Digital Camera's and Disney

Mori Anne

Active Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Hi, I am a new person on WDWMAGIC.COM. I am buying a new camera for my upcoming disney trip, and I wonder what all you disney fans have had success or dissappointment with.

I have lots of questions to ask over the next few weeks, and I really appriciate any answers. This is my families first trip so any tips would be HIGHLY appriciated - even if it has nothing to do with the original post!!!! I highly value your opinions on disney and getting the best out of our Jan 3- Jan 11th trip.......


New Member

I bought a Fuji 5100 for my last Disney trip this past May. I couldn't be more happy. Easy to use, a point and shoot type of cam. It also takes fantastic movies with sound. The camera also has several features for advanced users but is so easy to use. Best Buy is where I purchased mine but I'm sure you can find it anywhere. I believe I paid $299.00 for it and that was almost 7 months ago. I'm sure they've come down in price since then. Good luck and enjoy WDW!!!!!


Active Member
I have an Olympus C500 which I purchased 2 years ago. It have 5 megapixels and takes great shots. I also purchased mine at Best Buy. It is a point and shoot type of camera with a telephoto feature. There is a whole forum section on cameras and photography and they were a huge help to me when I purchased my camera. Search for posts by photodave, he is very helpful. Welcome to the boards and congrats on your upcoming trip.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
It really all depends on how much you want to spend. The camera I have been using as of late is a Lumix DMC-FZ20 by Panasonic and I couldn't be more pleased. Super long zoom (10x) image stabilization, continuous shooting mode etc, but it currently priced about $400. I am planing on getting the newer model (DMC-FZ30) in a few weeks and it is selling for about $550.

Regardless of which camera you get there are 2 things that are essential and that is extra batteries and memory. If you camera uses AA batteries you will want to get good rechargeable batteries a quick charger and at least 1 to 2 extra sets of batteries. If your camera uses a proprietary battery (battery made only for that camera) you will definitely want to have at least one spare.

When it comes to memory you can never have enough. One of the great thing about digital is you can just shoot away without worrying about using up film. The bad side is that you need the memory capacity to hold it all. An 8 megapixel camera at maximum quality will fill up a memory card rather quickly.

If it is at all possible borrow a camera from a friend and take a ton of pictures with it using every feature you can. You will very quickly find what you like and don't like. A large determining factor in purchasing a camera is personal taste


offloading images from your camera

don't forget to take your laptop or lots of memory cards so you don't run into any capacity issues on your trip. Having to delete pic's would be a bummer!

t minus 2 weeks, 6 days until I am on my way to WDW!



Well-Known Member
I have a Kodak EasyShare DX6640 and its very easy to use. They no longer make this model, but all of the EasyShare cameras are easy to use... even my kids can use it and have great results). I also have the printer dock/charger.

I liked this camera because it has many auto functions and it also has manual settings for those more experienced. Listen to Master Yoda because he has given you some good tips.

You might want to head down to the Digital Media section - there is a wealth of information to be found. Also if you do a search on this subject you will find more threads. Have fun & good luck! :wave:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Master Yoda said:
Regardless of which camera you get there are 2 things that are essential and that is extra batteries and memory. If you camera uses AA batteries you will want to get good rechargeable batteries a quick charger and at least 1 to 2 extra sets of batteries. If your camera uses a proprietary battery (battery made only for that camera) you will definitely want to have at least one spare.
exellent advice masta'

seriously, spend the money on the big memory card. if you buy Sony like me, you can save major jack by buying the off brand (ScanSoft) for you memory card. i saved $100 when buying the 256mb card with the off brand. the irony is that Sony makes ScanSoft, so i refused to pay extra for the sony logo. now the camera is a different story....... be wise, the digital camera market is saturated.


Be sure to give yourself some time before your trip to use it and figure out all the types of settings you can use. We bought ours on a whim the night before our last trip and we were learning to use it as we went along. We probably could have had much better pictures had we learned the best way to use the camera. Have fun and enjoy your first trip the world!! :wave:


Once you decide on a camera, goto to read the reviews of it. You can get alot of insight based on those opinions.


Well-Known Member
Comosition... lighting.... Those are what makes a photo, not the camera.

Ive seen many pictures taken with a disposable camera turn out better than someone with a Digital Rebel....


executivechef said:
I bought a Fuji 5100 for my last Disney trip this past May. I couldn't be more happy. Easy to use, a point and shoot type of cam. It also takes fantastic movies with sound. The camera also has several features for advanced users but is so easy to use. Best Buy is where I purchased mine but I'm sure you can find it anywhere. I believe I paid $299.00 for it and that was almost 7 months ago. I'm sure they've come down in price since then. Good luck and enjoy WDW!!!!!

Quick question, I have been looking at this model and it's replacement. Did you take any night shots with it, and how did they turn out. This is one of the big features they show off with this model.



Well-Known Member
I started with a Nikon Coolpix 3200, which I loved, except for the fact that the movies had no sound (the newer models do now). If you're looking for a point-and-shoot, I highly recommend the Nikon series.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
oh yeh..... do your own research, dont buy the one that the employee of the camera store sticks in your face and gives you his best selling speak. i have a feeling those are the camera that arent selling and they are trying to push.


PhotoDave219 said:
Comosition... lighting.... Those are what makes a photo, not the camera.

Ive seen many pictures taken with a disposable camera turn out better than someone with a Digital Rebel....

Taking 14 shots of the same thing in 1 second can help too, right Dave? :lol:

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Laura22 said:
Taking 14 shots of the same thing in 1 second can help too, right Dave? :lol:
From my non professional perspective yes. I love continuous shooting mode especially when shooting fast action. When I was taking pictures of my girls in a karate tournament a few months ago I just held the button down and got some of the best action shots ever.


Master Yoda said:
From my non professional perspective yes. I love continuous shooting mode especially when shooting fast action. When I was taking pictures of my girls in a karate tournament a few months ago I just held the button down and got some of the best action shots ever.

Yeah yeah yeah - cheaters. :p :D


Active Member
I have a Canon Digital Elph I bought a little over a year ago. It is very small and easy to carry just about anywhere. I just wear cargo shorts and stick the camera in my pocket and I'm ready to go.

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