course meal at Le Cellier, I think I would be a-ok leaving a couple bucks on the table.

I'm curious to see what Disney does next September to be honest. I'm not sure if losing a promotion like Free Dinning will work in there favor just yet. Guess we'll have to wait and see... but I'm personally fine either way. Had Free Dinning not become available, there were some great resort rates to take advantage of.

Don't let the Free Dinning promotion fool you this year either. Disney is offering almost a dozen promotions for the month of Sept, including resort codes, UK promotions, and of course Free Dining. Due to amount of promotions, it was obvious on the first day of being released to Disney Visa Card holders, that there was a very limited amount of rooms offered for Free Dinning compared to past years.


Active Member
We've never traveled during free dining just because the timing was not right for us. Even with paying for dining we do not do a sit down meal everyday. We plan (depending on length of trip) 2-4 sit down meals which require ADR's. I did experience what an earlier poster said about walking up to a restaurant and being turned away because we did not have an ADR. It was the final day of vacation and the first day of last year's free dining. We could not get a seat anywhere, Tony's, Sci-Fi, Mama Melrose's for example. These are all restaurants we have walked up to in the past on a whim and gotten a table with a minimal wait.


Add me to the list of people who would like to see the dining plan go away.
I've made 15 trips to the world and used the dining plan for the first time last year. My observations...

Hard to get ADRs, Even 4 months out and our trip was in Nov.

Confusing to guests and cast members, many of the cashiers at self serve restaurants and snack carts were confused about what was included and not included. Several cashiers openly complained about the DP during our visit.

Limited food choices at full service restaurants.

Poor service at full service restaurants, we saw a noticeable difference in service on several occasions throughout our stay. Servers knew they were getting a tip regardless of the service they provided and it showed!

Anyhow just my observations of the dining plan, we probably won't do it again. May it rest in peace.


New Member
Add me to the list of people who would like to see the dining plan go away.
I've made 15 trips to the world and used the dining plan for the first time last year. My observations...

Hard to get ADRs, Even 4 months out and our trip was in Nov.

Confusing to guests and cast members, many of the cashiers at self serve restaurants and snack carts were confused about what was included and not included. Several cashiers openly complained about the DP during our visit.

Limited food choices at full service restaurants.

Poor service at full service restaurants, we saw a noticeable difference in service on several occasions throughout our stay. Servers knew they were getting a tip regardless of the service they provided and it showed!

Anyhow just my observations of the dining plan, we probably won't do it again. May it rest in peace.

I agree with everything you said here! We were very disappointed with both the meal choices and the service on the DP. Our biggest problem was with our 11 yo son. He was sometimes hungry enough to eat an adult meal, but sometimes was not. If we tried to order him a kids' meal, because we'd already paid for an adult meal for him on the DP, it would totally confuse the waiter and the restaurant! It happened twice, and both times they literally did not know how to handle that situation.



I'd prefer to save the hundreds of $$ on the dining - this helps us go more often & use that money for shopping or extra nights. I gues I shouldn't be surprised - but how can you complain about FREE FOOD!!

If you know it will be busy then book ahead. We didn't have any problem booking ahead this year. We got every restaurant & time we wanted for our trip on the Free dining. My only complaint about the DDP is that it does take some of your freedom away & locks you into being at a restaurant at a certain time, but the savings can wonderful and over shadow the later.

I've also never had a problem with the service or food - found both to be the same wether it was free or not.

I will agree that sometimes stuff can be the same at many restaurants (especially the kids menu)- but remember they are cooking for the masses not just you or I.

My only complaint is that the age of children should be moved to 12 - I think 10 is a little young for the DDP to end for kids.

I'm a little disappointed to hear they have changed the DDP for the worse (in my opinion) - I liked that it was all inclusive (food drink, tax, tips). I'm also a little disappointed that they have lowered the price by $1 and remove the tips & apps - the $1 cost doesn't come close to covering the added cost you'd have to pay.

I think this may be a sure bet they will run FREE dining again next year - why?? Because they have cut the fat (pardon the pun) - made the person pay for the apps & tip.

If your child doesn't want an adult meal - then pay for a child's meal instead (usually a lot cheaper). You will then have a extra table meal to use later in the trip.

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