Did the Bullet Train pass?


New Member
The name on my Dade county ballot was "derail the bullet train". I really fail to see that as missleading. The bullet train was a great idea, but an impracticle one. Americans do not have a public transportation mentallity.

The Mom

Premium Member
I'm afraid that there are only going to be more and more constitutional amendments on future ballots, so much so, that NO ONE will bother to read them all, so will either a. vote yes or no on all of them (most likely yes) or b. will only vote on one or two that have a direct impact on them, and ignore the rest.

So many things are being put on the ballot that should be dealt with in the legislature. The train was just one of them; it was largely defeated by people who originally voted for it, but were so dismayed by the length of time that had passed (plus increase in price) with no start of construction in sight, nevermind completion. You also have to understand that since the last vote, there have been some population shifts, with lots of new residents living in areas that would never benefit from this. At the moment, NE Florida is one of the growing areas, and we were probably never going to have a line this way at the rate things are going. (Aside from the fact that there isn't, as hurricane mentioned, enough interest in public transportation. We already have a multi-million dollar people mover that runs empty most of the time.)


MissM said:
PS: Yes, the way it was worded was horribly misleading. It wasn't Do you still want the high speed rail? which would have been an easy yes or no. It instead was Do you want to repeal the high speed rail? which can easily be misread.

I think there is actually a law where all amendments/propositions like this must be worded in the positive, meaning you can't vote yes for something you DON'T want. So they had to legally word the question "Do you want to repeal" rather than an easier form of the question so that it worked yes meant yes to rail.

That being said, I think it would have been a great improvement to the area.

corran horn

Well-Known Member
blue_dragon_192 said:
That admendment was confusing.
It was something like this.
This admentdment will repeal the admendment on having the high speed rail in Florida. :confused:

Here's the actual text (in Orange County anyway)

Repeal of High Speed Rail

This amendment repeals an
amendment in the Florida Con-stitution
that requires the Legis-lature,
the Cabinet and the
Governor to proceed with the
development and operation of a
high speed ground transporta-tion
system by the state and/or
by a private entity.

I just don't see how that's confusing. Pretty much all that's required is reading it to understand it.


Well-Known Member
The Mom said:
I'm afraid that there are only going to be more and more constitutional amendments on future ballots, so much so, that NO ONE will bother to read them all, so will either a. vote yes or no on all of them (most likely yes) or b. will only vote on one or two that have a direct impact on them, and ignore the rest.

So many things are being put on the ballot that should be dealt with in the legislature. The train was just one of them; it was largely defeated by people who originally voted for it, but were so dismayed by the length of time that had passed (plus increase in price) with no start of construction in sight, nevermind completion. You also have to understand that since the last vote, there have been some population shifts, with lots of new residents living in areas that would never benefit from this. At the moment, NE Florida is one of the growing areas, and we were probably never going to have a line this way at the rate things are going. (Aside from the fact that there isn't, as hurricane mentioned, enough interest in public transportation. We already have a multi-million dollar people mover that runs empty most of the time.)

Have you ever noticed, unless it is something that is highly promoted (casinos) most seem to pass in the area of 60-40........smoking was 60-40, the original high-speed rail was 60-40, the repeal high-speed rail was 60-40.....makes me wonder if 60% of the people just mark "yes", and 40% always mark "no".

The Mom

Premium Member
speck76 said:
Have you ever noticed, unless it is something that is highly promoted (casinos) most seem to pass in the area of 60-40........smoking was 60-40, the original high-speed rail was 60-40, the repeal high-speed rail was 60-40.....makes me wonder if 60% of the people just mark "yes", and 40% always mark "no".

You've got it. ;)


Active Member
Ding Dong The Train is Dead, The Wicked Train is Dead. :lol:

I am glad it is dead. But...the people who got it origianlly approved are not giving up. They will try other ways to get it built. I saw an article in the local paper today about how they will forge on with their campaign and try to get it built some other way.

Oh, by the way, approx $85 million dollars was spent on planning and designing, etc. since it was approved.

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