Well Grizz, you bring up an interesting point though. I wonder how much of the "real" decision-making Michael Eisner is involved in. Let's face it, he doens't make everyday decisions for the park operations. Obviously, there is a managment staff devoted for all of those decisions. But, you would think that there are certain things which require his "blessing", so to speak. It would be interesting to know where that line is drawn.
Having said that, as most of you who have read some of my posts know, I'm no fan of Mr. Eisner. But I also know he isn't responsible for the "sky falling" either. I would hope that he is kept abreast of day to day changes that are being made, as he ultimately is the one to "fall on his sword" when it all goes wrong. But this begs the question as to who is really running the show. Changes to pre-show music, live stage shows, removing AA's, removing popular attractions, minimal park hours. These are all things that he gets criticized for on a daily basis here. I am one of those who says that he is the Captain of the Ship. In reality he can't be held responsible for everything. But what I am really getting at when I speak on this subject is that the mgmt style currently in place with the Co., doesn't seem to fit at this time. And it's curious that there doesn't seem to be any concern on his part (Eisner) to make any "big" changes. Maybe that's due to self-preservation, or lack of interest. Either way, it's not good for the Co.