joshwill said:
I domt use rechargable batteries as I've found they don't last as long in the camera as non rechargable ones, eventhough I go thru a lot of them in a trip.
One thing I'd like to ask, does anyone know if there's anyplace in the parks that will take used batteries for recycling? I know disney is big into it and I would prefer that over tossing them in with the regular garbage.
NiMH (
Nickel-Metal Hydride) will easily outlast Alkaline batteries by 2x or 3x or longer. The problem is, when they run out of juice, they do it hard, no gradual decline in power like alkaline. The key to NIMH is buying the higher power models, which almost all are nowdays. A set of 1800-2400 mAh AA batteries will give you hundreds of pictures.
Also, if you recharge NIMH them 250-500 or more times, you just saved the landfill 100 pounds of batteries, and more than 3 pounds of mercury (possibly mroe depending on which batteries you use) that you would have used in Alkaline.
I can get anywhere from 250 - 1000 out of a full charged set of 4 NIMH AA in my DSLR camera. More without flash, less with
Battery Shootout (comparisons and info):
Quote from the article:
The final discovery came as no surprise at all: In digicam usage, even so-called "high capacity" disposable alkaline cells are pretty worthless. (Although a number of recent digital camera models do sip power pretty sparingly, at least compared to most older models.) You could easily spend the equivalent of a set of high-capacity NiMH rechargeables and good-quality charger in just a few weeks of use with disposable alkaline batteries.
You pay more for the batteries, about $15.00 or less for a really good set of NIMH, but after 3 charges they pay for themself. After 5 charges they pay for the recharger too... after 6 charges, you start to wonder why you ever bought alkaline in the past!
I recommend this charger, it has a 100minute quick charge COOL mode, which will make rechargables last much longer. Thomas Distributing also has really good prices! 8-10$ for 2300mAh battery 4packs.