I can't help but notice that this event is listed as a "Gold Member exclusive" event this year. Has this always been the case? I've never attended Destination D23, but I seem to remember it being open to general members as well.
If this is the new policy, it definitely doesn't bode well for the D23 Expo next year. Every Expo, they've been trying harder and harder to upsell the Gold Membership.
I've commented to friends that it seems like Disney is slowly trying to push their biggest events into GM-exclusives, forcing you to get the Gold package in order to attend. I saw the writing on the wall with the recent introduction of the new "cheaper" Gold Member tier. So has it finally happened? If so, that just seems really gross. I understand they do this for smaller, more intimate events throughout the year, none of which I've been compelled to get the GM for. But to pay for a Gold Membership on top of the $200-$1,000 for a D23 ticket, and the only "perk" is the privilege to attend (not even a discount is offered to GMs anymore) and access to a special resting area? That really rubs me the wrong way.